Microsoft 365
Filtros aplicados:
Microsoft Virtual Briefing - AI Readiness and Data Protection: Leveraging Microsoft Purview
03/11/2025 | 08:00 - 09:00 (PST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
This session will have three speakers: Saman Saatian, Digital Technical Specialist at Microsoft, Tom Papahronis, CIO Advisor at eGroup and Micah Linehan, Field CTO Security at eGroup. eGroup is a Microsoft Partner and leading provider of IT solutions that specializes in empowering organizations to leverage technology for business success.Note: As you register for this session, we encourage you to check the box that allows our Microsoft Partner to contact you. This will allow a follow-up to the session that could give you access to additional support or specific offerings for customers that attended the session.This webinar will guide you through planning and deploying data protection strategies to ensure your organization is ready for AI adoption.These Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level.Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisionsIT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructure Important: This event may be recorded.If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.
Microsoft Security Immersion Event: Into the Breach
03/11/2025 | 08:00 - 13:00 (PST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
Test your cybersecurity skills at the Microsoft Security Immersion Event: Into the Breach. Join Microsoft and a specialized partner at this free, fun gamified experience, where you’ll participate in the incident response investigation of a real-world security breach simulation. Dive into the simulation and apply your in-depth knowledge of Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Sentinel to stop the hack.Into the Breach will help you: Address threats more efficiently and effectively.Use integrated, automated, extended detection and response (XDR) to increase efficiency and effectiveness with Microsoft Defender.Stay secure against threats to identity, endpoints, data, apps and infrastructure.Get end-to-end insights across the entire organization with the Microsoft Sentinel cloud-native SIEM.Use security automation to detect, investigate and respond to threats using automated investigations and self-healing capabilities.Use advanced hunting features to explore raw data across all security pillars and locate threat indicators. View alerts and remediate across your Microsoft 365 environment in a single dashboard.This is an intermediate-level course. Attendees should be able to credibly discuss, offer perspective, and integrate technology from minimal practical experience.Register today and prepare your team for real-world security challenges with this hands-on breach training.
Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Executives (Digital Simulive)
03/11/2025 | 09:00 - 10:00 (CST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
Join us at Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Executives to learn how to use Microsoft Copilot to summarize the countless emails, meetings, and chats for a project you were involved in. When Copilot synthesizes your data in this manner, it reaches across your Microsoft 365 tenant to gather this information.
EMEA Business Applications Partner Community Call - March
03/11/2025 | 09:30 - 10:30 (GMT)
Eventos digitais
English (United Kingdom)
Join the conversation: EMEA GTM Business Applications Q3 Update. This digital event is crafted for Partner Sellers, Alliance Managers, Practice Leads, Pre-Sales professionals, Sales Managers, and Marketing Managers.Get all the latest insights on key announcements, enablement and programmes to ensure they are integrated into your Go-To-Market efforts.Don't miss this chance to stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving Business Applications landscape. Save your spot now and be part of the conversation that shapes the future of your Business Applications journey!
Microsoft Discovery Hour: Modernizar seu SOC com o Microsoft Sentinel
03/11/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (BRT)
Eventos digitais
Portuguese (Brazil)
Explore as soluções mais recentes do Microsoft Cloud e demonstrações de produtos para estimular novos casos de uso de tecnologia em um Microsoft Discovery Hour gratuito. Junte-se a nós em Microsoft Discovery Hour: Modernizar seu SOC com o Microsoft Sentinel para saber como enfrentar os invasores cibernéticos implacáveis e sofisticados de hoje com o Microsoft Sentinel, uma solução de gerenciamento de eventos e informações de segurança nativa de nuvem com recursos internos de orquestração, automação e resposta.O Microsoft Sentinel usa IA generativa para ajudar os analistas a detectar e se defender contra agentes mal-intencionados ao dimensionar operações de segurança. Não perca esta oportunidade de obter eficiência e proteção de última geração para o moderno centro de operações de segurança (SOC).Durante este evento, você descobrirá mais sobre:Aprimorando a detecção, investigação e resposta a ameaças em todo o seu patrimônio digitalUsando o Microsoft Sentinel para gerenciar e transformar seu SOCIntrodução aos casos de uso do Microsoft Sentinel e otimização da sua experiênciaAqui está o que você pode esperar: APRESENTAÇÃO DO EVENTOStatus de segurançaIntrodução ao Microsoft SentinelVisão geral e demonstração do CollectVisão geral e demonstração do DetectVisão geral e demonstração do InvestigateVisão geral e demonstração do RespondMigração, histórias de clientes, fechamentoPerguntas e respostasClique aqui para obter o Código de Conduta de Eventos da Microsoft.Isenção de responsabilidade: Microsoft Discovery Hour - Modernizar seu SOC com o Microsoft Sentinel é aberto ao público e oferecido gratuitamente. Antes de se inscrever no evento, os funcionários do governo devem verificar com seus empregadores se sua participação é permitida e está de acordo com as políticas e leis aplicáveis.
Office Hours de Incentivos para LSPs
03/11/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (BRT)
Eventos digitais
Portuguese (Brazil)
Convidamos você para a sessão de incentivos para consultar, conhecer e entender todos os programas de incentivos disponíveis no ano fiscal 25 que se aplicam à sua empresa.
Office Hours de Incentivos para LSPs
03/11/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (SAPST)
Eventos digitais
Spanish (Mexico)
Los invitamos a la sesion de incentivos para consultar, conocer y entender todos los programas de inventivos disponibles en el año fiscal 25 que aplican para su empresa.
Secure Your Future with the AI-first End-to-End Security Platform
11/03/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (IST)
Eventos digitais
English (United Kingdom)
Join us for an insightful event where we delve into the evolving cybersecurity landscape and examine how Microsoft's AI-first end-to-end security platform can fortify your digital estate. This session aims to equip security decision-makers with a comprehensive understanding of contemporary cyber threats and Microsoft's innovative strategies to counter these challenges. Gain firsthand knowledge about our AI-driven security approaches, Trustworthy AI principles, and the tangible benefits of our integrated solutions in enhancing security outcomes. Why Attend? Gain insights into the fast-evolving cybersecurity landscape and the top concerns of today’s security decision-makers. Understand Microsoft’s commitment to making security a top priority and how it benefits customers. Learn how industry leaders have implemented Microsoft security solutions for better outcomes. Discover how to achieve your security goals with Microsoft Security's AI-first end-to-end security strategy. We look forward to having you join us for an engaging and informative session.
Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Sales (Digital Simulive)
03/11/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (CST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Sales, where you will learn how to utilize Microsoft Copilot in Loop to conduct market research for a potential new sales market for your company's products. You will learn how to create a market research report, change its format by placing the content in a table, and make a final recommendation on whether your company should enter the new market.
Microsoft Discovery Hour: Modernizar operaciones de seguridad
03/11/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (PST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
Explore las últimas soluciones de Microsoft Cloud y demostraciones de productos para dar lugar a nuevos casos de uso de la tecnología en un Informe técnico de Microsoft gratuito. Únase a nosotros en Microsoft Discovery Hour: Modernizar operaciones de seguridad para aprender cómo transformar sus operaciones de seguridad (SecOps) con una solución incorporada y una experiencia de analista impulsada por IA. Las soluciones de seguridad de Microsoft ofrecen a los equipos de SecOps una verdadera visibilidad de extremo a extremo para detectar, investigar y responder a las ciberamenazas. Durante este evento, descubrirá más sobre: Usar la solución de seguridad que combina la información de seguridad y la gestión de eventos, la detección y respuesta ampliadas, la inteligencia de amenazas, la gestión de la postura y la inteligencia artificial generativaCapacitar a SecOps para proteger múltiples entornos con visibilidad integral de amenazasCasos de uso reales para una mayor protección contra amenazas Esto es lo que puede esperar: PRESENTACIÓN DEL EVENTO Informe sobre el panorama de amenazasLos centros de operaciones de seguridad hoyTransformar SecOps con una plataforma unificadaEscenarios de amenazaPruebas e historias de clientes Haga clic aquí para ver el Código de conducta de eventos de Microsoft. Descargo de responsabilidad: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Modernizar operaciones de seguridad está abierto al público y se ofrece sin costo. Antes de registrarse en este evento, los empleados del gobierno deben consultar con sus empleadores para asegurarse de que permitan su participación, de acuerdo con las políticas y leyes vigentes.
Cyber Executive Insider Briefing: AI 時代,掌握網路安全變革的機遇與挑戰
03/11/2025 | 13:00 - 14:00 (CST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
在過去一年中, AI 技術被應用於網路犯罪的新聞時常成為國際熱點議題,並對企業和政府的財務及用戶數據造成了重大損失。例如:有駭客即利用 Deepfake 技術假冒英國總部高層,指示香港分公司匯款,詐騙高達2億港元;全球駭客組織 LockBit 也通過 AI 強化策略,對多國政府機構和企業發動勒索攻擊,累計全球損失超過10億美金。 為協助您始終擁有最強大的企業防護系統,我們誠摯邀請您參與本季的 Cyber Executive Insider Briefing 線上研討會,深入探討 AI 與網路安全的機遇與挑戰。 本次活動由微軟 Customer Security Officer Min Livanidis 與 Director of Corporate Affairs Kate Seward 主持,他們將分享深度洞察,幫助您全方位掌握快速變化的 AI 生態系統及其對資安領域產生的深遠影響。 研討會主要議題: 探討全球各地企業如何利用 AI 提升生產力、營運效率以及客戶互動體驗。剖析當前最嚴峻的 AI 挑戰,包括錯誤資訊、虛假資訊、詐騙行為以及 Deepfake。了解如何保障生成式 AI 的安全,為長期發展提供實用的資安建議。介紹亞洲及全球適用的 AI 標準,這些標準為安全和負責任的 AI 應用提供了指南。隨著各國政府迅速發展 AI 治理方案,說明國際間標準與法規上協同的重要性。微軟對履行負責任 AI 的承諾。 資安、隱私和信任是安全地應用 AI 的三大基石。本次研討會將幫助您全方位掌握這些核心議題,以及如何應用於您的企業組織。請勿錯過這次機會,為您長遠的商務發展建立穩固的基礎。
Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Marketing (Digital Simulive)
03/11/2025 | 13:00 - 14:00 (CST)
Eventos digitais
English (United States)
Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Training for Marketing, where you will learn how with Microsoft Copilot, you can generate content for campaigns, improve productivity, provide insights into campaigns, and collaborate more effectively.
Microsoft 安全在线技术公开课:通过扩展检测和响应抵御威胁
03/11/2025 | 13:30 (CST) - 03/12/2025 | 16:00 (CST)
Eventos digitais
AI Immersion Series: Procurement Executives Peer to Peer Briefing
03/11/2025 | 13:30 - 17:00 (GMT)
Evento presencial
Join us at The Academy, 2 Kingdom Street on March 11th for AI Immersion Series: Procurement Executives Peer to Peer BriefingJoin us for a dynamic session where leaders from Microsoft's Procurement division share their insights on integrating AI to enhance procurement strategies and operations management. Gain first-hand knowledge of the challenges they faced, the benefits they have captured, and how Copilot is bolstering the capabilities of procurement professionals in various industries.Who Should Attend: Chief Procurement Officer, Vice President of Procurement, Director of Procurement Strategy, Head of Supply Chain Management, Senior Procurement and Strategy Manager.Session Highlights: Experience Sharing: Hear from Microsoft's procurement professionals about their strategic approach to adopting AI in procurement operations.Peer Discussion: Connect with fellow procurement professionals to discuss shared experiences in tackling procurement challenges and formulating winning strategies.Hands-on Immersion: Engage in a hands-on session with Copilot, exploring prompts and scenarios that are directly relevant to procurement management.Roadmap Insights: Gain insights into future trends and opportunities for procurement professionals looking to integrate AI into their strategic planning. Microsoft Copilot for M365 is revolutionising the way procurement professionals streamline processes and refine procurement strategies. It supports decision-making, enhances operational efficiency, and assists in strategic planning, making complex procurement operations more manageable with precision. This briefing session is an opportunity to explore these best practices in depth.Full Agenda: 13:30 - 14:00: Registration and Networking Lunch (Optional)14:00 - 14:30: Welcome and Introductions14:30 - 15:30: Microsoft AI Transformation in Procurement and Peer-to-Peer Experience Sharing15:30 - 16:15: Hands-on Copilot Immersion16:15 - 17:00: Drinks & NetworkingRegistration: Secure your seat at this exclusive peer-to-peer briefing and join the dialogue shaping the future of procurement excellence.
Microsoft AI Tour Nairobi
03/12/2025 | 07:30 - 16:00 (EAT)
Evento presencial
Request to join the Microsoft AI Tour in Nairobi, Kenya. This one-day in-person event takes place around the world and is designed to connect business leaders, partners, practitioners and the developer community. Come together and learn about the latest technology and innovations from Microsoft and see how they can empower you to do more. Who should attend: Senior Executives that lead their organisation’s AI transformation journey.Developers, IT practitioners, data scientists and cutting-edge technologists. During this event, you’ll be able to: Discover new opportunities: Get a fresh perspective and broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Microsoft engineers, partners and customers are here to share insights and help you grow your skill set and organisation.Connect and share: Join thought leaders, industry peers and experts to dive deeper into the latest AI technology. Get answers to your critical questions and realise your AI transformation goals.Lead with AI: Build out your organisation’s agility and perseverance to accelerate digital transformation and explore new paths forward. Learn how to use state-of-the-art tools and principles to infuse responsible AI practices throughout development and drive mission-critical results.Learn from peers: Find out how peers are driving digital transformation within their organisation. Meet with senior executive business decision makers, peers and other leaders to learn from their experiences and see what’s next with AI. Are you ready to turn your vision into impact with AI? Request to join today. Disclaimer: Due to the exclusive nature of our event and limited venue capacity, all registrations will initially be placed on a waitlist. We will endeavour to provide a response as soon as possible to confirm your attendance. We appreciate your understanding and patience.Please do not make travel arrangements or commit to attending the event unless you receive an email notification that you are confirmed as a registered attendee.Microsoft AI Tour is open to the public and offered at no cost. Prior to registering for this event, government employees must check with their employers to ensure that their participation is permitted and in accordance with applicable policies and laws.By attending this event, you consent to being photographed, filmed, and/or otherwise recorded. Your attendance at the event constitutes your consent to such photography, filming, and/or recording and to any use, in all media. Marquee Partner Showcase Partner
Microsoft AI Tour Köln
03/12/2025 | 08:30 - 20:00 (WEST)
Evento presencial
Erleben Sie das Potenzial von KI: Erkenntnisse, die überzeugen. Innovationen, die bewegen. Erfolge, die inspirieren. Holen Sie sich auf der Microsoft AI Tour in Köln am 12. März 2025 wertvolle Insights und praxisorientierte Strategien, um KI erfolgreich in Ihrem Unternehmen einzusetzen – von der ersten Idee bis zur konkreten Umsetzung. Erhalten Sie eine ganzheitliche Perspektive: von der Business-Sicht mit erprobten Strategien und messbaren Erfolgen bis hin zu technologischen Innovationen und Lösungen, die Sie direkt anwenden können. Erfahren Sie in über 30 Sessions, wie Sie mit Künstlicher Intelligenz echte Herausforderungen lösen, Ihre IT transformieren und Ihr Unternehmen modernisieren können. Freuen Sie sich auf vielfältige Themen und eine spannende Mischung aus praxisnahen Best Practices, visionären Ideen und innovativen Lösungen: Highlights der Microsoft AI Tour in Köln: Inspirierende Keynote: Agnes Heftberger (Microsoft) und Thomas Dohmke (GitHub) teilen ihre Visionen für eine Zukunft mit Künstlicher Intelligenz. Innovative KI-Strategien: Holen Sie sich von renommierten Expert*innen, deutschen Top-Unternehmen und erfahrenen Microsoft-Partnern exklusive Einblicke für Ihre eigene KI-Strategie. KI in Aktion: Entdecken Sie die neuesten KI-Technologien und wie Sie diese erfolgreich für Ihre Projekte einsetzen. Lokale Erfahrungsberichte: Profitieren Sie von Best Practices und detaillierten Insights aus erfolgreichen KI-Projekten deutscher Unternehmen – von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung. Erfolgreiche Lösungen: Entdecken Sie in der begleitenden Ausstellung innovative KI-Projekte von renommierten Microsoft-Partnern. Sichern Sie sich jetzt kostenfrei Ihren Platz und erleben Sie die Microsoft AI Tour vor Ort in Köln – profitieren Sie vom persönlichen Austausch mit führenden Expert*innen und Gleichgesinnten und erweitern Sie Ihr Netzwerk. Detaillierte Informationen zu Themen, Agenda, Sessions, Expert*innen und Partnern der Microsoft AI Tour finden Sie auf unserer Veranstaltungsseite. Wer sollte teilnehmen? CEOs, CTOs und CISOs IT-Leiter*innen und technische Führungskräfte IT-Professionals und -Administrator*innen Developer und Software Engineers Data Professionals & Sicherheitsverantwortliche KI-Interessierte Betriebsräte Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit Microsoft Partnern statt. Eine vollständige Liste der ausstellenden Partner auf der AI Tour in Köln und deren Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie hier. Wichtiger Hinweis: Aufgrund der begrenzten Kapazität des Veranstaltungsortes werden alle Anmeldungen zunächst auf eine Warteliste gesetzt. Wir bemühen uns, Ihnen so schnell wie möglich eine Rückmeldung zu geben und Ihre Teilnahme zu bestätigen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Geduld. Bitte planen Sie Ihre Teilnahme erst dann verbindlich, wenn Sie eine Bestätigung per E-Mail erhalten haben, dass Sie offiziell als Teilnehmer*in registriert sind. Für ausstellende Partner und Microsoftmitarbeitende beginnt die Registrierung in einigen Wochen über eine separate Anmeldung, daher werden diese Registrierungen über dieses Formular abgelehnt. Haftungsausschluss: Das Event ist für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich und kostenlos. Mitarbeiter*innen von Behörden müssen sich vor der Anmeldung zu dieser Veranstaltung von ihrem Arbeitgeber bestätigen lassen, dass ihre Teilnahme zulässig ist und den geltenden Richtlinien und Gesetzen entspricht. Klicken Sie hier, um den Microsoft-Verhaltenskodex für Veranstaltungen aufzurufen. Hinweis: Dieses Event findet Hybrid statt. Personen, die während der Veranstaltung eine Frage stellen, werden gefilmt und ins digitale Meeting für alle digitalen Teilnehmer*innen als Livebild übermittelt. Eine darüber hinausgehende Nutzung und Speicherung findet nicht statt.