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Amplía tus objetivos con los eventos de Microsoft

Tanto si eres desarrollador, profesional de TI, partner, educador o profesional de negocios, hay muchos eventos Microsoft creados específicamente pensando en tu crecimiento. Explora oportunidades de aprendizaje y eventos especiales creados para ayudarte a ampliar tu experiencia, aprender nuevas habilidades y crear comunidad.

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Todos los eventos

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Azure Live Q&A

Fecha y hora

02/13/2025 | 09:00 - 09:30 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event type Sesión informativa

Learn the fundamentals of getting started with Azure. Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.

Microsoft Security Immersion Event: On the Brink

Fecha y hora

02/13/2025 | 10:00 - 14:00 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Curso

Your data is crucial to your organization’s success and keeping that data secure is a top priority. Ensuring the protection of your company from insider risks or data loss requires quick discovery and reaction to security concerns. Your team must be ready to recognize and respond to any threat. Join this immersive simulation event, where you will engage in a level 400, real-world technical security breach. You’ll follow the actions of various potential threats by using Microsoft Purview, a set of solutions that will help you to govern, protect, and manage your organization’s data estate. You will learn how to: Identify and prevent data loss in Microsoft Teams, Exchange, SharePoint, and One DriveInvestigate risks to discover intent and the cause of a data leakGet end-to-end insights on data sensitivity and privacy regulations across the entire organization This is an intermediate-level course. Attendees should be able to credibly discuss, offer perspective, and integrate technology from minimal practical experience. Register today and prepare your team for real-world security challenges with this hands-on breach training

Microsoft Graph API を使いこなす~ Teams を管理する ~

Fecha y hora

2025/02/14 | 13:00 - 14:00 (JST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Japanese

Event type Curso

 Teams は共同作業などに非常に便利なツールですが、管理を適切に行う必要があります。Teams を管理するためには、Graph API を利用することが可能です。本ウェビナーでは、Teams の基本的な構造と、Graph API からの操作について解説します。 ・Graph API と Teams・チームとチャネルの管理・デモ <ご留意事項>※スライド資料は、イベント終了後の自動配信メールに添付させていただきます。(受講された方のみに、翌日までにお送りいたします)※ウェビナー受講後はアンケート入力にご協力をお願いいたします。※ウェビナー受講後のQ&Aは、下記事務局にて受け付けております。ウェビナー外のご相談等にはお答えできかねますので、予めご了承ください。※本ウェビナーは、実質40分の動画のため、実際の終了時間は13:40を予定しています。 講師:衣川 朋宏(Program Engineer) Microsoft AI & Innovation Center主催セミナー・ウェビナーは、日本マイクロソフトからの業務委託により株式会社エッジプラスが運営しております。株式会社エッジプラス: <お問い合せ先>Microsoft AI & Innovation Center 事務局

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #5 – Der entscheidende Abschluss mit Copilot for Sales

Fecha y hora

02/17/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (WEST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language German

Event type Curso

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #5 – Der entscheidende Abschluss mit Copilot for Sales Caro, Vertriebsexpertin und dynamische Stürmerin beim Copilot FC, steht vor dem alles entscheidenden Abschluss. Doch der Druck ist enorm, und die Zeit läuft davon. Stehen auch Sie kurz vor der Abgabe eines wichtigen Projekts und möchten sicherstellen, dass alles reibungslos läuft? Werden Sie zum Copilot-Profi mit unserer neuen Webinarserie. Die fünfte und finale Folge von "Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training" am 17. Februar 2025 von 11:00-12:00 Uhr demonstriert ausführlich, wie Copilot for Sales genau zum richtigen Zeitpunkt die passenden Informationen liefert, um Projekte erfolgreich zum Abschluss zu bringen – auch für den Copilot FC! Copilot for Sales bietet Ihnen die nötige Unterstützung, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen: Identifizieren und priorisieren Sie schnell Verkaufschancen. Erlangen Sie Informationen über Kundenbedürfnisse und Verkaufsdaten für personalisierte Angebote. Verkürzen Sie Verkaufszyklen und zeigen Sie ineffizienten Vertriebsprozessen die rote Karte. Steuern Sie den Verkaufsprozess effektiv und sichern Sie Abschlüsse. Verpassen Sie nicht das packende Finale unserer Serie. Wird es Stürmerin Caro und ihrem Team gelingen, den entscheidenden Treffer zu landen?Melden Sie sich jetzt an und starten Sie mit Copilot richtig durch! Zu allen Folgen geht’s hier entlang.

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR (Digital Simulive)

Fecha y hora

02/18/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (CST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Curso

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR, where you will learn how to use Microsoft Copilot to assist with tasks such as creating job descriptions, screening resumes, scheduling interviews, creating onboarding plans, providing training materials, setting goals, tracking progress, providing feedback, creating surveys, analyzing results, suggesting ways to improve engagement, creating policies, tracking compliance, and providing training materials.

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance (Digital Simulive)

Fecha y hora

02/18/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (CST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Curso

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance, where you will learn how to use Copilot to automate repetitive financial tasks, gain insights into their financial data, save time by automating manual tasks, and collaborate more effectively.

Microsoft Discovery Hour: A IA já chegou ao trabalho

Fecha y hora

02/18/2025 | 13:00 - 14:00 (BRT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Portuguese (Brazil)

Event type Sesión informativa

Junte-se a nós no Microsoft Discovery Hour: a IA já chegou ao trabalho para descobrir como organizações no mundo todo estão dando vida às ideias de negócios com as ferramentas necessárias para criar e se conectar.Descubra como o Microsoft 365 Copilot ajuda as empresas a aproveitar ao máximo a tecnologia de IA para maior produtividade, segurança de Confiança Zero e gerenciamento centralizado.Apropriado para os seguintes profissionais: Tomadores de decisões de TITomadores de decisão de segurançaTomadores de decisões empresariais em funções de conformidade, compras e jurídicas Durante esse evento, você aprenderá mais sobre: IA no cenário atual do mercado, com insights do relatório Índice de Tendências de Trabalho de 2024[1]Como os líderes da indústria planejam adotar a IA e enfrentar os desafios de segurança e legadosOs recursos e funções a serem considerados ao escolher uma solução de IA para sua organização Veja o que você pode esperar: APRESENTAÇÃO DO EVENTOBoas-vindas e introduçãoA IA já chegou ao trabalho!A segurança é fundamentalProdutividade alimentada por IAProteja seus dadosCentralize o gerenciamentoEncerramento e próximas etapas Clique aqui para ver o Código de Conduta para Eventos da Microsoft.[1] “A IA já chegou ao trabalho. Agora vem a parte mais difícil", Microsoft e LinkedIn, maio de 2024.Isenção de responsabilidade: o evento Microsoft Discovery Hour: a IA já chegou ao trabalho é aberto ao público e oferecido gratuitamente. Antes de se inscrever no evento, os funcionários públicos devem consultar seus empregadores para garantir que sua participação seja permitida e esteja de acordo com as políticas e leis aplicáveis.

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Proteja sus datos con Microsoft Purview

Fecha y hora

02/18/2025 | 13:00 - 14:00 (CST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Sesión informativa

Explore las últimas soluciones de Microsoft Cloud y demostraciones de productos para dar lugar a nuevos casos de uso de la tecnología en un Informe técnico de Microsoft gratuito. Únase a nosotros en Microsoft Discovery Hour: Proteja sus datos con Microsoft Purview para descubrir cómo puede ayudar a proteger los datos de su organización, que aumentan rápidamente, contra costosos incidentes de seguridad. En un panorama de soluciones a menudo fragmentado, es fundamental revelar y mitigar los puntos ciegos riesgosos. Descubra cómo soluciones como Microsoft Purview pueden ayudarlo a proteger datos críticos en toda su organización y, al mismo tiempo, mantener su ventaja competitiva y la lealtad de los clientes.Durante este evento descubrirá cómo:Ayudar a proteger y gobernar todo su patrimonio de datos con soluciones unificadasCubrir las brechas de seguridad con las capacidades basadas en objetivos de Microsoft PurviewMejore la higiene de los datos de su organización para que pueda escalar de forma segura el uso de la IA generativa.Esto es lo que puede esperar: PRESENTACIÓN DEL EVENTODescripción general y desafíosPropuesta de valorNovedades, casos de uso, demostraciones y adelanto de la hoja de ruta del productoPruebas e historias de clientesPróximos pasos y cierreHaga clic aquí para ver el Código de conducta de eventos digitales de MicrosoftDescargo de responsabilidad: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Proteja sus datos con Microsoft Purview está abierto al público y se ofrece sin costo. Antes de registrarse en este evento, los empleados del gobierno deben consultar con sus empleadores para asegurarse de que permitan su participación, de acuerdo con las políticas y leyes vigentes.

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Operations (Digital Simulive)

Fecha y hora

02/18/2025 | 14:00 - 15:00 (CST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Curso

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Operations, where you will learn how to use Microsoft Copilot to manage projects more efficiently, automate repetitive tasks, collaborate more effectively, and customize the tool to meet your unique needs.

Discover the AI opportunities for your classroom this year

Fecha y hora

02/18/2025 | 15:00 - 16:00 (AEST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Sesión informativa

AI is now part of education, and Microsoft is committed to supporting your classrooms this year.This session will cover AI Powered Learning Accelerators that offer actionable insights to assist you in empowering your students, as well as Copilot features that streamline planning and administrative tasks. This will include current and upcoming features available with your M365 account.The session will showcase: Copilot – A collection of prompts to help streamline your workload and introduce new Teaching and Learning Agents in M365 Copilot.Learning Accelerators – Updates on existing tools and enhancements.Math Progress Learning Accelerator – A detailed look at how it identifies common mathematical misconceptions in students using AI-generated questions.Class Teams AI – Assistance with developing Assignment Descriptions, Rubrics, and Classwork modules efficiently.AI Foundations with Minecraft Education – Presentation of immersive content, teaching resources, and professional learning opportunities for incorporating AI into the curriculum.Learn about the transformative potential of AI and Microsoft tools, and discover practical ways to integrate them into your teaching practices. This session aims to enhance classroom experiences, optimize workloads, and support student growth with modern technology.We look forward to exploring how AI can impact education together.

Microsoft AI Tour Singapore

Fecha y hora

02/19/2025 | 07:30 - 17:00 (SGT)

Event format En persona

Event type Sesión informativa

Register today for the Microsoft AI Tour in Singapore. For one day, immerse yourself with the latest Microsoft Cloud and AI products and solutions to help you gain a competitive edge and solve your biggest challenges. Who should attend: Senior leaders that are part of their organization’s AI transformation During this event, you’ll be able to: Get up close with real-world examples and demos on how to begin or continue your organization’s AI transformation Connect with industry experts, partners and your peers to learn best practices and key next steps in your AI journey Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Here’s what to expect: Opening Keynote: Hear from Microsoft leaders like Andrea Della Mattea, President Microsoft ASEAN, who are leading the era of AI and get solutions your business can start using today. Connection Hub: Connect with experts in casual networking spaces to collaborate with other business leaders and industry experts to help solve your biggest challenges. Sessions: Dive deep into the topics that matter the most to you. Join breakout sessions throughout the day. Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Get started at the Microsoft AI Tour in Singapore. For more detailed agenda please click here 

Microsoft AI Tour Lagos

Fecha y hora

02/19/2025 | 08:00 - 16:30 (WAT)

Event format En persona

Event type Sesión informativa

The Microsoft AI Tour is coming to Lagos! For one day, immerse yourself with the latest Microsoft Cloud and AI products and solutions to help you gain a competitive edge and solve your biggest challenges.Who should attend:Senior business and IT leaders that are part of their organization’s AI transformation During this event, you’ll be able to: Get up close with real-world examples and demos on how to begin or continue your organization’s AI transformation.Connect with industry experts, partners, and your peers to learn best practices and key next steps in your AI journey.Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Here’s what to expect: Opening Keynote: Hear from Microsoft leaders who are leading the era of AI and get solutions your business can start using today.Connection Hub: Connect with experts in casual networking spaces to collaborate with other business leaders and industry experts to help solve your biggest challenges. Sessions: Dive deep into the topics that matter the most to you. Join breakout sessions and shorter theater sessions throughout the day. Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Request to attend the Microsoft AI Tour Lagos at Eko Hotels and Suites today. Due to the exclusive nature of our event and limited venue capacity, all registrations will initially be placed on a waitlist. We will endeavor to provide a response as soon as possible to confirm your attendance. We appreciate your understanding and patience. Please do not make travel arrangements or commit to attending the event unless you receive an email notification that you are confirmed as a registered attendee.

Microsoft AI Tour Ottawa

Fecha y hora

02/19/2025 | 08:00 - 18:00 (EST)

Event format En persona

Event type Sesión informativa

Rogers Centre | February 19, 2025 Microsoft AI Tour is a free one-day, in-person event happening around the world. It’s designed for business leaders, partners, practitioners, and the developer community to come together to learn about the latest technology and innovations from Microsoft. 

Win w/GH in AI Tour -Singapore

Fecha y hora

02/19/2025 | 09:00 - 19:00 (SGT)

Event format En persona

Event type Sesión informativa

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR (Digital Simulive)

Fecha y hora

02/19/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Curso

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR, where you will learn how to use Microsoft Copilot to assist with tasks such as creating job descriptions, screening resumes, scheduling interviews, creating onboarding plans, providing training materials, setting goals, tracking progress, providing feedback, creating surveys, analyzing results, suggesting ways to improve engagement, creating policies, tracking compliance, and providing training materials.

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance (Digital Simulive)

Fecha y hora

02/19/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Curso

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance, where you will learn how to use Copilot to automate repetitive financial tasks, gain insights into their financial data, save time by automating manual tasks, and collaborate more effectively.

Fecha y hora

FEB 13, 2025

09:00 - 09:30 (PST)

Azure Live Q&A

Learn the fundamentals of getting started with Azure. Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.

Event format Digital

alt= Sesión informativa

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 13, 2025

10:00 - 14:00 (PST)

Microsoft Security Immersion Event: On the Brink

Your data is crucial to your organization’s success and keeping that data secure is a top priority. Ensuring the protection of your company from insider risks or data loss requires quick discovery and reaction to security concerns. Your team must be ready to recognize and respond to any threat. Join this immersive simulation event, where you will engage in a level 400, real-world technical security breach. You’ll follow the actions of various potential threats by using Microsoft Purview, a set of solutions that will help you to govern, protect, and manage your organization’s data estate. You will learn how to: Identify and prevent data loss in Microsoft Teams, Exchange, SharePoint, and One DriveInvestigate risks to discover intent and the cause of a data leakGet end-to-end insights on data sensitivity and privacy regulations across the entire organization This is an intermediate-level course. Attendees should be able to credibly discuss, offer perspective, and integrate technology from minimal practical experience. Register today and prepare your team for real-world security challenges with this hands-on breach training

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Curso

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

2025 FEB 14

13:00 - 14:00 (JST)

Microsoft Graph API を使いこなす~ Teams を管理する ~

 Teams は共同作業などに非常に便利なツールですが、管理を適切に行う必要があります。Teams を管理するためには、Graph API を利用することが可能です。本ウェビナーでは、Teams の基本的な構造と、Graph API からの操作について解説します。 ・Graph API と Teams・チームとチャネルの管理・デモ <ご留意事項>※スライド資料は、イベント終了後の自動配信メールに添付させていただきます。(受講された方のみに、翌日までにお送りいたします)※ウェビナー受講後はアンケート入力にご協力をお願いいたします。※ウェビナー受講後のQ&Aは、下記事務局にて受け付けております。ウェビナー外のご相談等にはお答えできかねますので、予めご了承ください。※本ウェビナーは、実質40分の動画のため、実際の終了時間は13:40を予定しています。 講師:衣川 朋宏(Program Engineer) Microsoft AI & Innovation Center主催セミナー・ウェビナーは、日本マイクロソフトからの業務委託により株式会社エッジプラスが運営しております。株式会社エッジプラス: <お問い合せ先>Microsoft AI & Innovation Center 事務局

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Japanese

alt= Curso

Audience : Developers, Students, IT Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 17, 2025

11:00 - 12:00 (WEST)

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #5 – Der entscheidende Abschluss mit Copilot for Sales

Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training #5 – Der entscheidende Abschluss mit Copilot for Sales Caro, Vertriebsexpertin und dynamische Stürmerin beim Copilot FC, steht vor dem alles entscheidenden Abschluss. Doch der Druck ist enorm, und die Zeit läuft davon. Stehen auch Sie kurz vor der Abgabe eines wichtigen Projekts und möchten sicherstellen, dass alles reibungslos läuft? Werden Sie zum Copilot-Profi mit unserer neuen Webinarserie. Die fünfte und finale Folge von "Mission Copilot-Profi: Das Training" am 17. Februar 2025 von 11:00-12:00 Uhr demonstriert ausführlich, wie Copilot for Sales genau zum richtigen Zeitpunkt die passenden Informationen liefert, um Projekte erfolgreich zum Abschluss zu bringen – auch für den Copilot FC! Copilot for Sales bietet Ihnen die nötige Unterstützung, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen: Identifizieren und priorisieren Sie schnell Verkaufschancen. Erlangen Sie Informationen über Kundenbedürfnisse und Verkaufsdaten für personalisierte Angebote. Verkürzen Sie Verkaufszyklen und zeigen Sie ineffizienten Vertriebsprozessen die rote Karte. Steuern Sie den Verkaufsprozess effektiv und sichern Sie Abschlüsse. Verpassen Sie nicht das packende Finale unserer Serie. Wird es Stürmerin Caro und ihrem Team gelingen, den entscheidenden Treffer zu landen?Melden Sie sich jetzt an und starten Sie mit Copilot richtig durch! Zu allen Folgen geht’s hier entlang.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language German

alt= Curso

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 18, 2025

10:00 - 11:00 (CST)

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR, where you will learn how to use Microsoft Copilot to assist with tasks such as creating job descriptions, screening resumes, scheduling interviews, creating onboarding plans, providing training materials, setting goals, tracking progress, providing feedback, creating surveys, analyzing results, suggesting ways to improve engagement, creating policies, tracking compliance, and providing training materials.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Curso

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 18, 2025

12:00 - 13:00 (CST)

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance, where you will learn how to use Copilot to automate repetitive financial tasks, gain insights into their financial data, save time by automating manual tasks, and collaborate more effectively.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Curso

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 18, 2025

13:00 - 14:00 (BRT)

Microsoft Discovery Hour: A IA já chegou ao trabalho

Junte-se a nós no Microsoft Discovery Hour: a IA já chegou ao trabalho para descobrir como organizações no mundo todo estão dando vida às ideias de negócios com as ferramentas necessárias para criar e se conectar.Descubra como o Microsoft 365 Copilot ajuda as empresas a aproveitar ao máximo a tecnologia de IA para maior produtividade, segurança de Confiança Zero e gerenciamento centralizado.Apropriado para os seguintes profissionais: Tomadores de decisões de TITomadores de decisão de segurançaTomadores de decisões empresariais em funções de conformidade, compras e jurídicas Durante esse evento, você aprenderá mais sobre: IA no cenário atual do mercado, com insights do relatório Índice de Tendências de Trabalho de 2024[1]Como os líderes da indústria planejam adotar a IA e enfrentar os desafios de segurança e legadosOs recursos e funções a serem considerados ao escolher uma solução de IA para sua organização Veja o que você pode esperar: APRESENTAÇÃO DO EVENTOBoas-vindas e introduçãoA IA já chegou ao trabalho!A segurança é fundamentalProdutividade alimentada por IAProteja seus dadosCentralize o gerenciamentoEncerramento e próximas etapas Clique aqui para ver o Código de Conduta para Eventos da Microsoft.[1] “A IA já chegou ao trabalho. Agora vem a parte mais difícil", Microsoft e LinkedIn, maio de 2024.Isenção de responsabilidade: o evento Microsoft Discovery Hour: a IA já chegou ao trabalho é aberto ao público e oferecido gratuitamente. Antes de se inscrever no evento, os funcionários públicos devem consultar seus empregadores para garantir que sua participação seja permitida e esteja de acordo com as políticas e leis aplicáveis.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Portuguese (Brazil)

alt= Sesión informativa

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 18, 2025

13:00 - 14:00 (CST)

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Proteja sus datos con Microsoft Purview

Explore las últimas soluciones de Microsoft Cloud y demostraciones de productos para dar lugar a nuevos casos de uso de la tecnología en un Informe técnico de Microsoft gratuito. Únase a nosotros en Microsoft Discovery Hour: Proteja sus datos con Microsoft Purview para descubrir cómo puede ayudar a proteger los datos de su organización, que aumentan rápidamente, contra costosos incidentes de seguridad. En un panorama de soluciones a menudo fragmentado, es fundamental revelar y mitigar los puntos ciegos riesgosos. Descubra cómo soluciones como Microsoft Purview pueden ayudarlo a proteger datos críticos en toda su organización y, al mismo tiempo, mantener su ventaja competitiva y la lealtad de los clientes.Durante este evento descubrirá cómo:Ayudar a proteger y gobernar todo su patrimonio de datos con soluciones unificadasCubrir las brechas de seguridad con las capacidades basadas en objetivos de Microsoft PurviewMejore la higiene de los datos de su organización para que pueda escalar de forma segura el uso de la IA generativa.Esto es lo que puede esperar: PRESENTACIÓN DEL EVENTODescripción general y desafíosPropuesta de valorNovedades, casos de uso, demostraciones y adelanto de la hoja de ruta del productoPruebas e historias de clientesPróximos pasos y cierreHaga clic aquí para ver el Código de conducta de eventos digitales de MicrosoftDescargo de responsabilidad: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Proteja sus datos con Microsoft Purview está abierto al público y se ofrece sin costo. Antes de registrarse en este evento, los empleados del gobierno deben consultar con sus empleadores para asegurarse de que permitan su participación, de acuerdo con las políticas y leyes vigentes.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Sesión informativa

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 18, 2025

14:00 - 15:00 (CST)

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Operations (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Operations, where you will learn how to use Microsoft Copilot to manage projects more efficiently, automate repetitive tasks, collaborate more effectively, and customize the tool to meet your unique needs.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Curso

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 18, 2025

15:00 - 16:00 (AEST)

Discover the AI opportunities for your classroom this year

AI is now part of education, and Microsoft is committed to supporting your classrooms this year.This session will cover AI Powered Learning Accelerators that offer actionable insights to assist you in empowering your students, as well as Copilot features that streamline planning and administrative tasks. This will include current and upcoming features available with your M365 account.The session will showcase: Copilot – A collection of prompts to help streamline your workload and introduce new Teaching and Learning Agents in M365 Copilot.Learning Accelerators – Updates on existing tools and enhancements.Math Progress Learning Accelerator – A detailed look at how it identifies common mathematical misconceptions in students using AI-generated questions.Class Teams AI – Assistance with developing Assignment Descriptions, Rubrics, and Classwork modules efficiently.AI Foundations with Minecraft Education – Presentation of immersive content, teaching resources, and professional learning opportunities for incorporating AI into the curriculum.Learn about the transformative potential of AI and Microsoft tools, and discover practical ways to integrate them into your teaching practices. This session aims to enhance classroom experiences, optimize workloads, and support student growth with modern technology.We look forward to exploring how AI can impact education together.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Sesión informativa

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 19, 2025

07:30 - 17:00 (SGT)

Microsoft AI Tour Singapore

Register today for the Microsoft AI Tour in Singapore. For one day, immerse yourself with the latest Microsoft Cloud and AI products and solutions to help you gain a competitive edge and solve your biggest challenges. Who should attend: Senior leaders that are part of their organization’s AI transformation During this event, you’ll be able to: Get up close with real-world examples and demos on how to begin or continue your organization’s AI transformation Connect with industry experts, partners and your peers to learn best practices and key next steps in your AI journey Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Here’s what to expect: Opening Keynote: Hear from Microsoft leaders like Andrea Della Mattea, President Microsoft ASEAN, who are leading the era of AI and get solutions your business can start using today. Connection Hub: Connect with experts in casual networking spaces to collaborate with other business leaders and industry experts to help solve your biggest challenges. Sessions: Dive deep into the topics that matter the most to you. Join breakout sessions throughout the day. Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Get started at the Microsoft AI Tour in Singapore. For more detailed agenda please click here 

Event format En persona

alt= Sesión informativa

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 19, 2025

08:00 - 16:30 (WAT)

Microsoft AI Tour Lagos

The Microsoft AI Tour is coming to Lagos! For one day, immerse yourself with the latest Microsoft Cloud and AI products and solutions to help you gain a competitive edge and solve your biggest challenges.Who should attend:Senior business and IT leaders that are part of their organization’s AI transformation During this event, you’ll be able to: Get up close with real-world examples and demos on how to begin or continue your organization’s AI transformation.Connect with industry experts, partners, and your peers to learn best practices and key next steps in your AI journey.Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Here’s what to expect: Opening Keynote: Hear from Microsoft leaders who are leading the era of AI and get solutions your business can start using today.Connection Hub: Connect with experts in casual networking spaces to collaborate with other business leaders and industry experts to help solve your biggest challenges. Sessions: Dive deep into the topics that matter the most to you. Join breakout sessions and shorter theater sessions throughout the day. Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Request to attend the Microsoft AI Tour Lagos at Eko Hotels and Suites today. Due to the exclusive nature of our event and limited venue capacity, all registrations will initially be placed on a waitlist. We will endeavor to provide a response as soon as possible to confirm your attendance. We appreciate your understanding and patience. Please do not make travel arrangements or commit to attending the event unless you receive an email notification that you are confirmed as a registered attendee.

Event format En persona

alt= Sesión informativa

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 19, 2025

08:00 - 18:00 (EST)

Microsoft AI Tour Ottawa

Rogers Centre | February 19, 2025 Microsoft AI Tour is a free one-day, in-person event happening around the world. It’s designed for business leaders, partners, practitioners, and the developer community to come together to learn about the latest technology and innovations from Microsoft. 

Event format En persona

alt= Sesión informativa

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 19, 2025

09:00 - 19:00 (SGT)

Win w/GH in AI Tour -Singapore

Event format En persona

alt= Sesión informativa

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 19, 2025

10:00 - 11:00 (GMT)

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for HR, where you will learn how to use Microsoft Copilot to assist with tasks such as creating job descriptions, screening resumes, scheduling interviews, creating onboarding plans, providing training materials, setting goals, tracking progress, providing feedback, creating surveys, analyzing results, suggesting ways to improve engagement, creating policies, tracking compliance, and providing training materials.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Curso

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Fecha y hora

FEB 19, 2025

12:00 - 13:00 (GMT)

Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance (Digital Simulive)

Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Finance, where you will learn how to use Copilot to automate repetitive financial tasks, gain insights into their financial data, save time by automating manual tasks, and collaborate more effectively.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Curso

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals
