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Кем бы вы ни были: разработчиком, ИТ-специалистом, партнером, преподавателем или представителем бизнеса, — мы в Microsoft создали огромное количество мероприятий, нацеленных на ваш дальнейший профессиональный рост. Ознакомьтесь с нашими мероприятиями и учебными программами, которые помогут вам получить новый опыт, освоить востребованные навыки и применять командный подход к решению задач.

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Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #3 – Fokus in der Verteidigung mit Microsoft 365 Copilot

Дата и время

03/03/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (WEST)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language German

Event type Обучение

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #3 – Fokus in der Verteidigung mit Microsoft 365 Copilot Florian, Assistent und unermüdlicher Verteidiger beim Copilot FC, kämpft mit einer Flut von Aufgaben und droht, den Überblick zu verlieren. Geht es Ihnen auch oft so? Sie jonglieren mit zahlreichen Aufgaben, und eine Priorisierung ist kaum mehr möglich? Werden Sie zum Copilot-Profi mit unserer neuen Webinarserie. In der dritten Folge von "Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training" am 03. März 2025 von 11:00-12:00 Uhr erleben Sie Microsoft 365 Copilot in Aktion: Wir zeigen, wie Sie Arbeitsabläufe strukturieren, Routineaufgaben automatisieren und ineffizienten Prozessen die rote Karte zeigen – das hilft auch Florian und seinem Team des Copilot FC! Denn Microsoft 365 Copilot bietet die perfekten Hilfsmittel, um sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren und effektiv zu delegieren: Priorisierung paralleler Anfragen und AufgabenAutomatisierung von Routine- und manuellen Aufgaben Überblick und Fokus für präzise Entscheidungen auch unter hohem Druck Konzentration auf die Strategie Erleben Sie in Folge 3 unserer fünfteiligen Serie, welche Rolle Fokus auch bei der Verteidigung im Fußball spielt. Wird Florian es schaffen, die Kontrolle zurückzugewinnen? In der nächsten Folge dreht sich alles um frische Impulse auf dem Mittelfeld. Bleiben Sie dran und werden Sie gemeinsam mit dem Team des Copilot FC zum Copilot-Profi! 

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Security Day

Дата и время

03/03/2025 | 12:00 - 17:00 (WEST)

Event format Очно

Event type Брифинг

Velkommen til en unik mulighet til å lære hvordan Microsoft Defender for Cloud kan styrke sikkerheten i din virksomhet! Sammen med våre partnere inviterer vi deg til en inspirerende og innsiktsfull dag hos oss i Microsoft. Vi vil utforske hvordan du kan beskytte tjenester på tvers av sky- og on-premises-miljøer. Våre partnere vil også presentere sin reise og deres bruk av Defender for Cloud. Hvorfor delta? Tilegn deg kunnskap om Defender for Cloud Lær av erfarne eksperter Hør hvordan norske virksomheter lykkes med sine sikkerhetsstrategierFå erfaringer fra både skybaserte og on-premises installasjonerBli kjent med partnere og kunder

Microsoft AI Tour Dublin

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 09:00 - 15:30 (GMT)

Event format Очно

Event type Брифинг

Join us in-person for Microsoft AI Tour in the Dublin Royal Convention Centre, on Tuesday, 4th March 2025. This free, one-day event, allows you to immerse yourself with the latest Microsoft Cloud and AI products and solutions to help you gain a competitive edge and solve your biggest challenges. AI Tour brings together decision makers and industry experts to unlock the potential of AI. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with thought leaders and explore the new paths forward. Who should attend: Senior leaders who are part of their organisation’s AI transformation, tech professionals and business decision makers. During this event, you’ll be able to: Get up close with real-world examples and demos on how to begin or continue your organisation’s AI transformation.Connect with industry experts, partners and your peers to learn best practices and key next steps in your AI journey.Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Here’s what to expect: Keynote delivery by Annie Pearl, Corporate Vice President (CVP) at Microsoft.Meet: Microsoft leaders who are leading the era of AI and get solutions your business can start using today.Connection Hub: Connect with experts in casual networking spaces to collaborate with other business leaders and industry experts to help solve your biggest challenges. Sessions: Deep dive into the topics that matter the most to you throughout the day. Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Get started at the Microsoft AI Tour in Dublin. *Please be advised that photography and video footage will be taken during this Microsoft event. By participating in this event, you consent to allowing Microsoft to use your image and likeness without the expressed written permission of those included in the photograph and video footage.ID is required for this event 

Copilot+PC & Microsoft Surface – en ny æra på PC-fronten!

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 09:00 - 13:30 (WEST)

Event format Очно

Event type Брифинг

Vi har gleden av å invitere deg til et eksklusivt seminar hvor vi dykker ned i de nyeste innovasjonene fra Microsoft Surface og våre Copilot+PC’er: kanskje den største revolusjonen på PC-fronten det siste tiåret! Copilot+PC representerer en revolusjon innen databehandling, med AI-drevne funksjoner lokalt på din PC som gjør deg smartere, raskere og mer kreativ. På seminaret vil du få en detaljert gjennomgang av hva disse maskinene kan gjøre, inkludert demonstrasjoner av de nyeste funksjonene som Recall, Cocreator, Restyle Image og Image Creator, pluss mye mer! Bærekraft og sikkerhet har vært i hovedfokus for designet av disse PC’ene, men en zero-trust-tilnærming i alle ledd, fra tegnebordet til avvikling. I tillegg er Surface en viktig del av Microsofts bærekraftstrategi, med mål om å fjerne alle historiske karbonutslipp innen 2050. Hva kan du forvente? Detaljerte presentasjoner om Copilot+PC og Surface, inkludert deres unike AI-funksjoner og sikkerhetsløsninger.Live demonstrasjoner som viser hvordan disse teknologiene kan forbedre din produktivitet og sikkerhet.Diskusjoner om bærekraft, og hvordan Surface bidrar til en grønnere fremtid.

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Maximize IT Efficiency and Protection with Microsoft Intune

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Брифинг

This session will have two speakers: Ricardo Castillo, Digital Technical Specialist at Microsoft and Denis O´Shea, Founder and CEO of Mobile Mentor.Mobile Mentor has deep expertise in endpoint security and support services. Its purpose: to empower people to achieve more.Note: As you register for this session, we encourage you to check the box that allows our Microsoft Partner to contact you. This will allow a follow-up to the session that could give you access to additional support or specific offerings for customers that attended the session. With the growing flexibility of remote and hybrid work environments, IT professionals face new security challenges. Cloud-based endpoint management solutions can help you manage your organization with greater security, efficiency, and resiliency. Join this session to learn how to support your business’s data securely across company-owned and personal devices with Microsoft Intune. Security experts will walk you through an interactive demo of the product, answering questions throughout the session. What you will learn Fortify your security architecture with a management solution that centralizes and simplifies endpoint security Empower IT staff with tools to support remote and hybrid work environments efficiently Maximize the potential of Microsoft Intune to get the most out of your time and investment while reducing licensing and support costs Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisions IT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructure These Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level. Register now to boost employee productivity in your organization in a more secure environment. If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Microsoft Azure 在线技术公开课:数据基础知识

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 09:30 (CST) - 05/03/2025 | 12:30 (CST)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event type Обучение

Microsoft AI Tour Dublin - Digital

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 10:00 - 11:30 (GMT)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Брифинг

Join us online for Microsoft AI Tour Dublin - Digital on Tuesday, 4th March 2025. This free event allows you to gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. AI Tour brings together decision makers and industry experts to unlock the potential of AI. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from thought leaders and explore the new paths forward.Who should attend:· Senior leaders that are part of their organisation’s AI transformation and Tech professionalsDuring this event, you’ll be able to:· Hear a keynote delivery by Annie Pearl, Corporate Vice President (CVP) at Microsoft.· Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI.Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Get started at the Microsoft AI Tour in Dublin - Digital.

Microsoft Entra Essentials Series: Secure your environment with Microsoft Entra Internet Access & Private Access

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (GMT)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Брифинг

We’re breaking down silos between identity and network access controls. With the rise of hybrid work, both identity and network security professionals found themselves on the frontlines of protecting their organisations. Because traditional network security tools didn’t scale to the needs of anywhere-access, identity became the first line of defense and the foundation of any Zero Trust strategy. But neither identity nor network security alone could cover the breadth of access points and scenarios that modern organisations need to protect. ​ As cyberattacks get more sophisticated, we must expand standards-based cloud identity solutions with identity-aware network access. In Microsoft Entra, we converge identity and network access controls to deliver unified Conditional Access policies that extend all modern identity protections and Identity Governance to all resources. ​ With a single place to safeguard and verify identities, manage permissions, and enforce intelligent access policies, protecting your digital everything has never been easier.​ What You’ll Learn: How Microsoft Entra Internet Access enforces unified access controls through a single policy engine to minimise the risk of cyberthreats and close security gaps. It protects users, devices, and resources with capabilities such as universal access controls, web content filtering, cloud firewall, threat protection, and TLS inspection, so you no longer need to manage multiple network security tools. How Microsoft Entra Private access secures access to all private apps and resources for users anywhere with an identity-centric Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution. Private Access allows you to replace your legacy VPN with ZTNA to securely connect users to any private resource and application without exposing full network access to all resources. Who should attend CISO, CIO/CSO, CISO, CPO Sr. IT Pro/Security/Privacy/Compliance Identity and Network Architects Security professionals in Identity and Network Access teams 

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR (Digital Simulive)

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (CST)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Обучение

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR, where you will learn how to use Microsoft Copilot to assist with tasks such as creating job descriptions, screening resumes, scheduling interviews, creating onboarding plans, providing training materials, setting goals, tracking progress, providing feedback, creating surveys, analyzing results, suggesting ways to improve engagement, creating policies, tracking compliance, and providing training materials.

Reageer Adequaat op Cybersecurity Incidenten

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (WEST)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language Dutch

Event type Семинар

Het NCSC-basisboek 'herstel van een cyberincident' biedt richtlijnen voor de overheid om de impact van een cyberincident te beperken. Het document is bedoeld als startpunt voor overheidsorganisaties om de basis op orde te brengen. Maar is dit voldoende gezien het huidige cyberdreigingslandschap? Wat gebeurt er als een digitale aanval patiëntgegevens ontoegankelijk maakt, communicatie met burgers verstoort of de kritieke infrastructuur lamlegt? Veel organisaties maken zich zorgen over dit soort scenario's, en in de praktijk wordt de impact van een cyberaanval op zowel de organisatie als de maatschappij steeds duidelijker. Heb je ooit nagedacht over de rol van Microsoft bij een cybersecurity-incident? Stel je voor dat je Microsoft bij zo’n situatie kan inschakelen voor hulp. Vandaag de dag is dat werkelijkheid: Microsoft als jouw partner om te helpen wanneer het er echt toe doet. Onze aanpak is ontworpen om de activiteiten van een actieve tegenstander in te perken, grondige onderzoeken uit te voeren, de controle van de aanvaller te elimineren en kritieke beveiligingsmaatregelen te implementeren ter voorkoming van toekomstige incidenten. Tijdens dit webinar bespreken we de huidige staat en trends van cyberbeveiliging, gaan we dieper in op de uitdagingen bij een cybersecurity incident en geven we uitleg over hoe Microsoft kan helpen. De agenda: Huidige staat en trends van cyberbeveiliging. Uitdagingen bij cybersecurity incidenten. Microsoft als partner bij een cybersecurity incident. Cybersecurity Incident Response dienstverlening. Samenwerking met bestaande IR partners. Activatie van het partnership. Mis deze kans niet om de cyberbeveiligingsgereedheid van je organisatie te verbeteren. Registreer nu om je plek veilig te stellen! 

Learn What’s Possible: Going Beyond Data Security

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (PST)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Брифинг

With all the benefits that cloud services offer, it’s no wonder that their use is on the rise. However, IT and security professionals raise concerns about the security of data stored on the cloud.Integrated data security solutions are crucial to protecting sensitive data in multicloud environments. But how can you apply the existing technology and services to your organization?In this webinar, you’ll learn how to: Better safeguard your organization’s data with Microsoft PurviewDevelop strategies for preventing data loss, managing risks, and protecting informationDecide which security capabilities are right for your specific business practicesTest-drive the technology in a live cloud environment Register now to find out for yourself what Microsoft Purview has to offer!

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (PST)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Брифинг

OverviewIn today's complex digital landscape, organizations are challenged with fragmented solution landscape, where visibility into sensitive data, its access, and its usage may be siloed across different systems. Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) is a new approach which aims to provide a comprehensive view of data security. It provides a unified view over risks to data at rest, data in transit, and user risk, allowing for more effective assessment and management of risks. What you will learn:In this session, you will learn how Microsoft Purview's new Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) can elevate your organization's data security program. In this session we will discuss the following:Challenges in Data SecurityIntroduction to Microsoft Purview DSPMPrerequisites Leveraging Generative AI for Data SecurityImportant: This event may be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Maximize IT Efficiency and Protection with Microsoft Intune

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (SGT)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Брифинг

Localized times:Singapore: 12:00PM - 1:00PM SGT (UTC+8:00) Australia: 3:00PM - 4:00PM AEDT (UTC+11:00) India: 9:30AM - 10:30AM IST (UTC+5:30) Overview With the growing flexibility of remote and hybrid work environments, IT professionals face new security challenges. Cloud-based endpoint management solutions can help you manage your organization with greater security, efficiency, and resiliency. Join this session to learn how to support your business’s data securely across company-owned and personal devices with Microsoft Intune. Security experts will walk you through an interactive demo of the product, answering questions throughout the session. What you will learn Fortify your security architecture with a management solution that centralizes and simplifies endpoint security Empower IT staff with tools to support remote and hybrid work environments efficiently Maximize the potential of Microsoft Intune to get the most out of your time and investment while reducing licensing and support costs Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisions IT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructure These Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level. Register now to boost employee productivity in your organization in a more secure environment. If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Discovery Hour: Accelerate Developer Productivity with AI

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (EST)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Обучение

Elevating the developer experience can lead to measurable business outcomes, like 20% faster innovation and 50% less tech debt.1 Three factors are proving to have the greatest impact: generative AI, platform engineering, and security. Microsoft Azure, one of the world’s leading AI-powered developer platforms, makes it possible to reimagine the developer experience by transforming workflows. Join this free webinar for technical insights and real success stories about boosting your team’s productivity with a combination of AI assistance and industry best practices. During this event, you’ll discover more about: Using AI to increase efficiency at every stage of the software life cycle for accelerated development Optimizing collaborative workflows through self-service tools, flexible integrations, and best practices in modern DevOps and platform engineering Embedding security into the developer workflow by securing code and responding quicky to vulnerabilities Here’s what you can expect: EVENT PRESENTATION Welcome and opening Current trends and challenges Why Microsoft? Unlocking the power of the Microsoft developer solution Customer proof Q&A Closing and local offer overview Click here for the Microsoft Event Code of Conduct. Disclaimer: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Accelerate Developer Productivity with AI is open to the public and offered at no cost. Prior to registering for the event, government employees must check with their employers to ensure that their participation is permitted and in accordance with applicable policies and laws.

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Experiencia del cliente reinventada

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (EST)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

Event type Обучение

Obtenga información sobre las últimas soluciones de Microsoft y explore ideas para abordar los desafíos empresariales críticos en un evento gratuito de Microsoft Discovery Hour. Únase a nosotros Microsoft Discovery Hour: Experiencia del cliente reinventada para aprender cómo la incorporación de la IA generativa puede revolucionar la productividad de los vendedores y acelerar el crecimiento de los ingresos. La adopción de información impulsada por IA puede empoderar a su equipo de ventas para ofrecer una experiencia de compra personalizada y aumentar la participación del cliente. Durante este evento, descubrirás más sobre: Cómo las soluciones de experiencia del cliente, como Dynamics 365 Sales, pueden aumentar la productividad de los vendedoresAcelerar el crecimiento de los ingresos con procesos de compra personalizadosEjemplos del mundo real de información impulsada por IA que mejora la experiencia del cliente Esto es lo que puedes esperar: PRESENTACIÓN DEL EVENTOAberturaEl contexto de la experiencia del clienteTransforme la productividad y los resultados de las ventasTransforme su equipo de ventas y supere los objetivos de ingresosCree recorridos de marketing ágiles para ganar y nutrir clientes potencialesPreguntas y respuestas Haga clic aquí para ver el Código de conducta de eventos de Microsoft. Descargo de responsabilidad: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Experiencia del cliente reinventada está abierto al público y se ofrece sin costo alguno. Antes de registrarse para el evento, los empleados del gobierno deben consultar con sus empleadores para asegurarse de que su participación esté permitida y de acuerdo con las políticas y leyes aplicables.

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance (Digital Simulive)

Дата и время

04/03/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (CST)

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Обучение

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance, where you will learn how to use Copilot to automate repetitive financial tasks, gain insights into their financial data, save time by automating manual tasks, and collaborate more effectively.

Дата и время

3 MAR 2025

11:00 - 12:00 (WEST)

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #3 – Fokus in der Verteidigung mit Microsoft 365 Copilot

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #3 – Fokus in der Verteidigung mit Microsoft 365 Copilot Florian, Assistent und unermüdlicher Verteidiger beim Copilot FC, kämpft mit einer Flut von Aufgaben und droht, den Überblick zu verlieren. Geht es Ihnen auch oft so? Sie jonglieren mit zahlreichen Aufgaben, und eine Priorisierung ist kaum mehr möglich? Werden Sie zum Copilot-Profi mit unserer neuen Webinarserie. In der dritten Folge von "Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training" am 03. März 2025 von 11:00-12:00 Uhr erleben Sie Microsoft 365 Copilot in Aktion: Wir zeigen, wie Sie Arbeitsabläufe strukturieren, Routineaufgaben automatisieren und ineffizienten Prozessen die rote Karte zeigen – das hilft auch Florian und seinem Team des Copilot FC! Denn Microsoft 365 Copilot bietet die perfekten Hilfsmittel, um sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren und effektiv zu delegieren: Priorisierung paralleler Anfragen und AufgabenAutomatisierung von Routine- und manuellen Aufgaben Überblick und Fokus für präzise Entscheidungen auch unter hohem Druck Konzentration auf die Strategie Erleben Sie in Folge 3 unserer fünfteiligen Serie, welche Rolle Fokus auch bei der Verteidigung im Fußball spielt. Wird Florian es schaffen, die Kontrolle zurückzugewinnen? In der nächsten Folge dreht sich alles um frische Impulse auf dem Mittelfeld. Bleiben Sie dran und werden Sie gemeinsam mit dem Team des Copilot FC zum Copilot-Profi! 

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language German

alt= Обучение

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Дата и время

3 MAR 2025

12:00 - 17:00 (WEST)

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Security Day

Velkommen til en unik mulighet til å lære hvordan Microsoft Defender for Cloud kan styrke sikkerheten i din virksomhet! Sammen med våre partnere inviterer vi deg til en inspirerende og innsiktsfull dag hos oss i Microsoft. Vi vil utforske hvordan du kan beskytte tjenester på tvers av sky- og on-premises-miljøer. Våre partnere vil også presentere sin reise og deres bruk av Defender for Cloud. Hvorfor delta? Tilegn deg kunnskap om Defender for Cloud Lær av erfarne eksperter Hør hvordan norske virksomheter lykkes med sine sikkerhetsstrategierFå erfaringer fra både skybaserte og on-premises installasjonerBli kjent med partnere og kunder

Event format Очно

alt= Брифинг

Audience : IT Professionals, Other Professionals

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

09:00 - 15:30 (GMT)

Microsoft AI Tour Dublin

Join us in-person for Microsoft AI Tour in the Dublin Royal Convention Centre, on Tuesday, 4th March 2025. This free, one-day event, allows you to immerse yourself with the latest Microsoft Cloud and AI products and solutions to help you gain a competitive edge and solve your biggest challenges. AI Tour brings together decision makers and industry experts to unlock the potential of AI. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with thought leaders and explore the new paths forward. Who should attend: Senior leaders who are part of their organisation’s AI transformation, tech professionals and business decision makers. During this event, you’ll be able to: Get up close with real-world examples and demos on how to begin or continue your organisation’s AI transformation.Connect with industry experts, partners and your peers to learn best practices and key next steps in your AI journey.Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Here’s what to expect: Keynote delivery by Annie Pearl, Corporate Vice President (CVP) at Microsoft.Meet: Microsoft leaders who are leading the era of AI and get solutions your business can start using today.Connection Hub: Connect with experts in casual networking spaces to collaborate with other business leaders and industry experts to help solve your biggest challenges. Sessions: Deep dive into the topics that matter the most to you throughout the day. Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Get started at the Microsoft AI Tour in Dublin. *Please be advised that photography and video footage will be taken during this Microsoft event. By participating in this event, you consent to allowing Microsoft to use your image and likeness without the expressed written permission of those included in the photograph and video footage.ID is required for this event 

Event format Очно

alt= Брифинг

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

09:00 - 13:30 (WEST)

Copilot+PC & Microsoft Surface – en ny æra på PC-fronten!

Vi har gleden av å invitere deg til et eksklusivt seminar hvor vi dykker ned i de nyeste innovasjonene fra Microsoft Surface og våre Copilot+PC’er: kanskje den største revolusjonen på PC-fronten det siste tiåret! Copilot+PC representerer en revolusjon innen databehandling, med AI-drevne funksjoner lokalt på din PC som gjør deg smartere, raskere og mer kreativ. På seminaret vil du få en detaljert gjennomgang av hva disse maskinene kan gjøre, inkludert demonstrasjoner av de nyeste funksjonene som Recall, Cocreator, Restyle Image og Image Creator, pluss mye mer! Bærekraft og sikkerhet har vært i hovedfokus for designet av disse PC’ene, men en zero-trust-tilnærming i alle ledd, fra tegnebordet til avvikling. I tillegg er Surface en viktig del av Microsofts bærekraftstrategi, med mål om å fjerne alle historiske karbonutslipp innen 2050. Hva kan du forvente? Detaljerte presentasjoner om Copilot+PC og Surface, inkludert deres unike AI-funksjoner og sikkerhetsløsninger.Live demonstrasjoner som viser hvordan disse teknologiene kan forbedre din produktivitet og sikkerhet.Diskusjoner om bærekraft, og hvordan Surface bidrar til en grønnere fremtid.

Event format Очно

alt= Брифинг

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Maximize IT Efficiency and Protection with Microsoft Intune

This session will have two speakers: Ricardo Castillo, Digital Technical Specialist at Microsoft and Denis O´Shea, Founder and CEO of Mobile Mentor.Mobile Mentor has deep expertise in endpoint security and support services. Its purpose: to empower people to achieve more.Note: As you register for this session, we encourage you to check the box that allows our Microsoft Partner to contact you. This will allow a follow-up to the session that could give you access to additional support or specific offerings for customers that attended the session. With the growing flexibility of remote and hybrid work environments, IT professionals face new security challenges. Cloud-based endpoint management solutions can help you manage your organization with greater security, efficiency, and resiliency. Join this session to learn how to support your business’s data securely across company-owned and personal devices with Microsoft Intune. Security experts will walk you through an interactive demo of the product, answering questions throughout the session. What you will learn Fortify your security architecture with a management solution that centralizes and simplifies endpoint security Empower IT staff with tools to support remote and hybrid work environments efficiently Maximize the potential of Microsoft Intune to get the most out of your time and investment while reducing licensing and support costs Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisions IT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructure These Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level. Register now to boost employee productivity in your organization in a more secure environment. If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Брифинг

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Дата и время

4-5 MAR 2025

09:30 - 12:30 (CST)

Microsoft Azure 在线技术公开课:数据基础知识

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

alt= Обучение

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

10:00 - 11:30 (GMT)

Microsoft AI Tour Dublin - Digital

Join us online for Microsoft AI Tour Dublin - Digital on Tuesday, 4th March 2025. This free event allows you to gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. AI Tour brings together decision makers and industry experts to unlock the potential of AI. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from thought leaders and explore the new paths forward.Who should attend:· Senior leaders that are part of their organisation’s AI transformation and Tech professionalsDuring this event, you’ll be able to:· Hear a keynote delivery by Annie Pearl, Corporate Vice President (CVP) at Microsoft.· Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI.Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Get started at the Microsoft AI Tour in Dublin - Digital.

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Брифинг

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

10:00 - 11:00 (GMT)

Microsoft Entra Essentials Series: Secure your environment with Microsoft Entra Internet Access & Private Access

We’re breaking down silos between identity and network access controls. With the rise of hybrid work, both identity and network security professionals found themselves on the frontlines of protecting their organisations. Because traditional network security tools didn’t scale to the needs of anywhere-access, identity became the first line of defense and the foundation of any Zero Trust strategy. But neither identity nor network security alone could cover the breadth of access points and scenarios that modern organisations need to protect. ​ As cyberattacks get more sophisticated, we must expand standards-based cloud identity solutions with identity-aware network access. In Microsoft Entra, we converge identity and network access controls to deliver unified Conditional Access policies that extend all modern identity protections and Identity Governance to all resources. ​ With a single place to safeguard and verify identities, manage permissions, and enforce intelligent access policies, protecting your digital everything has never been easier.​ What You’ll Learn: How Microsoft Entra Internet Access enforces unified access controls through a single policy engine to minimise the risk of cyberthreats and close security gaps. It protects users, devices, and resources with capabilities such as universal access controls, web content filtering, cloud firewall, threat protection, and TLS inspection, so you no longer need to manage multiple network security tools. How Microsoft Entra Private access secures access to all private apps and resources for users anywhere with an identity-centric Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution. Private Access allows you to replace your legacy VPN with ZTNA to securely connect users to any private resource and application without exposing full network access to all resources. Who should attend CISO, CIO/CSO, CISO, CPO Sr. IT Pro/Security/Privacy/Compliance Identity and Network Architects Security professionals in Identity and Network Access teams 

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Брифинг

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

10:00 - 11:00 (CST)

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR, where you will learn how to use Microsoft Copilot to assist with tasks such as creating job descriptions, screening resumes, scheduling interviews, creating onboarding plans, providing training materials, setting goals, tracking progress, providing feedback, creating surveys, analyzing results, suggesting ways to improve engagement, creating policies, tracking compliance, and providing training materials.

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Обучение

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

11:00 - 12:00 (WEST)

Reageer Adequaat op Cybersecurity Incidenten

Het NCSC-basisboek 'herstel van een cyberincident' biedt richtlijnen voor de overheid om de impact van een cyberincident te beperken. Het document is bedoeld als startpunt voor overheidsorganisaties om de basis op orde te brengen. Maar is dit voldoende gezien het huidige cyberdreigingslandschap? Wat gebeurt er als een digitale aanval patiëntgegevens ontoegankelijk maakt, communicatie met burgers verstoort of de kritieke infrastructuur lamlegt? Veel organisaties maken zich zorgen over dit soort scenario's, en in de praktijk wordt de impact van een cyberaanval op zowel de organisatie als de maatschappij steeds duidelijker. Heb je ooit nagedacht over de rol van Microsoft bij een cybersecurity-incident? Stel je voor dat je Microsoft bij zo’n situatie kan inschakelen voor hulp. Vandaag de dag is dat werkelijkheid: Microsoft als jouw partner om te helpen wanneer het er echt toe doet. Onze aanpak is ontworpen om de activiteiten van een actieve tegenstander in te perken, grondige onderzoeken uit te voeren, de controle van de aanvaller te elimineren en kritieke beveiligingsmaatregelen te implementeren ter voorkoming van toekomstige incidenten. Tijdens dit webinar bespreken we de huidige staat en trends van cyberbeveiliging, gaan we dieper in op de uitdagingen bij een cybersecurity incident en geven we uitleg over hoe Microsoft kan helpen. De agenda: Huidige staat en trends van cyberbeveiliging. Uitdagingen bij cybersecurity incidenten. Microsoft als partner bij een cybersecurity incident. Cybersecurity Incident Response dienstverlening. Samenwerking met bestaande IR partners. Activatie van het partnership. Mis deze kans niet om de cyberbeveiligingsgereedheid van je organisatie te verbeteren. Registreer nu om je plek veilig te stellen! 

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language Dutch

alt= Семинар

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

11:00 - 12:00 (PST)

Learn What’s Possible: Going Beyond Data Security

With all the benefits that cloud services offer, it’s no wonder that their use is on the rise. However, IT and security professionals raise concerns about the security of data stored on the cloud.Integrated data security solutions are crucial to protecting sensitive data in multicloud environments. But how can you apply the existing technology and services to your organization?In this webinar, you’ll learn how to: Better safeguard your organization’s data with Microsoft PurviewDevelop strategies for preventing data loss, managing risks, and protecting informationDecide which security capabilities are right for your specific business practicesTest-drive the technology in a live cloud environment Register now to find out for yourself what Microsoft Purview has to offer!

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Брифинг

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

11:00 - 12:00 (PST)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)

OverviewIn today's complex digital landscape, organizations are challenged with fragmented solution landscape, where visibility into sensitive data, its access, and its usage may be siloed across different systems. Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) is a new approach which aims to provide a comprehensive view of data security. It provides a unified view over risks to data at rest, data in transit, and user risk, allowing for more effective assessment and management of risks. What you will learn:In this session, you will learn how Microsoft Purview's new Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) can elevate your organization's data security program. In this session we will discuss the following:Challenges in Data SecurityIntroduction to Microsoft Purview DSPMPrerequisites Leveraging Generative AI for Data SecurityImportant: This event may be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Брифинг

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

12:00 - 13:00 (SGT)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Maximize IT Efficiency and Protection with Microsoft Intune

Localized times:Singapore: 12:00PM - 1:00PM SGT (UTC+8:00) Australia: 3:00PM - 4:00PM AEDT (UTC+11:00) India: 9:30AM - 10:30AM IST (UTC+5:30) Overview With the growing flexibility of remote and hybrid work environments, IT professionals face new security challenges. Cloud-based endpoint management solutions can help you manage your organization with greater security, efficiency, and resiliency. Join this session to learn how to support your business’s data securely across company-owned and personal devices with Microsoft Intune. Security experts will walk you through an interactive demo of the product, answering questions throughout the session. What you will learn Fortify your security architecture with a management solution that centralizes and simplifies endpoint security Empower IT staff with tools to support remote and hybrid work environments efficiently Maximize the potential of Microsoft Intune to get the most out of your time and investment while reducing licensing and support costs Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisions IT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructure These Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level. Register now to boost employee productivity in your organization in a more secure environment. If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Брифинг

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

12:00 - 13:00 (EST)

Discovery Hour: Accelerate Developer Productivity with AI

Elevating the developer experience can lead to measurable business outcomes, like 20% faster innovation and 50% less tech debt.1 Three factors are proving to have the greatest impact: generative AI, platform engineering, and security. Microsoft Azure, one of the world’s leading AI-powered developer platforms, makes it possible to reimagine the developer experience by transforming workflows. Join this free webinar for technical insights and real success stories about boosting your team’s productivity with a combination of AI assistance and industry best practices. During this event, you’ll discover more about: Using AI to increase efficiency at every stage of the software life cycle for accelerated development Optimizing collaborative workflows through self-service tools, flexible integrations, and best practices in modern DevOps and platform engineering Embedding security into the developer workflow by securing code and responding quicky to vulnerabilities Here’s what you can expect: EVENT PRESENTATION Welcome and opening Current trends and challenges Why Microsoft? Unlocking the power of the Microsoft developer solution Customer proof Q&A Closing and local offer overview Click here for the Microsoft Event Code of Conduct. Disclaimer: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Accelerate Developer Productivity with AI is open to the public and offered at no cost. Prior to registering for the event, government employees must check with their employers to ensure that their participation is permitted and in accordance with applicable policies and laws.

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Обучение

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

12:00 - 13:00 (EST)

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Experiencia del cliente reinventada

Obtenga información sobre las últimas soluciones de Microsoft y explore ideas para abordar los desafíos empresariales críticos en un evento gratuito de Microsoft Discovery Hour. Únase a nosotros Microsoft Discovery Hour: Experiencia del cliente reinventada para aprender cómo la incorporación de la IA generativa puede revolucionar la productividad de los vendedores y acelerar el crecimiento de los ingresos. La adopción de información impulsada por IA puede empoderar a su equipo de ventas para ofrecer una experiencia de compra personalizada y aumentar la participación del cliente. Durante este evento, descubrirás más sobre: Cómo las soluciones de experiencia del cliente, como Dynamics 365 Sales, pueden aumentar la productividad de los vendedoresAcelerar el crecimiento de los ingresos con procesos de compra personalizadosEjemplos del mundo real de información impulsada por IA que mejora la experiencia del cliente Esto es lo que puedes esperar: PRESENTACIÓN DEL EVENTOAberturaEl contexto de la experiencia del clienteTransforme la productividad y los resultados de las ventasTransforme su equipo de ventas y supere los objetivos de ingresosCree recorridos de marketing ágiles para ganar y nutrir clientes potencialesPreguntas y respuestas Haga clic aquí para ver el Código de conducta de eventos de Microsoft. Descargo de responsabilidad: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Experiencia del cliente reinventada está abierto al público y se ofrece sin costo alguno. Antes de registrarse para el evento, los empleados del gobierno deben consultar con sus empleadores para asegurarse de que su participación esté permitida y de acuerdo con las políticas y leyes aplicables.

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

alt= Обучение

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Дата и время

4 MAR 2025

12:00 - 13:00 (CST)

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance, where you will learn how to use Copilot to automate repetitive financial tasks, gain insights into their financial data, save time by automating manual tasks, and collaborate more effectively.

Event format Онлайн мероприятия

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Обучение

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals
