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Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Days

로우 코드 도구를 활용하여 효율성을 창출하는 기술 역량을 구축하세요. Microsoft Learn에서 무료로 제공하는 심층 교육 이벤트에서 Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate를 통해 데이터를 분석하고, 사용자 맞춤형 앱을 구축하고, 워크플로를 자동화하세요.

Power Platform


Power Platform

적용된 필터:

10개의 검색 결과 중 1~10개

클립보드에 URL 복사

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Automate Your Business Processes

날짜 및 시간

10/10/2024 | 03:30 - 06:15 (GMT)

Event format 디지털

Event type 교육

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Automate Your Business Processes

날짜 및 시간

10/10/2024 | 09:00 - 11:45 (GMT)

Event format 디지털

Event type 교육

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Automate Your Business Processes

날짜 및 시간

10/10/2024 | 16:00 - 18:45 (GMT)

Event format 디지털

Event type 교육

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

날짜 및 시간

10/14/2024 | 09:00 - 12:45 (GMT)

Event format 디지털

Event type 교육

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

날짜 및 시간

10/21/2024 | 10:00 - 13:45 (CST)

Event format 디지털

Event type 교육

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Empower Everyone to Build Apps

날짜 및 시간

10/24/2024 | 03:30 - 06:30 (GMT)

Event format 디지털

Event type 교육

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

날짜 및 시간

10/29/2024 | 11:30 - 15:10 (SST)

Event format 디지털

Event type 교육

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Automate Your Business Processes

날짜 및 시간

11/08/2024 | 18:00 - 20:45 (GMT)

Event format 디지털

Event type 교육

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Empower Everyone to Build Apps

날짜 및 시간

11/22/2024 | 11:30 - 14:30 (SST)

Event format 디지털

Event type 교육

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

날짜 및 시간

11/28/2024 | 11:30 - 15:10 (SST)

Event format 디지털

Event type 교육

날짜 및 시간

OCT 10, 2024

03:30 - 06:15 (GMT)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Automate Your Business Processes

Event format 디지털

alt= 교육

Audience : Developers

날짜 및 시간

OCT 10, 2024

09:00 - 11:45 (GMT)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Automate Your Business Processes

Event format 디지털

alt= 교육

Audience : Developers

날짜 및 시간

OCT 10, 2024

16:00 - 18:45 (GMT)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Automate Your Business Processes

Event format 디지털

alt= 교육

Audience : Developers

날짜 및 시간

OCT 14, 2024

09:00 - 12:45 (GMT)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

Event format 디지털

alt= 교육

Audience : Developers

날짜 및 시간

OCT 21, 2024

10:00 - 13:45 (CST)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

Event format 디지털

alt= 교육

Audience : Developers

날짜 및 시간

OCT 24, 2024

03:30 - 06:30 (GMT)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Empower Everyone to Build Apps

Event format 디지털

alt= 교육

Audience : Developers

날짜 및 시간

OCT 29, 2024

11:30 - 15:10 (SST)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

Event format 디지털

alt= 교육

Audience : Developers

날짜 및 시간

NOV 8, 2024

18:00 - 20:45 (GMT)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Automate Your Business Processes

Event format 디지털

alt= 교육

Audience : Developers

날짜 및 시간

NOV 22, 2024

11:30 - 14:30 (SST)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Empower Everyone to Build Apps

Event format 디지털

alt= 교육

Audience : IT Professionals

날짜 및 시간

NOV 28, 2024

11:30 - 15:10 (SST)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

Event format 디지털

alt= 교육

Audience :
