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Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for HR (Digital Simulive)

Tarih ve saat

12/16/2024 | 10:00 - 11:00 (SGT)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Eğitim

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for HR Professionals, where you will learn how to use Copilot to assist with tasks such as creating job descriptions, screening resumes, scheduling interviews, creating onboarding plans, providing training materials, setting goals, tracking progress, providing feedback, creating surveys, analyzing results, suggesting ways to improve engagement, creating policies, tracking compliance, and providing training material.

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Finance (Digital Simulive)

Tarih ve saat

12/16/2024 | 12:00 - 13:00 (SGT)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Eğitim

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Finance Professionals, where you will learn how to use Copilot to automate repetitive financial tasks, gain insights into their financial data, save time by automating manual tasks, and collaborate more effectively.

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Operations (Digital Simulive)

Tarih ve saat

12/16/2024 | 14:00 - 15:00 (SGT)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Eğitim

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Operations, where you will learn how to use Copilot to manage projects more efficiently, automate repetitive tasks, collaborate more effectively, and customize the tool to meet your unique needs.

The Future of Comprehensive Security in the Era of AI

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 09:00 - 11:30 (AEST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Brifing

Cyber threats grow in complexity, scale and speed every day. In the era of AI cyber jobs are harder than ever. Security teams need better outcomes in the age of generative AI. Join us at this Microsoft digital event to hear how Copilot for Security enhances Microsoft's vision of the future of cybersecurity in the era of AI. Agenda: Transform your Security with AI - Dorothy Li, Corporate Vice President and Adwait Joshi, Sr Director AI & Threat IntelligenceProduct Roadmap - Ravi Teja, Engineering Lead for Copilot for SecurityCopilot for Security Deep Dive - Shobhit Garg, Principal Product Manager and Jay Doyle, Global Black Belt

Microsoft 365 Virtual Training Day: Manage Windows and Surface Devices with Intune

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 10:00 (WEST) - 12/18/2024 | 12:30 (WEST)

Event format Dijital

Event type Eğitim

Building Tomorrow: How to excel the Solution Assessment motion together with partners

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 11:00 - 12:00 (CET)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Brifing

How to leverage Solution Assessment for Azure, Modern work and Security and accelerate sales impact with Microsoft customers.

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #5 – Der entscheidende Abschluss mit Copilot for Sales

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 11:00 - 12:00 (WEST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language German

Event type Eğitim

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #5 – Der entscheidende Abschluss mit Copilot for Sales Caro, Vertriebsexpertin und dynamische Stürmerin beim Copilot FC, steht vor dem alles entscheidenden Abschluss. Doch der Druck ist enorm, und die Zeit läuft davon. Stehen auch Sie kurz vor der Abgabe eines wichtigen Projekts und möchten sicherstellen, dass alles reibungslos läuft? Werden Sie zum Copilot-Profi mit unserer neuen Webinarserie. Die fünfte und finale Folge von "Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training" am 17. Dezember 2024 von 11-12 Uhr demonstriert ausführlich, wie Copilot for Sales genau zum richtigen Zeitpunkt die passenden Informationen liefert, um Projekte erfolgreich zum Abschluss zu bringen – auch für den Copilot FC! Copilot for Sales bietet Ihnen die nötige Unterstützung, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen: Identifizieren und priorisieren Sie schnell Verkaufschancen. Erlangen Sie Informationen über Kundenbedürfnisse und Verkaufsdaten für personalisierte Angebote. Verkürzen Sie Verkaufszyklen und zeigen Sie ineffizienten Vertriebsprozessen die rote Karte. Steuern Sie den Verkaufsprozess effektiv und sichern Sie Abschlüsse. Verpassen Sie nicht das packende Finale unserer Serie. Wird es Stürmerin Caro und ihrem Team gelingen, den entscheidenden Treffer zu landen? Melden Sie sich jetzt an und starten Sie mit Copilot richtig durch! Zu allen Folgen geht’s hier entlang. 

Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 12:00 (AST) - 12/18/2024 | 14:30 (AST)

Event format Dijital

Event type Eğitim

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Synergizing Intelligence - Power Platform Meets Copilot Studio

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 12:00 - 13:30 (SGT)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Brifing

Localized times: Singapore: 12:00PM - 1:30PM SGT (UTC+8:00)Australia: 3:00PM - 4:30PM AEDT (UTC+11:00)India: 9:30AM - 11:00AM IST (UTC+5:30)Unlock the combined power of Power Platform and Copilot Studio in our upcoming event, where we showcase how these complementary tools work in tandem to elevate your business solutions. Experience firsthand how Power Platform's robust suite of apps, connectors, and data platform can be seamlessly extended with the intelligent capabilities of Copilot Studio.In this interactive session, you'll learn how to harness the full potential of Power Platform to create custom business applications, automate workflows, and analyze data. Then, discover how Copilot Studio can enhance these solutions with AI-powered assistance, providing users with natural language processing, predictive insights, and more.Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisionsIT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructureJoin us to see how the integration of Power Platform and Copilot Studio can transform your business processes, making them more efficient, intelligent, and user-friendly. Whether you're a developer, business analyst, or decision-maker, this event will provide you with the tools and knowledge to innovate and stay ahead in the digital landscape.Important: This event will not be recorded.If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Heure de découverte Microsoft : Redéfinir l’ERP avec l’IA, l’automatisation et l’analyse

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 12:00 - 13:00 (EST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language French (Canada)

Event type Brifing

Rejoignez-nous à l’occasion de l’Heure de découverte Microsoft : Redéfinir l’ERP avec l’IA, l’automatisation et l’analyse pour découvrir comment utiliser les solutions de planification des ressources d’entreprise (ERP) basées sur le nuage informatique pour moderniser votre entreprise. Lors de cet événement gratuit, découvrez comment utiliser les outils basés sur l’IA et l’analyse des données dans votre solution ERP pour obtenir des renseignements en temps réel. Comprenez ce qui motive la transformation vers des solutions ERP basées sur le nuage et apprenez comment accélérer et rationaliser les processus pour faire évoluer votre modèle commercial vers un succès durable. À qui s’adresse cet événement: aux directeurs financiers, aux directeurs d’exploitation et aux directeurs de l’information;aux vice-présidents des finances et des opérations. Durant cet événement, vous pourrez faire ce qui suit : déterminer les occasions d’introduire des outils basés sur l’IA dans l’ERP; apprendre comment surmonter les défis associés à l’automatisation des flux de travail et obtenir une visibilité plus approfondie sur tous les systèmes;découvrir des outils et des stratégies pour approfondir votre approche de l’IA et accélérer votre transition vers le nuage informatique. Voici ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre : PRÉSENTATION DE L’ÉVÉNEMENT BienvenuePrésentationL’IA et la planification des ressources d’entreprise (ERP)L’analyse et l’ERPL’automatisation et l’ERPAccélérer la migration vers le nuage avec MicrosoftConclusion Cliquez ici pour accéder au code de conduite des événements Microsoft. Avertissement : L’Heure de découverte Microsoft : Redéfinir l’ERP avec l’IA, l’automatisation et l’analyse est un événement gratuit et ouvert au public. Avant de s’inscrire à cet événement, les employés du secteur public doivent vérifier auprès de leur employeur que leur participation est autorisée et conforme aux lois et réglementations en vigueur. 

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Sales (Digital Simulive)

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 12:00 - 13:00 (CST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Eğitim

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Sales, where you will learn how to utilize Copilot in Loop to conduct market research for a potential new sales market for your company's products. You will learn how to create a market research report, change its format by placing the content in a table, and make a final recommendation on whether your company should enter the new market.

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Serviço reimaginado com IA

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 13:00 - 14:00 (BRT)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language Portuguese (Brazil)

Event type Eğitim

Um bom serviço é bom para os negócios. Pesquisas comprovam isso: um relatório da Forrester Consulting mostra que as organizações que oferecem um bom serviço faturam US$ 10 bilhões a mais em receita incremental.1 Mas o aumento das expectativas dos clientes aumenta também os desafios para atender a essas demandas, além de suporte aos funcionários da linha de frente e opções de autoatendimento de qualidade para o cliente. É aí que soluções baseadas em IA, como o Microsoft Copilot e o Microsoft Dynamics 365, podem ajudar. Junte-se a nós para saber como a IA está transformando os serviços de negócios e impulsionando o crescimento. Quem deve participar: Durante este evento, você terá acesso a: Insights exclusivos de executivos e especialistas da Microsoft, que estão liderando as transformações de negócios usando serviços aprimorados por IA e baseados no Copilot e no Dynamics 365Estratégias práticas criadas por especialistas do setor para usar a IA com o objetivo de oferecer experiências de serviço conectadas e aumentar a produtividade e impulsionar a eficiência com insights proativosOportunidades de networking e colaboração com profissionais que compartilham as mesmas ideias e estão fazendo suas próprias transformações de serviços de IA para gerar crescimento e inovação Clique aqui para ver o Código de Conduta de Eventos da Microsoft.Aviso de isenção de responsabilidade: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Serviço reimaginado com IA é aberto ao público e oferecido gratuitamente. Antes de se inscreverem, funcionários do governo devem se certificar de que têm permissão para participar do evento, de acordo com as políticas e leis aplicáveis.1 “Money on the Table: a prova de que o atendimento ao cliente gera receita ”, Forrester Trends Report, janeiro de 2023.

실무진을 위한 AI 전략 세미나

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 14:00 - 17:00 (KST)

Event format Yüz Yüze

Event type Brifing

AI가 산업의 변화를 이끄는 지금, 새로운 기회를 잡고 성장할 수 있는 중요한 시점이 다가오고 있습니다. 변화의 흐름을 이해하고 전략적으로 대응하는 것이 비즈니스 경쟁력을 결정짓는 핵심입니다. 이번 세미나에서는 Microsoft의 AI 솔루션이 여러분의 비즈니스에 어떤 변화를 가져올 수 있을지 살펴봅니다. 실질적인 사례와 전략을 공유하며, AI를 활용한 혁신적인 방법을 소개할 예정이니, 지금 등록하시고 AI를 활용한 비즈니스 경쟁력을 준비하시기 바랍니다.

Leveraging AI to build your CSRD report

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 14:00 - 15:00 (AST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Brifing

We will present how AI can address the challenges around ESG data collection and knowledge sharing, while highlighting which other conditions need to be met to reach compliance with CSRD and EU Taxonomy reporting.

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Marketing Professionals (Digital Simulive)

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 14:00 - 15:00 (CAST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Eğitim

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Marketing Professionals, where you will learn how with Copilot, you can generate content for campaigns, improve productivity, provide insights into campaigns, and collaborate more effectively.

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for IT Professionals (Digital Simulive)

Tarih ve saat

12/17/2024 | 16:00 - 17:00 (CST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Eğitim

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for IT Professionals, where you will learn how with Copilot, you can seamlessly manage IT operations, troubleshoot technical issues, ensure system security, and apply data-driven insights for strategic decision-making.

Tarih ve saat

DEC 16, 2024

10:00 - 11:00 (SGT)

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for HR (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for HR Professionals, where you will learn how to use Copilot to assist with tasks such as creating job descriptions, screening resumes, scheduling interviews, creating onboarding plans, providing training materials, setting goals, tracking progress, providing feedback, creating surveys, analyzing results, suggesting ways to improve engagement, creating policies, tracking compliance, and providing training material.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

DEC 16, 2024

12:00 - 13:00 (SGT)

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Finance (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Finance Professionals, where you will learn how to use Copilot to automate repetitive financial tasks, gain insights into their financial data, save time by automating manual tasks, and collaborate more effectively.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

DEC 16, 2024

14:00 - 15:00 (SGT)

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Operations (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Operations, where you will learn how to use Copilot to manage projects more efficiently, automate repetitive tasks, collaborate more effectively, and customize the tool to meet your unique needs.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

09:00 - 11:30 (AEST)

The Future of Comprehensive Security in the Era of AI

Cyber threats grow in complexity, scale and speed every day. In the era of AI cyber jobs are harder than ever. Security teams need better outcomes in the age of generative AI. Join us at this Microsoft digital event to hear how Copilot for Security enhances Microsoft's vision of the future of cybersecurity in the era of AI. Agenda: Transform your Security with AI - Dorothy Li, Corporate Vice President and Adwait Joshi, Sr Director AI & Threat IntelligenceProduct Roadmap - Ravi Teja, Engineering Lead for Copilot for SecurityCopilot for Security Deep Dive - Shobhit Garg, Principal Product Manager and Jay Doyle, Global Black Belt

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Brifing

Audience : IT Professionals, Executives

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17-18, 2024

10:00 - 12:30 (WEST)

Microsoft 365 Virtual Training Day: Manage Windows and Surface Devices with Intune

Event format Dijital

alt= Eğitim

Audience : IT Professionals

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

11:00 - 12:00 (CET)

Building Tomorrow: How to excel the Solution Assessment motion together with partners

How to leverage Solution Assessment for Azure, Modern work and Security and accelerate sales impact with Microsoft customers.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Brifing

Audience : Partners

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

11:00 - 12:00 (WEST)

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #5 – Der entscheidende Abschluss mit Copilot for Sales

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #5 – Der entscheidende Abschluss mit Copilot for Sales Caro, Vertriebsexpertin und dynamische Stürmerin beim Copilot FC, steht vor dem alles entscheidenden Abschluss. Doch der Druck ist enorm, und die Zeit läuft davon. Stehen auch Sie kurz vor der Abgabe eines wichtigen Projekts und möchten sicherstellen, dass alles reibungslos läuft? Werden Sie zum Copilot-Profi mit unserer neuen Webinarserie. Die fünfte und finale Folge von "Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training" am 17. Dezember 2024 von 11-12 Uhr demonstriert ausführlich, wie Copilot for Sales genau zum richtigen Zeitpunkt die passenden Informationen liefert, um Projekte erfolgreich zum Abschluss zu bringen – auch für den Copilot FC! Copilot for Sales bietet Ihnen die nötige Unterstützung, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen: Identifizieren und priorisieren Sie schnell Verkaufschancen. Erlangen Sie Informationen über Kundenbedürfnisse und Verkaufsdaten für personalisierte Angebote. Verkürzen Sie Verkaufszyklen und zeigen Sie ineffizienten Vertriebsprozessen die rote Karte. Steuern Sie den Verkaufsprozess effektiv und sichern Sie Abschlüsse. Verpassen Sie nicht das packende Finale unserer Serie. Wird es Stürmerin Caro und ihrem Team gelingen, den entscheidenden Treffer zu landen? Melden Sie sich jetzt an und starten Sie mit Copilot richtig durch! Zu allen Folgen geht’s hier entlang. 

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language German

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17-18, 2024

12:00 - 14:30 (AST)

Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals

Event format Dijital

alt= Eğitim

Audience : IT Professionals

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

12:00 - 13:30 (SGT)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Synergizing Intelligence - Power Platform Meets Copilot Studio

Localized times: Singapore: 12:00PM - 1:30PM SGT (UTC+8:00)Australia: 3:00PM - 4:30PM AEDT (UTC+11:00)India: 9:30AM - 11:00AM IST (UTC+5:30)Unlock the combined power of Power Platform and Copilot Studio in our upcoming event, where we showcase how these complementary tools work in tandem to elevate your business solutions. Experience firsthand how Power Platform's robust suite of apps, connectors, and data platform can be seamlessly extended with the intelligent capabilities of Copilot Studio.In this interactive session, you'll learn how to harness the full potential of Power Platform to create custom business applications, automate workflows, and analyze data. Then, discover how Copilot Studio can enhance these solutions with AI-powered assistance, providing users with natural language processing, predictive insights, and more.Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisionsIT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructureJoin us to see how the integration of Power Platform and Copilot Studio can transform your business processes, making them more efficient, intelligent, and user-friendly. Whether you're a developer, business analyst, or decision-maker, this event will provide you with the tools and knowledge to innovate and stay ahead in the digital landscape.Important: This event will not be recorded.If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Brifing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

12:00 - 13:00 (EST)

Heure de découverte Microsoft : Redéfinir l’ERP avec l’IA, l’automatisation et l’analyse

Rejoignez-nous à l’occasion de l’Heure de découverte Microsoft : Redéfinir l’ERP avec l’IA, l’automatisation et l’analyse pour découvrir comment utiliser les solutions de planification des ressources d’entreprise (ERP) basées sur le nuage informatique pour moderniser votre entreprise. Lors de cet événement gratuit, découvrez comment utiliser les outils basés sur l’IA et l’analyse des données dans votre solution ERP pour obtenir des renseignements en temps réel. Comprenez ce qui motive la transformation vers des solutions ERP basées sur le nuage et apprenez comment accélérer et rationaliser les processus pour faire évoluer votre modèle commercial vers un succès durable. À qui s’adresse cet événement: aux directeurs financiers, aux directeurs d’exploitation et aux directeurs de l’information;aux vice-présidents des finances et des opérations. Durant cet événement, vous pourrez faire ce qui suit : déterminer les occasions d’introduire des outils basés sur l’IA dans l’ERP; apprendre comment surmonter les défis associés à l’automatisation des flux de travail et obtenir une visibilité plus approfondie sur tous les systèmes;découvrir des outils et des stratégies pour approfondir votre approche de l’IA et accélérer votre transition vers le nuage informatique. Voici ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre : PRÉSENTATION DE L’ÉVÉNEMENT BienvenuePrésentationL’IA et la planification des ressources d’entreprise (ERP)L’analyse et l’ERPL’automatisation et l’ERPAccélérer la migration vers le nuage avec MicrosoftConclusion Cliquez ici pour accéder au code de conduite des événements Microsoft. Avertissement : L’Heure de découverte Microsoft : Redéfinir l’ERP avec l’IA, l’automatisation et l’analyse est un événement gratuit et ouvert au public. Avant de s’inscrire à cet événement, les employés du secteur public doivent vérifier auprès de leur employeur que leur participation est autorisée et conforme aux lois et réglementations en vigueur. 

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language French (Canada)

alt= Brifing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

12:00 - 13:00 (CST)

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Sales (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Sales, where you will learn how to utilize Copilot in Loop to conduct market research for a potential new sales market for your company's products. You will learn how to create a market research report, change its format by placing the content in a table, and make a final recommendation on whether your company should enter the new market.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

13:00 - 14:00 (BRT)

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Serviço reimaginado com IA

Um bom serviço é bom para os negócios. Pesquisas comprovam isso: um relatório da Forrester Consulting mostra que as organizações que oferecem um bom serviço faturam US$ 10 bilhões a mais em receita incremental.1 Mas o aumento das expectativas dos clientes aumenta também os desafios para atender a essas demandas, além de suporte aos funcionários da linha de frente e opções de autoatendimento de qualidade para o cliente. É aí que soluções baseadas em IA, como o Microsoft Copilot e o Microsoft Dynamics 365, podem ajudar. Junte-se a nós para saber como a IA está transformando os serviços de negócios e impulsionando o crescimento. Quem deve participar: Durante este evento, você terá acesso a: Insights exclusivos de executivos e especialistas da Microsoft, que estão liderando as transformações de negócios usando serviços aprimorados por IA e baseados no Copilot e no Dynamics 365Estratégias práticas criadas por especialistas do setor para usar a IA com o objetivo de oferecer experiências de serviço conectadas e aumentar a produtividade e impulsionar a eficiência com insights proativosOportunidades de networking e colaboração com profissionais que compartilham as mesmas ideias e estão fazendo suas próprias transformações de serviços de IA para gerar crescimento e inovação Clique aqui para ver o Código de Conduta de Eventos da Microsoft.Aviso de isenção de responsabilidade: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Serviço reimaginado com IA é aberto ao público e oferecido gratuitamente. Antes de se inscreverem, funcionários do governo devem se certificar de que têm permissão para participar do evento, de acordo com as políticas e leis aplicáveis.1 “Money on the Table: a prova de que o atendimento ao cliente gera receita ”, Forrester Trends Report, janeiro de 2023.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language Portuguese (Brazil)

alt= Eğitim

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

14:00 - 17:00 (KST)

실무진을 위한 AI 전략 세미나

AI가 산업의 변화를 이끄는 지금, 새로운 기회를 잡고 성장할 수 있는 중요한 시점이 다가오고 있습니다. 변화의 흐름을 이해하고 전략적으로 대응하는 것이 비즈니스 경쟁력을 결정짓는 핵심입니다. 이번 세미나에서는 Microsoft의 AI 솔루션이 여러분의 비즈니스에 어떤 변화를 가져올 수 있을지 살펴봅니다. 실질적인 사례와 전략을 공유하며, AI를 활용한 혁신적인 방법을 소개할 예정이니, 지금 등록하시고 AI를 활용한 비즈니스 경쟁력을 준비하시기 바랍니다.

Event format Yüz Yüze

alt= Brifing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

14:00 - 15:00 (AST)

Leveraging AI to build your CSRD report

We will present how AI can address the challenges around ESG data collection and knowledge sharing, while highlighting which other conditions need to be met to reach compliance with CSRD and EU Taxonomy reporting.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Brifing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

14:00 - 15:00 (CAST)

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Marketing Professionals (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for Marketing Professionals, where you will learn how with Copilot, you can generate content for campaigns, improve productivity, provide insights into campaigns, and collaborate more effectively.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

DEC 17, 2024

16:00 - 17:00 (CST)

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for IT Professionals (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Training for IT Professionals, where you will learn how with Copilot, you can seamlessly manage IT operations, troubleshoot technical issues, ensure system security, and apply data-driven insights for strategic decision-making.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals
