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GitHub Copilot Office Hours
03/11/2025 | 17:00 - 18:00 (CET)
Eventos digitais
French (France)
Inscrivez-vous au prochain GitHub Copilot Office Hour ! Posez vos questions à nos experts Microsoft et GitHub et obtenez des réponses concrètes et adaptées ! Chaque office hour est conçue pour vous permettre d’aller à l’essentiel avec des cas d’usage pratiques et un temps dédié aux questions-réponses. Exemple de sujet que nous pouvons aborder : Débutants : Premiers pas avec Copilot, langages supportés, astuces pour démarrer. Avancés : Autofix, Débogage, automatisation, personnalisation des suggestions. Équipes : Collaboration avec Copilot, gestion des revues de code. Cas spécifiques : Intégration avec GitHub Actions et Azure, création de tests automatisés. Communauté : Retours d’expérience, partage d’astuces et apprentissage collectif. Posez vos questions à l'avance Lors de votre inscription, soumettez vos questions dans le champs dédié. Nos experts GitHub Copilot vous offrirons des réponses adaptées, que ce soit pour des conseils techniques, des bonnes pratiques, ou des astuces pour optimiser votre utilisation de GitHub Copilot.
Journée de formation virtuelle Microsoft Azure : Notions de base en intelligence artificielle
03/12/2025 | 08:00 (CST) - 03/13/2025 | 10:00 (CST)
Eventos digitais
French (Canada)
Microsoft Azure 黑客松:AI 应用创新工作坊 —— 深圳
03/12/2025 | 09:00 - 16:30 (CST)
Evento presencial
3月12日,Microsoft Azure 黑客松:AI 应用创新工作坊将于深圳线下展开,活动中您体验如何将 AI 解决方案应用到实际场景之中。在这里,您还能与技术专家深度交流,熟悉使用 Azure OpenAI Service开发和部署生成式 AI 应用程序的创新操作,加深对 AI 用例的了解,并将 AI 解决方案的应用落到实处。训练营需自带电脑,我们会提供开发实验环境。期待您的加入!
Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Eleve la seguridad para Copilot con Microsoft 365
03/12/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (CAST)
Eventos digitais
Spanish (Mexico)
Únete a nosotros en una sesión esencial sobre la Seguridad de Microsoft 365 Copilot, donde exploraremos las avanzadas medidas de seguridad que protegen tu productividad impulsada por IA. Aprende cómo Copilot se integra con el robusto marco de seguridad de Microsoft 365 para proporcionar un entorno seguro y adaptado a las operaciones de tu negocio. En esta sesión, profundizaremos en los controles de seguridad y estándares de cumplimiento como Zero Trust y la Gestión de Endpoints, que son fundamentales en el diseño de Copilot, asegurando que tus datos estén protegidos mientras aprovechas las capacidades de IA. Descubre cómo configurar políticas de acceso, gestionar la gobernanza de datos y mantener una experiencia de usuario segura en toda tu organización, garantizando productividad y colaboración. Nuestros expertos te guiarán a través de las mejores prácticas para implementar Copilot de una manera que se alinee con las políticas de seguridad de tu empresa, brindándote tranquilidad mientras aprovechas el poder de la IA. Ya seas un profesional de TI, experto en seguridad o líder empresarial, este seminario web te equipará con el conocimiento necesario para elevar tu postura de seguridad en la era de la IA. Asegura tu lugar hoy y da un paso proactivo hacia la mejora de la productividad con confianza en la seguridad de Microsoft 365 Copilot. Importante: Este evento puede ser grabado. Si tienes menos de 18 años, no se permite la inscripción, ya que los datos relacionados con el evento se almacenan y esto viola las leyes actuales de protección de datos para menores. El incumplimiento resultará en la cancelación automática de la inscripción. Gracias por tu comprensión.
Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Unlocking Potential: Harnessing Microsoft 365 Copilot
03/12/2025 | 12:00 - 13:30 (CST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
Join us for an insightful webinar where we delve into the transformative power of Microsoft 365 Copilot. This session is tailored for business professionals, IT administrators, and anyone eager to leverage AI to boost their productivity and creativity. Key Highlights:Introduction to Microsoft 365 Copilot: Gain a clear understanding of what Copilot is, its seamless integration with Microsoft 365, and how it stands out from other AI tools Boosting Productivity: Discover how Copilot can streamline tasks like drafting emails, creating presentations, and analyzing data. Fostering Creative Collaboration: Learn how Copilot enhances creativity and teamwork, revolutionizing your workflow. Security and Privacy: Explore Microsoft’s Responsible AI practices that ensure your data's security and privacy while using Copilot. What You Will Learn: The core functionalities of Microsoft 365 Copilot and its impact on the modern workplace. Practical demonstrations showcasing Copilot’s capabilities across various Microsoft 365 applications. Insights into future developments and enhancements of Copilot. Join us to unlock the full potential of Microsoft 365 Copilot and transform your daily tasks and business processes.Please note this event may be recorded.If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.
Azure Webアプリケーションの基礎
2025/03/12 | 13:00 - 14:00 (JST)
Eventos digitais
ウェビナー概要>初めてAzure Web Apps, Function Apps に触れる方向けに、App Service と Storage について解説します。また合わせて、テレメトリサービスである Application Insights についても解説します。初めてAzure に触れてみようという方にとってお勧めです。セッションコンテンツ>・クラウドコンピューティングとは・Web App, Functio App・ストレージサービス・Applicatoin Insights・デモ<ご留意事項>※スライド資料は、イベント終了後の自動配信メールに添付させていただきます。(受講された方のみに、翌日までにお送りいたします)※ウェビナー受講後はアンケート入力にご協力をお願いいたします。※ウェビナー受講後のQ&Aは、下記事務局にて受け付けております。ウェビナー外のご相談等にはお答えできかねますので、予めご了承ください。※本ウェビナーは、実質56分の動画のため、実際の終了時間は13:56を予定しています。講師:衣川 朋宏(Program Engineer) Microsoft AI & Innovation Center主催セミナー・ウェビナーは、日本マイクロソフトからの業務委託により株式会社エッジプラスが運営しております。株式会社エッジプラス: https://edgeplus.co.jp/ (info@edgeplus.co.jp) <お問い合せ先>Microsoft AI & Innovation Center 事務局https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/maic/contact.aspx
Azure Live Q&A
03/13/2025 | 08:00 - 08:30 (PST)
Eventos digitais
Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.
In-Person: Fabric Analyst in a Day - AgileDSS Inc - Montreal
03/13/2025 | 08:00 - 16:00 (EST)
Evento presencial
Fabric Analyst in a Day (FAIAD) - Lantern Studios Inc. - North America
03/13/2025 | 08:00 - 16:00 (EST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
Real-Time Intelligence in a Day - MAQ Software - United States
03/13/2025 | 08:00 - 16:00 (CST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
One day workshop covering the capabilities of Real-Time Intelligence.
Fabric Analyst in a Day - iLink Systems Inc - United States
03/13/2025 | 08:00 - 16:00 (MST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
Optimizing Your AI Costs
03/13/2025 | 10:00 - 11:15 (GMT)
Eventos digitais
English (United Kingdom)
Localized times: Central European Summer Time (CET): 11:00AM - 12:15PM (GMT+1:00)Eastern European Summer Time (EST): 12:00PM - 1:15PM (GMT+2:00)Gulf Standard Time (GST): 2:00PM - 3:15PM (GMT+4:00) 👉About this session We will explain the pricing structure of Azure AI services and how to estimate the cost of an AI workload.Then we’ll introduce you to industry-leading cost optimization principles from the FinOps Foundation, which are worth exploring deeper if you have any resources in a Cloud. You'll learn about the FinOps Framework and how it aligns with adopting AI.Finally, you'll be shown demos of tools in action: from the Azure Pricing Calculator to the open-source FinOps Toolkit.By the end of this session, you'll understand how AI workloads can impact your costs, how you can control them, how you can collaborate across your organization as a FinOps Practice, and what tools are available for cost estimation, monitoring and analysis.E-met our special guest from Israeli ISV, D-ID who will showcase how Azure’s speech, translation, and cognitive services power real-time, interactive AI avatars for enhanced engagement and automation. See how developers can create next-gen virtual assistants, customer service bots, and training solutions. Don't miss this chance to integrate Azure AI + D-ID into your applications! Join the event, take part in the live contest and you can win exciting prizes. The contest is open only to webinar attendees who are 18+ years old and lasts until June 12, 2025. For additional details, see Official Rules. 👥Who Should Attend ? Software Developers, Architects, IT Decision Makers, AI Enthusiasts, Entrepreneurs — anyone eager to revolutionize their development practices with AI. This session is part of ‘GenAI for Developers’ - an innovative, cutting-edge series of FREE live webinars which explores the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the software development landscape.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Migrate and Secure Windows Server and SQL Server Workloads
03/13/2025 | 10:00 (ART) - 03/14/2025 | 12:00 (ART)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Migrate and Secure Windows Server and SQL Server Workloads
03/13/2025 | 10:00 (BRT) - 03/14/2025 | 12:00 (BRT)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
Microsoft Azure 在线技术公开课:AI 基础知识
03/13/2025 | 13:30 (CST) - 03/14/2025 | 15:30 (CST)
Eventos digitais
New Breakpoint S4 Ep29: Let Bicep do the heavy lifting for AI services to Azure
03/13/2025 | 13:30 - 14:50 (AEST)
Eventos digitais
English (United Kingdom)
Localized times:9:00 AM - 10:20 AM (GMT +5:30) India11:30 AM - 12:50 PM (GMT +8:00) Singapore11:30 AM - 12:50 PM (GMT +8:00) Hong Kong4:30 PM - 5:50 PM (GMT+13:00) Auckland Developers, get ready to level up your Azure deployment skills with Bicep! Join us for an insightful session where Melissa Houghton, Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies, teams up with our host Michelle Sandford to share her expertise on how Bicep can save you time and reduce stress. With its templated and reusable components and modules, Bicep enables repeatable, standardized deployment of your code and resources. In this episode, Melissa will guide you through deploying AI services to Azure using Bicep. She’ll also help you troubleshoot any challenges you might encounter. With Melissa's step-by-step demos, you'll quickly build your deployment muscle. Tune in for this on-screen demo of AI services provisioning with Bicep – from go to whoa. Plus, you can ask Melissa questions live! Find out exactly what you need to know about Bicep and Azure AI deployment. It’s your chance to get tips and fixes that will save you time and your sanity. You’re welcome!