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Aprofunde seus objetivos com os eventos da Microsoft

Se você é um desenvolvedor, profissional de TI, parceiro, educador ou profissional de negócios, temos muitos eventos da Microsoft criados especificamente com o seu crescimento em mente. Explore eventos especiais e oportunidades de aprendizagem criadas para ajudá-lo a expandir seus conhecimentos, aprender novas habilidades e criar a comunidade.

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Microsoft AI Tour Zurich

Data e hora

03/13/2025 | 08:00 - 18:30 (WEST)

Event format Evento presencial

Event type Briefing

Request to join the Microsoft AI Tour Zurich - formerly known as Microsoft Ignite Switzerland. This free, one-day in-person event takes place around the world and is designed to connect business leaders, partners, practitioners, and the developer community. Come together and learn about the latest technology and innovations from Microsoft and see how they can empower you to do more. Join our keynotes, 20+ breakout sessions, and visit our Partner Expo. Who should attend: IT Professionals, Decision Makers, and cutting-edge technologists. During this event, you’ll be able to: Discover new opportunities: Get a fresh perspective and broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Microsoft engineers, partners, and customers are here to share insights and help you grow your skill set and organization. Connect and share: Join thought leaders, industry peers, and experts to dive deeper into the latest AI technology. Get answers to your critical questions and realize your AI transformation goals. Lead with AI: Build out your organization’s agility and perseverance to accelerate digital transformation and explore new paths forward. Learn how to use state-of-the-art tools and principles to infuse responsible AI practices throughout development and drive mission-critical results. Learn from peers: Find out how peers are driving digital transformation within their organization. Meet with senior executive business decision makers, peers, and other leaders to learn from their experiences and see what’s next with AI. Breakout Session Tracks: Modern Work & CopilotSecurity for and with AIBusiness Apps & Copilot ExtensibilityYour Data, Taking AI Orchestration, Tooling, and Foundations to ProductionAI Infrastructure More Information Our detailed agenda - discover the dayPartner Expo - learn more about our sponsoring partners Are you ready to turn your vision into impact with AI? Request to join today to learn how. Delivery language: English Closed Captioning provided in: English 

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Modernize your endpoints with Windows in the cloud

Data e hora

03/13/2025 | 09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

Register now Join us at this free digital event to learn the business value of virtual desktop computing with Windows in the cloud and how a more secure IT infrastructure supports worker productivity and creativity for companies of any size. You’ll also learn how to take advantage of existing tools and technology investments to simplify the management of modern devices and prepare your organization for AI. Who should attend: Chief Information OfficersChief Technology OfficersVice Presidents, Directors and Managers of IT Infrastructure and SecurityBusiness decision makers of operations and procurement During this event, you’ll discover how to: Mitigate risks and keep apps and data secure with a protected, compliant, and cloud-based Windows experience Provide exceptional employee endpoint experiences by facilitating versatile work models, getting new employees up to speed quickly, and delivering a personalized Windows experience across devices Ease migration of workloads from on-premises to the cloud, cutting costs and complexity with automation and consolidation of IT management tools Prepare your organization for AI through virtualizationHere’s what you can expect: EVENT PRESENTATION Welcome / market landscapeModernize your endpoints with Windows in the cloud Advanced use casesAdvanced managementCross-solution benefitsClosing Click here for the Microsoft Event Code of ConductDisclaimer: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Modernize your endpoints with Windows in the Cloud is open to the public and offered at no cost. Prior to registering for the event, government employees must check with their employers to ensure that their participation is permitted and in accordance with applicable policies and laws.

Introduction to Microsoft Fabric and how it can be used to build analytics applications

Data e hora

03/13/2025 | 09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to harness and analyze data effectively is crucial for making informed business decisions. This session will introduce you to Microsoft Fabric, a powerful platform designed to simplify and accelerate the development of analytics applications. Join us as we explore the core components and capabilities of Microsoft Fabric. We’ll dive into how to build robust analytics applications that can transform raw data into actionable insights. Key Takeaways: Understand the fundamentals of Microsoft Fabric and its role in the analytics ecosystem.Learn how to leverage Microsoft Fabric to streamline data processing and analysis.Discover how to build analytical applications using Microsoft Fabric.Learn what it would mean for Power BI customers with premium capacity to migrate to Fabric.Explore the assistance and resources Microsoft offers to ensure a seamless migration.Hear real-world migration examples and associated costs. Whether you’re a data professional, developer, or business analyst, this session will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to unlock the full potential of your data using Microsoft Fabric.

Heure de découverte Microsoft : Protégez votre avenir grâce à la plateforme de sécurité de bout en bout axée sur l’IA

Data e hora

03/13/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (EST)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language French (Canada)

Event type Briefing

Participez à une discussion approfondie avec des experts Microsoft et des chefs de file du secteur à l’occasion de cet évènement Heure de découverte Microsoft, pour interagir, collaborer et partager des perspectives diverses. Soyez des nôtres lors de l’Heure de découverte Microsoft : Protéger votre avenir grâce à la plateforme de sécurité de bout en bout axée sur l’IA pour obtenir un aperçu du paysage actuel de la cybersécurité et découvrir comment préparer votre entreprise à l’IA avec la confiance zéro. Durant cet événement, vous en apprendrez plus sur : Les dernières tendances et stratégies en matière de sécuritéLa confiance zéro pour le paysage des menaces modernesDes renseignements pratiques sur les stratégies de maturité confiance zero Cliquez ici pour accéder au code de conduite des événements Microsoft.Avis d’exclusion de responsabilité : Heure de découverte Microsoft : Protéger votre avenir grâce à la plateforme de sécurité de bout en bout axée sur l’IA, est un évènement ouvert au public et gratuit. Avant de s’inscrire à l'événement, les employés du gouvernement doivent vérifier auprès de leur employeur qu’ils sont autorisés à y participer, conformément aux politiques et aux lois applicables.

Resumo Técnico da Microsoft: Migre e proteja o Windows Server e o SQL Server

Data e hora

03/13/2025 | 14:00 - 15:30 (BRT)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language Portuguese (Brazil)

Event type Briefing

Explore as soluções e demonstrações de produtos mais recentes do Microsoft Cloud para estimular novos casos de uso de tecnologia e prepare-se para inovar com IA em um Microsoft Tech Brief gratuito. Junte-se a nós em Migrar e proteger o Windows Server e o SQL Server para saber por que o Microsoft Azure é um destino confiável para servidores Windows e SQL. Você descobrirá como é fácil executar cargas de trabalho de ambientes híbridos ou multinuvem no Azure com sua abordagem de nuvem adaptável. Quem deve participar: Implementadores de TI Arquitetos de dados Durante este evento, você descobrirá mais sobre: Os recursos de segurança que a Microsoft oferece para servidores e bancos de dados Como você pode estender a inovação do Azure para seus ambientes híbridos e multinuvem com o Azure Arc Maneiras de implementar recursos inovadores de produtos com base em demonstrações ao vivo Aqui está o que você pode esperar: APRESENTAÇÃO DO EVENTO Introdução Windows Server no Azure SQL Server no Azure Segurança Abordagem de nuvem adaptável do Azure Ferramentas e programas Próximos passos Clique aqui para ver o Código de Conduta de Eventos da Microsoft. Isenção de responsabilidade: Migrar e proteger o Windows Server e o SQL Server é aberto ao público e oferecido gratuitamente. Antes de se inscrever no evento, os funcionários do governo devem verificar com seus empregadores se sua participação é permitida e está de acordo com as políticas e leis aplicáveis.

Microsoft Fabric Event – Skapa framtidens datadrivna organisationer tillsammans!

Data e hora

03/14/2025 | 09:00 - 13:00 (WEST)

Event format Evento presencial

Event type Briefing

Inbjudan till Microsoft Fabric Event – Skapa framtidens datadrivna organisationer tillsammans!Vill du ta din organisation till nästa nivå och skapa verklig nytta för medborgarna? Att bli datadriven handlar om att låsa upp kraften i data – fatta smartare beslut, förbättra verksamheten och leverera mer värde på ett hållbart och effektivt sätt. Vi är glada att bjuda in dig som jobbar inom myndigheter, kommuner eller regioner till ett inspirerande Microsoft Fabric Event! Under tre energifyllda timmar dyker vi ner i hur offentlig sektor kan utnyttja den senaste tekniken och innovativa lösningar för att bli datadrivna och ta steget in i framtiden.Det blir en spännande resa som visar hur data inte bara är siffror – utan nyckeln till att göra verklig skillnad! Vad kan du förvänta dig? Inspirerande presentationer från en myndighet, en region och en kommun som framgångsrikt har blivit datadrivna.Möjlighet att nätverka och utbyta erfarenheter med kollegor från hela landet.Praktiska insikter och konkreta exempel på hur du kan implementera datadrivna lösningar i din egen organisation. För vem?Anmälan:Eventet riktar sig till dig som arbetar inom offentlig sektor, inklusive myndigheter, kommuner och regioner, och som vill utforska nya sätt att bli mer datadrivna och möta framtidens krav. Anmälan:Antalet platser är begränsat, så säkra din plats redan idag! Vi ser fram emot att träffa dig och tillsammans skapa förutsättningar för en starkare offentlig sektor!

Building Tomorrow: Excelling Solution Assessments with Partners - Azure Focused

Data e hora

03/14/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (CET)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

Are you looking to enhance your customers' migration journey? Let's make it happen together! Our Azure Solution Assessment offers a comprehensive analysis to create a tailored migration plan, ensuring secure and efficient transitions with structured wave planning. We are able to also identify opportunities for application and database modernization to maximize the value of their move to the cloud.Imagine owning the opportunity and, together with Microsoft, leading the migration and/or modernization process. With your expertise and our support, we provide all the necessary data to streamline the process for greater speed, simplicity, and success. How does that sound?Come with us for a deep dive session into the Azure offering of our Solution Assessment program and discover the significant benefits of collaboration. Are you ready to take your cloud strategy to the next level?

RAG 與 Fine-Tuning 自訂 AI 模型

Data e hora

03/14/2025 | 13:30 - 14:40 (CST)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

在這個以 AI 驅動競爭優勢的世界之中,利用 Fine-Tuning 或檢索增強生成技術 (RAG) 所自訂的 AI 模型,可以讓「通用結果」躍升為有明顯差異的「量身訂作」。現在有越來越多的企業,會運用 Fine-Tuning 及 RAG 等技術來因應複雜的挑戰,例如提升客戶體驗,以及優化決策流程等。 觀看這場線上研討會與我們一同探索: Fine-Tuning 的基本要素,包含 model distillation(模型蒸餾) 及與其他自訂技術比較 Fine-Tuning 的目標與挑戰,並展示 Azure AI 如何簡化這個過程實作展示、實用經驗分享,以及客戶成功案例。 千萬別錯過獲取專家寶貴見解的機會。馬上報名確保您的席次!

Enterprise Connect​

Data e hora

03/17/2025 | 07:00 (EST) - 03/20/2025 | 16:00 (EST)

Event format Evento presencial

Event type Briefing

Enterprise Connect

App in a Day - BARHEAD SOLUTIONS - Australia

Data e hora

03/17/2025 | 08:00 - 16:00 (AEST)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Treinamento

Att navigera Det Nya Arbetslivet

Data e hora

03/17/2025 | 08:30 - 12:00 (WEST)

Event format Evento presencial

Event type Briefing

Att navigera Det Nya Arbetslivet Välkommen till detta halvdagsevent: "Att navigera Det Nya Arbetslivet" som riktar sig till framåtlutade ledare som söker djupare förståelse för den svenska arbetsplatsens framtid och de möjligheter som digital transformation erbjuder. Under morgonen kommer vi att titta på Det Nya Arbetslivets utveckling och ta del av en paneldiskussion som diskuterar trender och utmaningar på svenska arbetsplatser idag. Därefter kommer agendan fokusera på perspektiv och lösningar som gör skillnad i att navigera dessa frågor. Vi går in på området hybridarbete – hur vi kan skapa välmående arbetsplatser med de nya arbetsmönstren som finns för att i slutänden skapa väl fungerande och starka team. Här blickar vi på inspiration från de som lyckats samt ser över hur tekniken kan stötta teamen med lösningar som Microsoft Places och Viva. Efter fikapausen blickar vi mer mot AI med fokus på Microsofts generativa AI-lösning Copilot. Se med egna ögon hur AI kan omvandla våra arbetsprocesser och skapa smidigare arbetsflöden. Avslutningsvis kommer dagen att rundas av med tips och trix kring prompting samt möjligheten att ställa frågor och nätverka med andra. Detta är en unik chans att inte bara utöka ert professionella nätverk utan också att ta med er värdefulla insikter som kan bidra till er organisations framgång. Registrera dig nu för att säkra din plats och ta del av insikter som kan forma framtiden för din organisation!

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: 기본 사항

Data e hora

03/17/2025 | 09:00 (KST) - 03/18/2025 | 11:10 (KST)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language Korean

Event type Treinamento

Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: セキュリティ、コンプライアンス、ID の基礎​

Data e hora

2025/03/17 | 09:30 (JST) - 2025/03/18 | 12:30 (JST)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Treinamento

Microsoft 365 Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

Data e hora

03/17/2025 | 10:00 - 14:10 (WEST)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Treinamento

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Create Apps and Automations with Power Platform

Data e hora

03/17/2025 | 10:00 (WEST) - 03/18/2025 | 12:30 (WEST)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Treinamento

Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: Defend Against Threats with Extended Detection and Response

Data e hora

03/17/2025 | 10:00 (ART) - 03/18/2025 | 13:30 (ART)

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

Event type Treinamento

Data e hora

MAR 13, 2025

08:00 - 18:30 (WEST)

Microsoft AI Tour Zurich

Request to join the Microsoft AI Tour Zurich - formerly known as Microsoft Ignite Switzerland. This free, one-day in-person event takes place around the world and is designed to connect business leaders, partners, practitioners, and the developer community. Come together and learn about the latest technology and innovations from Microsoft and see how they can empower you to do more. Join our keynotes, 20+ breakout sessions, and visit our Partner Expo. Who should attend: IT Professionals, Decision Makers, and cutting-edge technologists. During this event, you’ll be able to: Discover new opportunities: Get a fresh perspective and broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Microsoft engineers, partners, and customers are here to share insights and help you grow your skill set and organization. Connect and share: Join thought leaders, industry peers, and experts to dive deeper into the latest AI technology. Get answers to your critical questions and realize your AI transformation goals. Lead with AI: Build out your organization’s agility and perseverance to accelerate digital transformation and explore new paths forward. Learn how to use state-of-the-art tools and principles to infuse responsible AI practices throughout development and drive mission-critical results. Learn from peers: Find out how peers are driving digital transformation within their organization. Meet with senior executive business decision makers, peers, and other leaders to learn from their experiences and see what’s next with AI. Breakout Session Tracks: Modern Work & CopilotSecurity for and with AIBusiness Apps & Copilot ExtensibilityYour Data, Taking AI Orchestration, Tooling, and Foundations to ProductionAI Infrastructure More Information Our detailed agenda - discover the dayPartner Expo - learn more about our sponsoring partners Are you ready to turn your vision into impact with AI? Request to join today to learn how. Delivery language: English Closed Captioning provided in: English 

Event format Evento presencial

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Data e hora

MAR 13, 2025

09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Modernize your endpoints with Windows in the cloud

Register now Join us at this free digital event to learn the business value of virtual desktop computing with Windows in the cloud and how a more secure IT infrastructure supports worker productivity and creativity for companies of any size. You’ll also learn how to take advantage of existing tools and technology investments to simplify the management of modern devices and prepare your organization for AI. Who should attend: Chief Information OfficersChief Technology OfficersVice Presidents, Directors and Managers of IT Infrastructure and SecurityBusiness decision makers of operations and procurement During this event, you’ll discover how to: Mitigate risks and keep apps and data secure with a protected, compliant, and cloud-based Windows experience Provide exceptional employee endpoint experiences by facilitating versatile work models, getting new employees up to speed quickly, and delivering a personalized Windows experience across devices Ease migration of workloads from on-premises to the cloud, cutting costs and complexity with automation and consolidation of IT management tools Prepare your organization for AI through virtualizationHere’s what you can expect: EVENT PRESENTATION Welcome / market landscapeModernize your endpoints with Windows in the cloud Advanced use casesAdvanced managementCross-solution benefitsClosing Click here for the Microsoft Event Code of ConductDisclaimer: Microsoft Discovery Hour: Modernize your endpoints with Windows in the Cloud is open to the public and offered at no cost. Prior to registering for the event, government employees must check with their employers to ensure that their participation is permitted and in accordance with applicable policies and laws.

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Data e hora

MAR 13, 2025

09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Introduction to Microsoft Fabric and how it can be used to build analytics applications

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to harness and analyze data effectively is crucial for making informed business decisions. This session will introduce you to Microsoft Fabric, a powerful platform designed to simplify and accelerate the development of analytics applications. Join us as we explore the core components and capabilities of Microsoft Fabric. We’ll dive into how to build robust analytics applications that can transform raw data into actionable insights. Key Takeaways: Understand the fundamentals of Microsoft Fabric and its role in the analytics ecosystem.Learn how to leverage Microsoft Fabric to streamline data processing and analysis.Discover how to build analytical applications using Microsoft Fabric.Learn what it would mean for Power BI customers with premium capacity to migrate to Fabric.Explore the assistance and resources Microsoft offers to ensure a seamless migration.Hear real-world migration examples and associated costs. Whether you’re a data professional, developer, or business analyst, this session will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to unlock the full potential of your data using Microsoft Fabric.

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Partners

Data e hora

MAR 13, 2025

12:00 - 13:00 (EST)

Heure de découverte Microsoft : Protégez votre avenir grâce à la plateforme de sécurité de bout en bout axée sur l’IA

Participez à une discussion approfondie avec des experts Microsoft et des chefs de file du secteur à l’occasion de cet évènement Heure de découverte Microsoft, pour interagir, collaborer et partager des perspectives diverses. Soyez des nôtres lors de l’Heure de découverte Microsoft : Protéger votre avenir grâce à la plateforme de sécurité de bout en bout axée sur l’IA pour obtenir un aperçu du paysage actuel de la cybersécurité et découvrir comment préparer votre entreprise à l’IA avec la confiance zéro. Durant cet événement, vous en apprendrez plus sur : Les dernières tendances et stratégies en matière de sécuritéLa confiance zéro pour le paysage des menaces modernesDes renseignements pratiques sur les stratégies de maturité confiance zero Cliquez ici pour accéder au code de conduite des événements Microsoft.Avis d’exclusion de responsabilité : Heure de découverte Microsoft : Protéger votre avenir grâce à la plateforme de sécurité de bout en bout axée sur l’IA, est un évènement ouvert au public et gratuit. Avant de s’inscrire à l'événement, les employés du gouvernement doivent vérifier auprès de leur employeur qu’ils sont autorisés à y participer, conformément aux politiques et aux lois applicables.

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language French (Canada)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Data e hora

MAR 13, 2025

14:00 - 15:30 (BRT)

Resumo Técnico da Microsoft: Migre e proteja o Windows Server e o SQL Server

Explore as soluções e demonstrações de produtos mais recentes do Microsoft Cloud para estimular novos casos de uso de tecnologia e prepare-se para inovar com IA em um Microsoft Tech Brief gratuito. Junte-se a nós em Migrar e proteger o Windows Server e o SQL Server para saber por que o Microsoft Azure é um destino confiável para servidores Windows e SQL. Você descobrirá como é fácil executar cargas de trabalho de ambientes híbridos ou multinuvem no Azure com sua abordagem de nuvem adaptável. Quem deve participar: Implementadores de TI Arquitetos de dados Durante este evento, você descobrirá mais sobre: Os recursos de segurança que a Microsoft oferece para servidores e bancos de dados Como você pode estender a inovação do Azure para seus ambientes híbridos e multinuvem com o Azure Arc Maneiras de implementar recursos inovadores de produtos com base em demonstrações ao vivo Aqui está o que você pode esperar: APRESENTAÇÃO DO EVENTO Introdução Windows Server no Azure SQL Server no Azure Segurança Abordagem de nuvem adaptável do Azure Ferramentas e programas Próximos passos Clique aqui para ver o Código de Conduta de Eventos da Microsoft. Isenção de responsabilidade: Migrar e proteger o Windows Server e o SQL Server é aberto ao público e oferecido gratuitamente. Antes de se inscrever no evento, os funcionários do governo devem verificar com seus empregadores se sua participação é permitida e está de acordo com as políticas e leis aplicáveis.

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language Portuguese (Brazil)

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Data e hora

MAR 14, 2025

09:00 - 13:00 (WEST)

Microsoft Fabric Event – Skapa framtidens datadrivna organisationer tillsammans!

Inbjudan till Microsoft Fabric Event – Skapa framtidens datadrivna organisationer tillsammans!Vill du ta din organisation till nästa nivå och skapa verklig nytta för medborgarna? Att bli datadriven handlar om att låsa upp kraften i data – fatta smartare beslut, förbättra verksamheten och leverera mer värde på ett hållbart och effektivt sätt. Vi är glada att bjuda in dig som jobbar inom myndigheter, kommuner eller regioner till ett inspirerande Microsoft Fabric Event! Under tre energifyllda timmar dyker vi ner i hur offentlig sektor kan utnyttja den senaste tekniken och innovativa lösningar för att bli datadrivna och ta steget in i framtiden.Det blir en spännande resa som visar hur data inte bara är siffror – utan nyckeln till att göra verklig skillnad! Vad kan du förvänta dig? Inspirerande presentationer från en myndighet, en region och en kommun som framgångsrikt har blivit datadrivna.Möjlighet att nätverka och utbyta erfarenheter med kollegor från hela landet.Praktiska insikter och konkreta exempel på hur du kan implementera datadrivna lösningar i din egen organisation. För vem?Anmälan:Eventet riktar sig till dig som arbetar inom offentlig sektor, inklusive myndigheter, kommuner och regioner, och som vill utforska nya sätt att bli mer datadrivna och möta framtidens krav. Anmälan:Antalet platser är begränsat, så säkra din plats redan idag! Vi ser fram emot att träffa dig och tillsammans skapa förutsättningar för en starkare offentlig sektor!

Event format Evento presencial

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals

Data e hora

MAR 14, 2025

11:00 - 12:00 (CET)

Building Tomorrow: Excelling Solution Assessments with Partners - Azure Focused

Are you looking to enhance your customers' migration journey? Let's make it happen together! Our Azure Solution Assessment offers a comprehensive analysis to create a tailored migration plan, ensuring secure and efficient transitions with structured wave planning. We are able to also identify opportunities for application and database modernization to maximize the value of their move to the cloud.Imagine owning the opportunity and, together with Microsoft, leading the migration and/or modernization process. With your expertise and our support, we provide all the necessary data to streamline the process for greater speed, simplicity, and success. How does that sound?Come with us for a deep dive session into the Azure offering of our Solution Assessment program and discover the significant benefits of collaboration. Are you ready to take your cloud strategy to the next level?

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Partners

Data e hora

MAR 14, 2025

13:30 - 14:40 (CST)

RAG 與 Fine-Tuning 自訂 AI 模型

在這個以 AI 驅動競爭優勢的世界之中,利用 Fine-Tuning 或檢索增強生成技術 (RAG) 所自訂的 AI 模型,可以讓「通用結果」躍升為有明顯差異的「量身訂作」。現在有越來越多的企業,會運用 Fine-Tuning 及 RAG 等技術來因應複雜的挑戰,例如提升客戶體驗,以及優化決策流程等。 觀看這場線上研討會與我們一同探索: Fine-Tuning 的基本要素,包含 model distillation(模型蒸餾) 及與其他自訂技術比較 Fine-Tuning 的目標與挑戰,並展示 Azure AI 如何簡化這個過程實作展示、實用經驗分享,以及客戶成功案例。 千萬別錯過獲取專家寶貴見解的機會。馬上報名確保您的席次!

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Other Professionals

Data e hora

MAR 17-20, 2025

07:00 - 16:00 (EST)

Enterprise Connect​

Enterprise Connect

Event format Evento presencial

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, For Home, Press, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Data e hora

MAR 17, 2025

08:00 - 16:00 (AEST)

App in a Day - BARHEAD SOLUTIONS - Australia

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Treinamento

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Data e hora

MAR 17, 2025

08:30 - 12:00 (WEST)

Att navigera Det Nya Arbetslivet

Att navigera Det Nya Arbetslivet Välkommen till detta halvdagsevent: "Att navigera Det Nya Arbetslivet" som riktar sig till framåtlutade ledare som söker djupare förståelse för den svenska arbetsplatsens framtid och de möjligheter som digital transformation erbjuder. Under morgonen kommer vi att titta på Det Nya Arbetslivets utveckling och ta del av en paneldiskussion som diskuterar trender och utmaningar på svenska arbetsplatser idag. Därefter kommer agendan fokusera på perspektiv och lösningar som gör skillnad i att navigera dessa frågor. Vi går in på området hybridarbete – hur vi kan skapa välmående arbetsplatser med de nya arbetsmönstren som finns för att i slutänden skapa väl fungerande och starka team. Här blickar vi på inspiration från de som lyckats samt ser över hur tekniken kan stötta teamen med lösningar som Microsoft Places och Viva. Efter fikapausen blickar vi mer mot AI med fokus på Microsofts generativa AI-lösning Copilot. Se med egna ögon hur AI kan omvandla våra arbetsprocesser och skapa smidigare arbetsflöden. Avslutningsvis kommer dagen att rundas av med tips och trix kring prompting samt möjligheten att ställa frågor och nätverka med andra. Detta är en unik chans att inte bara utöka ert professionella nätverk utan också att ta med er värdefulla insikter som kan bidra till er organisations framgång. Registrera dig nu för att säkra din plats och ta del av insikter som kan forma framtiden för din organisation!

Event format Evento presencial

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Data e hora

MAR 17-18, 2025

09:00 - 11:10 (KST)

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: 기본 사항

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language Korean

alt= Treinamento

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Data e hora

2025 MAR 17-18

09:30 - 12:30 (JST)

Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: セキュリティ、コンプライアンス、ID の基礎​

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Treinamento

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Data e hora

MAR 17, 2025

10:00 - 14:10 (WEST)

Microsoft 365 Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Treinamento

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Data e hora

MAR 17-18, 2025

10:00 - 12:30 (WEST)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Create Apps and Automations with Power Platform

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Treinamento

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Data e hora

MAR 17-18, 2025

10:00 - 13:30 (ART)

Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: Defend Against Threats with Extended Detection and Response

Event format Eventos digitais

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

alt= Treinamento

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers
