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İster bir geliştirici, BT uzmanı, iş ortağı ya da eğitimci olun, özellikle büyüme konusunu dikkate alarak oluşturduğumuz birçok Microsoft etkinliğimiz var. Uzmanlığınızı daha ileri düzeye taşımanıza, yeni beceriler geliştirmenize ve topluluk oluşturmanıza yardımcı olmak için oluşturulan özel etkinlikleri ve öğrenme fırsatlarını keşfedin.

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Build Multi-Agent Applications with Azure AI Foundry

Tarih ve saat

02/27/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (PST)

Event format Dijital

Event type Brifing

Discover how Azure AI Agent Service, coupled with Microsoft’s multi-agent frameworks like AutoGen and Semantic Kernel, is transforming the way AI agents are developed and deployed. In this webinar, you will discover how this powerful integration can revolutionize your business processes by enabling seamless collaboration between AI agents and human operators. Key takeaways: Learn the key capabilities of Azure AI Agent Service and how it simplifies agent development.Understand how to leverage orchestration frameworks like AutoGen and Semantic Kernel to build robust, scalable, and intelligent multi-agent systems.Explore real-world applications and use cases for AI agents.Gain knowledge on best practices for implementing and managing AI agents securely.Get actionable strategies to accelerate time-to-market for your AI solutions.

Round Table l Unlock Innovation with Azure AI Foundry

Tarih ve saat

02/27/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (PST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Brifing

Register now to secure your spot!Following our recent Unlock Innovation with Azure AI Foundry webinar, we’re excited to invite you to an exclusive deep-dive round table designed for Microsoft customers and partners.Join us on February 27 for an interactive discussion where we’ll address your questions and explore real-world applications of Azure AI Foundry. This session offers a unique opportunity to engage directly with Microsoft technical experts, gain actionable insights, and dive deeper into the use cases that matter most to you.What to Expect: Live Q&A – Get answers to your specific questions from a Microsoft technical and sales experts.Interactive Discussion – Share challenges and insights with peers.Deeper Exploration – Learn how to leverage Azure AI Foundry to drive innovation and efficiency.Explore the AI-driven solutions transforming industries and gain practical insights on how to leverage Azure AI Foundry to boost your business. Featured use cases include: AI-Powered Document Redaction Automates redaction of personally identifiable information (PII) in financial and loan documents, increasing efficiency and compliance.Generative AI for Trading Insights AI-driven chatbot and search engine for securities trading firms, leveraging Azure OpenAI to extract and analyze financial data.AI-Enhanced Sales Acceleration AI identifies high-value leads from 17,000+ CRM records, optimizing outreach and shortening sales cycles to drive revenue growth.Predictive Bond Valuation AI-powered analytics provide real-time mortgage-backed securities pricing, improving market confidence and trading efficiency.Automated Data Extraction for Finance Uses AI and OCR to process loan agreements, statements, and financial documents, reducing manual effort and errors.AI-Driven Risk Management Machine learning models detect and mitigate financial risks by analyzing historical and real-time trading data.Real-Time Data Search and Retrieval AI-powered search indexes vast amounts of structured and unstructured data, allowing users to query financial reports efficiently.AI Chatbot for Customer Support Virtual assistant powered by OpenAI enhances customer interactions by providing real-time answers based on indexed enterprise data.Intelligent Data Migration & Transformation AI assists in migrating on-premise financial systems to Azure, ensuring data integrity and modernization.Industry-Specific AI Implementation Tailored AI solutions for banking, finance, and trading firms, accelerating digital transformation and competitive edge. Don’t miss this opportunity to continue the conversation and maximize the value of Azure AI Foundry for your business.

EMEA Azure Partner Community Call - February (Deutsch)

Tarih ve saat

02/27/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (WEST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language German

Event type Eğitim

Leider müssen wir den deutschen Azure Partner Community Call am 20. Februar aufgrund parallel stattfindender Live-Veranstaltungen verschieben. Der neue Termin ist nun eine Woche später, 27. Februar, wie immer 11 Uhr. Wir freuen uns auf Sie. Nehmen Sie an unserer monatlichen Community-Call-Reihe teil, zu dem alle Microsoft-Partner eingeladen sind. Dies ist eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, sich monatlich mit Microsoft zu vernetzen, zu lernen und zusammenzuarbeiten. In diesem Meeting dreht sich alles um unsere Microsoft Strategie für FY25: Strategische Lösungen für Ihre KundenNeue und aktualisierte Offerings & Incentives für SieVertriebsunterstützende Best Practices und Use CasesWeiterbildung und Zertifizierungen für Ihre TeamsMerken sie sich auch die folgenden Calls vor. Jeden Monat gibt es neue Inhalte Datum: jeder dritte Donnerstag eines MonatsZeit: 11:00 CET bis 12:00 CETStandort: Virtuell (Online)

【オンライン】Microsoft XDR ソリューションは最強​​ ~Microsoft Defender Plan 1 と Plan 2 を使いこなす~​ (初級~中級編)

Tarih ve saat

2025/02/27 | 13:00 - 14:30 (JST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language Japanese

Event type Eğitim

セミナー概要:「改めて Defender for Endpoint Plan1 を見直そう」で Plan1 だけでもゼロトラストに向けた「セキュリティ基盤初めの一歩」が整うことを解説をさせていただきました。​ 今回のセミナーでは Plan1 と Plan2 が揃えば Microsoft Defender XDR として「検知」「防御」が備わった最強の XDR ソリューションとなることも解説させていただきますが、Plan1,Plan2 を上手に使えなかったがために発生してしまった「失敗事例」も盛り込み、お客様へのご提案/ご説明方法のポイントも解説させていただきます。​ 対象参加者:社内の PC 管理者​情報システム担当者​IT 企画部​企業様に対し IT ソリューションをご提案する営業担当者​ 難易度:初級~中級できるようになること:Defender for EndpointP1+P2 または他社製品との組み合わせ失敗事例から Defnder for Endpoint P1+P2 のより良い組み合わせを理解いただき、お客様にとって最強の XDR 環境構築のヒントを得られます。​開催日時:2025年2月27日(木) 13:00-14:30開催方法:Teams Live Event

Partner Cloud Day-Azure Open AI深度训练营

Tarih ve saat

02/27/2025 | 13:30 - 18:00 (CST)

Event format Yüz Yüze

Event type Eğitim

欢迎参加本次技术交流活动!我们将介绍Azure OpenAI和语音服务的最新进展,以及多模态内容理解服务的更新。活动包括精彩的演讲和动手实验,帮助您深入了解这些前沿技术的应用和优势。 期待您的参与,共同探讨这些令人兴奋的技术进展! 

Microsoft Security Immersion Workshop <マルチクラウド環境セキュリティ脅威対策(Shadow Hunter)> - 2025年2月28日(金)開催

Tarih ve saat

2025/02/28 | 11:00 - 16:00 (JST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language Japanese

Event type Atölye

イベント概要・Shadow Hunter (マルチクラウド環境セキュリティ脅威対策)について:この無料のハンズオンワークショップで、マルチクラウド環境におけるセキュリティ脅威対策スキルを習得し、ワークロードの保護に関する実践的な経験を積むことができます。Immersion Workshopはゲーム化されたトレーニングとなっており、ハッカーは建物内の防犯カメラを通じてネットワークにアクセスするという実際に起こりうるセキュリティ脅威シナリオを元にトレーニングを実施します。攻撃者の目標は、企業を侵害し、機密情報にアクセスすることです。このトレーニングに参加し、洗練されたサイバーセキュリティアナリストとしてどのようにこの脅威に対応していくか、を体感してください。参加対象者:最高セキュリティおよび情報責任者ITセキュリティの意思決定者セキュリティアーキテクト技術レベル:中級から上級までのコースです。参加者は、最小限の実務経験から、統合的なテクニカルな視点をもち顧客とのディスカッションを実施することができる。このワークショップを完了すると、次のことができるようになります。ハイブリッドおよびマルチクラウド環境向けに、Microsoft Defender for Cloud と Microsoft Azure Network Security を使用して、強化された保護とセキュリティを提供する方法を理解します。Microsoft Sentinel で AI と自動化を使用する利点を理解し、脅威を迅速に検出し、効果的に対応し、セキュリティ体制を強化するのに役立ちます。専門知識を広げ、Microsoft Security の包括的な保護がエコシステムとどのように連携し、カバレッジのギャップを埋めるのに役立つかを学びます。開催日時:2025年2月28日(金) 11:00-16:00開催方法:Teams Meetingを使用します。※ほかの参加者へ Teams account の情報(アカウント名等)が表示されます。アジェンダ:・Shadow Hunter Overview・Shadow Hunter Hands-On このイベントは、パーソルクロステクノロジー株式会社と共同して開催されています。パーソルクロステクノロジー株式会社のプライバシーポリシーについては、こちらのリンクをクリックしご参照ください。

SC-300: Microsoft ID とアクセス管理者試験対策講座 - 2025 年 3 月 3 日 (月) 開催

Tarih ve saat

2025/03/03 | 10:00 - 17:00 (JST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language Japanese

Event type Eğitim

コース概要:本セミナーは、「試験 SC-300: Microsoft ID とアクセス管理者(」 の情報をベースに、SC-300 試験の対策を行うセミナーです。 ※ 本セミナーは、前提条件を満たしている方を対象に、SC-300 試験に特化したポイントを解説するためのセミナーです。※ Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure の体系立てた解説、デモンストレーション などは行いません。 対象者:SC-300 : 認定試験を受験する IT エンジニア 前提知識:Microsoft のセキュリティ、コンプライアンス、および ID 製品に関する基本的な理解Microsoft 365 の基本的な知識Microsoft Azure の基本的な知識 目標:SC-300 : Microsoft セキュリティ運用アナリストの試験に合格すること コース内容:第1章:SC-300 の出題範囲第2章:Azure ADでIDを実装する第3章:認証とアクセス管理を実装する第4章:アプリケーション用のアクセス管理を実装する第5章:Azure ADでIDガバナンスを計画して実装する

Microsoft Azure Technical Workshop: Migrate and Modernize SAP on the Microsoft Cloud

Tarih ve saat

03/03/2025 | 10:00 - 16:00 (SGT)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Atölye

Get the most value from your SAP applications by moving them to the cloud. Join us at a free Microsoft Azure Technical Workshop: Migrate and Modernize SAP on the Microsoft Cloud to learn how to plan and implement SAP workload migrations to Azure. Get hands-on experience deploying and configuring virtual machines, virtual networks, and storage accounts on Azure. You’ll also practice implementing and managing hybrid identities using Microsoft Entra. Explore modernization concepts, real-world scenarios, and steps needed to make your move to the cloud. Why attend? Learn how to assess your SAP workload architectures on Azure.Discover how to create and run unified workloads using the Azure Center for SAP solutions.Understand how to help protect identities and secure access across cloud deployments with Microsoft Entra.

Microsoft AI Tour Dublin

Tarih ve saat

03/04/2025 | 09:00 - 15:30 (GMT)

Event format Yüz Yüze

Event type Brifing

Join us in-person for Microsoft AI Tour in the Dublin Royal Convention Centre, on Tuesday, 4th March 2025. This free, one-day event, allows you to immerse yourself with the latest Microsoft Cloud and AI products and solutions to help you gain a competitive edge and solve your biggest challenges. AI Tour brings together decision makers and industry experts to unlock the potential of AI. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with thought leaders and explore the new paths forward. Who should attend: Senior leaders who are part of their organisation’s AI transformation, tech professionals and business decision makers. During this event, you’ll be able to: Get up close with real-world examples and demos on how to begin or continue your organisation’s AI transformation.Connect with industry experts, partners and your peers to learn best practices and key next steps in your AI journey.Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Here’s what to expect: Keynote delivery by Annie Pearl, Corporate Vice President (CVP) at Microsoft.Meet: Microsoft leaders who are leading the era of AI and get solutions your business can start using today.Connection Hub: Connect with experts in casual networking spaces to collaborate with other business leaders and industry experts to help solve your biggest challenges. Sessions: Deep dive into the topics that matter the most to you throughout the day. Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Get started at the Microsoft AI Tour in Dublin. *Please be advised that photography and video footage will be taken during this Microsoft event. By participating in this event, you consent to allowing Microsoft to use your image and likeness without the expressed written permission of those included in the photograph and video footage.ID is required for this event 

Build and extend your own agents using pro-code capabilities.

Tarih ve saat

03/04/2025 | 09:00 - 17:15 (EST)

Event format Yüz Yüze

Event type Atölye

Join Microsoft for an in-person training, Build and extend your own agents using pro-code capabilities. This interactive partner workshop is designed to empower you with the skills to leverage AI-powered agents—tools that enhance everyday productivity by utilizing large language models (LLMs).During this workshop, you'll explore how to use these copilots as-is, extend their functionality, or create custom agents by combining natural language processing and pro-code approaches. Through hands-on learning, you’ll develop the skills to build your own agents and unlock new possibilities for boosting productivity and efficiency securely.This intermediate/advanced-level course is tailored to equip you with practical knowledge to help customers achieve their business goals with cutting-edge AI solutions.Designed for a technical audience, including developers working to advance their expertise, this event requires basic knowledge of Microsoft 365 Copilot deployment and user enablement, Build and extend AI powered agents with Copilot Studio, and AI 102 certification are recommended as supplementary preparation.These workshops fill up quickly, so please register soon to secure your spot.Content level: L300 Intermediate/AdvancedRegistration: Secure your spot promptly. Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis

Microsoft AI Tour Dublin - Digital

Tarih ve saat

03/04/2025 | 10:00 - 11:30 (GMT)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Brifing

Join us online for Microsoft AI Tour Dublin - Digital on Tuesday, 4th March 2025. This free event allows you to gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. AI Tour brings together decision makers and industry experts to unlock the potential of AI. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from thought leaders and explore the new paths forward.Who should attend:· Senior leaders that are part of their organisation’s AI transformation and Tech professionalsDuring this event, you’ll be able to:· Hear a keynote delivery by Annie Pearl, Corporate Vice President (CVP) at Microsoft.· Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI.Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Get started at the Microsoft AI Tour in Dublin - Digital.

Empowering Your Success: EMEA Go-to-Market Webinar Series for ISVs - Enabling a Security-First Approach - March 2025

Tarih ve saat

03/04/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (GMT)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Eğitim

What is this series?This 6-part webinar series focuses on how software companies across Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) who have built solutions on Microsoft’s platforms can leverage Microsoft’s go-to-market engines to empower their commercial success. Join subject matter experts from across Microsoft to learn more about:Mastering the Microsoft Commercial Marketplace Leading with AI in Your Solution RoadmapCommercializing your AI OfferingsConquering the World with Geo-ExpansionEnsuring a Security-First ApproachIncreasing Your Industry Relevance Who should attend?All roles within ISVs and Digital Natives who are looking to accelerate the growth together with Microsoft: commercial and product leaders, alliance managers, and CMOs. More details about this session: Episode 5

Microsoft AI Tour | London

Tarih ve saat

03/05/2025 | 00:00 - 00:00 (GMT)

Event format Yüz Yüze

Event type Brifing

Microsoft AI Tour

Threat Protection and Incident Response with Sentinel and Copilot for Security

Tarih ve saat

03/05/2025 | 09:00 - 17:30 (EST)

Event format Yüz Yüze

Event type Atölye

Join Microsoft for an in-person training, AI-powered threat protection with Microsoft Sentinel and Microsoft Security Copilot. During this in-depth, hands-on workshop, you’ll uncover the knowledge and skills to harness the full power of Microsoft security products. Turning to real-world scenarios, experts will guide you in using cutting-edge tools and features, like Security Copilot, Sentinel, Microsoft Defender for Cloud, Microsoft Defender XDR, and more. You’ll gain access to partner resources to strengthen your organization’s value proposition and guide your customers in strengthening their own security strategies, including comprehensive threat intelligence, streamlined security operations, and reduction of data-related vulnerabilities. This event is designed for a mixed audience of experts, including security analysts, SOC consultants, cloud architects, implementation consultants, and technical specialists. We recommend an audience competency of Level 300-Expert. These workshops fill up quickly, so please register soon to secure your spot. Seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Content level: Expert Registration: Secure your spot promptly. Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis

Microsoft AI Tour Stockholm - Digital

Tarih ve saat

03/05/2025 | 09:30 - 15:45 (WEST)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Brifing

Register today for the digital Microsoft AI Tour! Don’t miss this opportunity to listen to the keynotes and be at the forefront of AI innovation. Register today to secure your online spot at the Microsoft AI Tour Sweden!This is a free online event, make sure to join and learn about the latest technology and innovations from Microsoft and see how they can empower you to do more.Who should attend:· Business Decision Makers, Executives, IT-professionals, Developers, Data scientists, and cutting-edge technologists.During this event, you’ll be able to:· Discover new opportunities: Get a fresh perspective and broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Microsoft engineers, partners, and customers are here to share insights and help you grow your skill set and organization.· Listen to thought leaders, industry peers, and experts to dive deeper into the latest AI technology. Get answers to your critical questions and realize your AI transformation goals.· Lead with AI: Build out your organization’s agility and perseverance to accelerate digital transformation and explore new paths forward. Learn how to use state-of-the-art tools and principles to infuse responsible AI practices throughout development and drive mission-critical results. Agenda 09:30 AM - 10:30 AMKeynote: AI Transformation with Alysa Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer, Commercial Cloud & AI, Microsoft10:30 AM - 10:45 AMBreak10:45 AM - 11:15 AMDisruptive innovation in a traditional industry using AISpeakers: Jonas Dahlberg, Sales Director Data & AI Microsoft and Coskun Islam, Head of Collective Intelligence Engineering Sandvik11:15 AM - 11:30 AMBreak11:30 AM - 12:00 PM AI at Work: Unlock value & opportunity with Microsoft Copilot and AgentsSpeaker: Nina Rapp, Business Group Lead Modern Work12:00 PM - 01:00 PMLunch Break01:00 PM - 01:30 PMScaling AI: From Departmental Use Cases to Enterprise ImpactSpeakers: Patrik Löwendahl, Customer Success Unit Lead Microsoft and Hanna Radtke Bergström, Gen AI Lead, Vattenfall Heat01:30 PM - 01:45 PMBreak01:45 PM - 02:45 PMTechnical and regulatory trends in AI (and how can Sweden become one of the leading AI countries?)Speakers: Daniel Akenine, National Technology Officer Microsoft and Gila Sebardt, Head of Legal Microsoft02:15 PM - 02:30 PMBreak02:30 PM - 03:00 PMNär AI tar mer och mer plats I organisationer - hur måste säkerhetsförmågan utvecklas (in Swedish, subtitles in English)Speakers: Åsa Kidman, Customer Security Officer Microsoft och Stf.C FMTIS Per-Ola Johanssson, Försvarsmakten03:00 PM - 03:15 PMBreak03:15 PM - 03:45 PMHow to measure ROI on Gen AI investmentsSpeakers: Erica Kulas M365 Global Black Belt Microsoft, Jessica Räihä Sr GTM Data & AI, Microsoft, William SR Specialist Modern Work, Microsoft

Microsoft AI Tour Vienna

Tarih ve saat

03/06/2025 | 08:15 - 19:00 (WEST)

Event format Yüz Yüze

Event type Brifing

Innovation im Fokus: Die Microsoft AI Tour bringt die Zukunft der Künstlichen Intelligenz nach Wien!Künstliche Intelligenz ist hier, um zu bleiben. Nach dem anfänglichen Hype geht es darum, KI in die Praxis zu bringen und KI-Innovationen nachhaltig und gewinnbringend im Unternehmen zu integrieren. Im Rahmen der Microsoft AI Tour werden beeindruckende KI-Innovationsbeispiele aus Österreich präsentiert und die nächste Generation von KI und ihre Möglichkeiten für unterschiedlichste Branchen vorgestellt. Die Konferenz bietet Ihnen die einzigartige Gelegenheit, kostenlos die neuesten Entwicklungen und Anwendungen im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz kennenzulernen und wertvolle Kontakte zu knüpfen. Sie werden nicht nur von den Expert*innenvorträgen und Praxisbeispielen profitieren, sondern auch die Möglichkeit haben, direkt mit Branchenvorreiter*innen und Spezialist*innen zu diskutieren und sich auszutauschen. Dies ist Ihre Chance, einen Blick in die Zukunft der Technologie zu werfen und konkrete Ideen mitzunehmen, wie Sie KI erfolgreich einsetzen können und die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens erfolgreich mitgestalten können. Die Microsoft AI Tour Vienna wird gemeinsam mit unseren Featured Partnern umgesetzt. Das Programm der AI Tour finden Sie hier. Wer sollte teilnehmen: FührungskräfteAbteilungsleiter*innenInnovationsmanager*innenTechnologie-, Daten- und Sicherheitsexpert*innenEntwickler*innen Die Konferenz eröffnet Ihnen folgende Möglichkeiten: Neue Chancen entdecken: Erhalten Sie neue Perspektiven und erweitern Sie Ihr Verständnis für KI, indem Sie die neuesten Ankündigungen von Microsoft Ignite kennen und nutzen lernen. Erleben Sie aus erster Hand, wie Sie die KI-Transformation in Ihrem Unternehmen umsetzen können.Bauen Sie Ihr Netzwerk aus und vertiefen Sie Ihr Wissen: Treffen Sie Vordenker*innen, Branchenkolleg*innen und Expert*innen, um bewährte Verfahren und die nächsten Schritte auf Ihrem KI-Implentierungspfad kennenzulernen. Entscheider*innen und technische Rollen haben individuell in Breakout-Sessions und Workshops die Möglichkeit, tiefer in die neueste KI-Technologien einzutauchen. Erhalten Sie Antworten auf Ihre wichtigen Fragen und realisieren Sie Ihre KI-Transformationsziele Ihres Unternehmens.Innovieren Sie mit KI: Steigern Sie die Agilität Ihres Unternehmens, um die digitale Transformation zu beschleunigen und neue Wege zu erkunden. Lernen Sie, wie Sie modernste Tools und Prinzipien verwenden können, um verantwortungsvolle KI-Praktiken in der Entwicklung zu verankern und entscheidende Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Erfahren Sie darüber hinaus von Branchenkolleg*innen, wie KI die digitale Transformation in ihren Unternehmen vorantreibt und lernen Sie von ihren Praxis-Erfahrungen. Programm Highlights: Keynotes: Judson Althoff und weitere führende Microsoft-Expert*innen präsentieren die neuesten KI-Innovationen für Unternehmen. Sessions: Tauchen Sie tief in die Themen ein, die für Sie am wichtigsten sind. Nehmen Sie den ganzen Tag an Breakout-Sessions und Workshops teil. Partner Expo: Entdecken Sie innovative Lösungen von Microsoft und seinen Featured Partnern und tauschen Sie sich aktiv aus. Live-Stream der Mainstage:Sollten Sie nicht vor Ort teilnehmen können, so haben Sie die Möglichkeit den Sessions der Main Stage virtuell zu folgen. Für die Online-Teilnahme ist eine gesonderte Anmeldung erforderlich. Melden Sie sich heute noch an und erleben Sie die Zukunft der Künstlichen Intelligenz inmitten von Wien!Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Plätze begrenzt sind und wir die Anmeldungen manuell zulassen. Treffen Sie keine Reisevorbereitungen ohne der Rückbestätigung Ihrer Anmeldung durch Microsoft. 

Tarih ve saat

FEB 27, 2025

10:00 - 11:00 (PST)

Build Multi-Agent Applications with Azure AI Foundry

Discover how Azure AI Agent Service, coupled with Microsoft’s multi-agent frameworks like AutoGen and Semantic Kernel, is transforming the way AI agents are developed and deployed. In this webinar, you will discover how this powerful integration can revolutionize your business processes by enabling seamless collaboration between AI agents and human operators. Key takeaways: Learn the key capabilities of Azure AI Agent Service and how it simplifies agent development.Understand how to leverage orchestration frameworks like AutoGen and Semantic Kernel to build robust, scalable, and intelligent multi-agent systems.Explore real-world applications and use cases for AI agents.Gain knowledge on best practices for implementing and managing AI agents securely.Get actionable strategies to accelerate time-to-market for your AI solutions.

Event format Dijital

alt= Brifing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, For Home, Press, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

FEB 27, 2025

10:00 - 11:00 (PST)

Round Table l Unlock Innovation with Azure AI Foundry

Register now to secure your spot!Following our recent Unlock Innovation with Azure AI Foundry webinar, we’re excited to invite you to an exclusive deep-dive round table designed for Microsoft customers and partners.Join us on February 27 for an interactive discussion where we’ll address your questions and explore real-world applications of Azure AI Foundry. This session offers a unique opportunity to engage directly with Microsoft technical experts, gain actionable insights, and dive deeper into the use cases that matter most to you.What to Expect: Live Q&A – Get answers to your specific questions from a Microsoft technical and sales experts.Interactive Discussion – Share challenges and insights with peers.Deeper Exploration – Learn how to leverage Azure AI Foundry to drive innovation and efficiency.Explore the AI-driven solutions transforming industries and gain practical insights on how to leverage Azure AI Foundry to boost your business. Featured use cases include: AI-Powered Document Redaction Automates redaction of personally identifiable information (PII) in financial and loan documents, increasing efficiency and compliance.Generative AI for Trading Insights AI-driven chatbot and search engine for securities trading firms, leveraging Azure OpenAI to extract and analyze financial data.AI-Enhanced Sales Acceleration AI identifies high-value leads from 17,000+ CRM records, optimizing outreach and shortening sales cycles to drive revenue growth.Predictive Bond Valuation AI-powered analytics provide real-time mortgage-backed securities pricing, improving market confidence and trading efficiency.Automated Data Extraction for Finance Uses AI and OCR to process loan agreements, statements, and financial documents, reducing manual effort and errors.AI-Driven Risk Management Machine learning models detect and mitigate financial risks by analyzing historical and real-time trading data.Real-Time Data Search and Retrieval AI-powered search indexes vast amounts of structured and unstructured data, allowing users to query financial reports efficiently.AI Chatbot for Customer Support Virtual assistant powered by OpenAI enhances customer interactions by providing real-time answers based on indexed enterprise data.Intelligent Data Migration & Transformation AI assists in migrating on-premise financial systems to Azure, ensuring data integrity and modernization.Industry-Specific AI Implementation Tailored AI solutions for banking, finance, and trading firms, accelerating digital transformation and competitive edge. Don’t miss this opportunity to continue the conversation and maximize the value of Azure AI Foundry for your business.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Brifing

Audience : Partners

Tarih ve saat

FEB 27, 2025

11:00 - 12:00 (WEST)

EMEA Azure Partner Community Call - February (Deutsch)

Leider müssen wir den deutschen Azure Partner Community Call am 20. Februar aufgrund parallel stattfindender Live-Veranstaltungen verschieben. Der neue Termin ist nun eine Woche später, 27. Februar, wie immer 11 Uhr. Wir freuen uns auf Sie. Nehmen Sie an unserer monatlichen Community-Call-Reihe teil, zu dem alle Microsoft-Partner eingeladen sind. Dies ist eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, sich monatlich mit Microsoft zu vernetzen, zu lernen und zusammenzuarbeiten. In diesem Meeting dreht sich alles um unsere Microsoft Strategie für FY25: Strategische Lösungen für Ihre KundenNeue und aktualisierte Offerings & Incentives für SieVertriebsunterstützende Best Practices und Use CasesWeiterbildung und Zertifizierungen für Ihre TeamsMerken sie sich auch die folgenden Calls vor. Jeden Monat gibt es neue Inhalte Datum: jeder dritte Donnerstag eines MonatsZeit: 11:00 CET bis 12:00 CETStandort: Virtuell (Online)

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language German

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Partners

Tarih ve saat

2025 FEB 27

13:00 - 14:30 (JST)

【オンライン】Microsoft XDR ソリューションは最強​​ ~Microsoft Defender Plan 1 と Plan 2 を使いこなす~​ (初級~中級編)

セミナー概要:「改めて Defender for Endpoint Plan1 を見直そう」で Plan1 だけでもゼロトラストに向けた「セキュリティ基盤初めの一歩」が整うことを解説をさせていただきました。​ 今回のセミナーでは Plan1 と Plan2 が揃えば Microsoft Defender XDR として「検知」「防御」が備わった最強の XDR ソリューションとなることも解説させていただきますが、Plan1,Plan2 を上手に使えなかったがために発生してしまった「失敗事例」も盛り込み、お客様へのご提案/ご説明方法のポイントも解説させていただきます。​ 対象参加者:社内の PC 管理者​情報システム担当者​IT 企画部​企業様に対し IT ソリューションをご提案する営業担当者​ 難易度:初級~中級できるようになること:Defender for EndpointP1+P2 または他社製品との組み合わせ失敗事例から Defnder for Endpoint P1+P2 のより良い組み合わせを理解いただき、お客様にとって最強の XDR 環境構築のヒントを得られます。​開催日時:2025年2月27日(木) 13:00-14:30開催方法:Teams Live Event

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language Japanese

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Partners

Tarih ve saat

FEB 27, 2025

13:30 - 18:00 (CST)

Partner Cloud Day-Azure Open AI深度训练营

欢迎参加本次技术交流活动!我们将介绍Azure OpenAI和语音服务的最新进展,以及多模态内容理解服务的更新。活动包括精彩的演讲和动手实验,帮助您深入了解这些前沿技术的应用和优势。 期待您的参与,共同探讨这些令人兴奋的技术进展! 

Event format Yüz Yüze

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Partners

Tarih ve saat

2025 FEB 28

11:00 - 16:00 (JST)

Microsoft Security Immersion Workshop <マルチクラウド環境セキュリティ脅威対策(Shadow Hunter)> - 2025年2月28日(金)開催

イベント概要・Shadow Hunter (マルチクラウド環境セキュリティ脅威対策)について:この無料のハンズオンワークショップで、マルチクラウド環境におけるセキュリティ脅威対策スキルを習得し、ワークロードの保護に関する実践的な経験を積むことができます。Immersion Workshopはゲーム化されたトレーニングとなっており、ハッカーは建物内の防犯カメラを通じてネットワークにアクセスするという実際に起こりうるセキュリティ脅威シナリオを元にトレーニングを実施します。攻撃者の目標は、企業を侵害し、機密情報にアクセスすることです。このトレーニングに参加し、洗練されたサイバーセキュリティアナリストとしてどのようにこの脅威に対応していくか、を体感してください。参加対象者:最高セキュリティおよび情報責任者ITセキュリティの意思決定者セキュリティアーキテクト技術レベル:中級から上級までのコースです。参加者は、最小限の実務経験から、統合的なテクニカルな視点をもち顧客とのディスカッションを実施することができる。このワークショップを完了すると、次のことができるようになります。ハイブリッドおよびマルチクラウド環境向けに、Microsoft Defender for Cloud と Microsoft Azure Network Security を使用して、強化された保護とセキュリティを提供する方法を理解します。Microsoft Sentinel で AI と自動化を使用する利点を理解し、脅威を迅速に検出し、効果的に対応し、セキュリティ体制を強化するのに役立ちます。専門知識を広げ、Microsoft Security の包括的な保護がエコシステムとどのように連携し、カバレッジのギャップを埋めるのに役立つかを学びます。開催日時:2025年2月28日(金) 11:00-16:00開催方法:Teams Meetingを使用します。※ほかの参加者へ Teams account の情報(アカウント名等)が表示されます。アジェンダ:・Shadow Hunter Overview・Shadow Hunter Hands-On このイベントは、パーソルクロステクノロジー株式会社と共同して開催されています。パーソルクロステクノロジー株式会社のプライバシーポリシーについては、こちらのリンクをクリックしご参照ください。

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language Japanese

alt= Atölye

Audience : Partners

Tarih ve saat

2025 MAR 3

10:00 - 17:00 (JST)

SC-300: Microsoft ID とアクセス管理者試験対策講座 - 2025 年 3 月 3 日 (月) 開催

コース概要:本セミナーは、「試験 SC-300: Microsoft ID とアクセス管理者(」 の情報をベースに、SC-300 試験の対策を行うセミナーです。 ※ 本セミナーは、前提条件を満たしている方を対象に、SC-300 試験に特化したポイントを解説するためのセミナーです。※ Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure の体系立てた解説、デモンストレーション などは行いません。 対象者:SC-300 : 認定試験を受験する IT エンジニア 前提知識:Microsoft のセキュリティ、コンプライアンス、および ID 製品に関する基本的な理解Microsoft 365 の基本的な知識Microsoft Azure の基本的な知識 目標:SC-300 : Microsoft セキュリティ運用アナリストの試験に合格すること コース内容:第1章:SC-300 の出題範囲第2章:Azure ADでIDを実装する第3章:認証とアクセス管理を実装する第4章:アプリケーション用のアクセス管理を実装する第5章:Azure ADでIDガバナンスを計画して実装する

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language Japanese

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Partners

Tarih ve saat

MAR 3, 2025

10:00 - 16:00 (SGT)

Microsoft Azure Technical Workshop: Migrate and Modernize SAP on the Microsoft Cloud

Get the most value from your SAP applications by moving them to the cloud. Join us at a free Microsoft Azure Technical Workshop: Migrate and Modernize SAP on the Microsoft Cloud to learn how to plan and implement SAP workload migrations to Azure. Get hands-on experience deploying and configuring virtual machines, virtual networks, and storage accounts on Azure. You’ll also practice implementing and managing hybrid identities using Microsoft Entra. Explore modernization concepts, real-world scenarios, and steps needed to make your move to the cloud. Why attend? Learn how to assess your SAP workload architectures on Azure.Discover how to create and run unified workloads using the Azure Center for SAP solutions.Understand how to help protect identities and secure access across cloud deployments with Microsoft Entra.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Atölye

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Partners

Tarih ve saat

MAR 4, 2025

09:00 - 15:30 (GMT)

Microsoft AI Tour Dublin

Join us in-person for Microsoft AI Tour in the Dublin Royal Convention Centre, on Tuesday, 4th March 2025. This free, one-day event, allows you to immerse yourself with the latest Microsoft Cloud and AI products and solutions to help you gain a competitive edge and solve your biggest challenges. AI Tour brings together decision makers and industry experts to unlock the potential of AI. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with thought leaders and explore the new paths forward. Who should attend: Senior leaders who are part of their organisation’s AI transformation, tech professionals and business decision makers. During this event, you’ll be able to: Get up close with real-world examples and demos on how to begin or continue your organisation’s AI transformation.Connect with industry experts, partners and your peers to learn best practices and key next steps in your AI journey.Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Here’s what to expect: Keynote delivery by Annie Pearl, Corporate Vice President (CVP) at Microsoft.Meet: Microsoft leaders who are leading the era of AI and get solutions your business can start using today.Connection Hub: Connect with experts in casual networking spaces to collaborate with other business leaders and industry experts to help solve your biggest challenges. Sessions: Deep dive into the topics that matter the most to you throughout the day. Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Get started at the Microsoft AI Tour in Dublin. *Please be advised that photography and video footage will be taken during this Microsoft event. By participating in this event, you consent to allowing Microsoft to use your image and likeness without the expressed written permission of those included in the photograph and video footage.ID is required for this event 

Event format Yüz Yüze

alt= Brifing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

MAR 4, 2025

09:00 - 17:15 (EST)

Build and extend your own agents using pro-code capabilities.

Join Microsoft for an in-person training, Build and extend your own agents using pro-code capabilities. This interactive partner workshop is designed to empower you with the skills to leverage AI-powered agents—tools that enhance everyday productivity by utilizing large language models (LLMs).During this workshop, you'll explore how to use these copilots as-is, extend their functionality, or create custom agents by combining natural language processing and pro-code approaches. Through hands-on learning, you’ll develop the skills to build your own agents and unlock new possibilities for boosting productivity and efficiency securely.This intermediate/advanced-level course is tailored to equip you with practical knowledge to help customers achieve their business goals with cutting-edge AI solutions.Designed for a technical audience, including developers working to advance their expertise, this event requires basic knowledge of Microsoft 365 Copilot deployment and user enablement, Build and extend AI powered agents with Copilot Studio, and AI 102 certification are recommended as supplementary preparation.These workshops fill up quickly, so please register soon to secure your spot.Content level: L300 Intermediate/AdvancedRegistration: Secure your spot promptly. Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis

Event format Yüz Yüze

alt= Atölye

Audience : Partners

Tarih ve saat

MAR 4, 2025

10:00 - 11:30 (GMT)

Microsoft AI Tour Dublin - Digital

Join us online for Microsoft AI Tour Dublin - Digital on Tuesday, 4th March 2025. This free event allows you to gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI. AI Tour brings together decision makers and industry experts to unlock the potential of AI. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from thought leaders and explore the new paths forward.Who should attend:· Senior leaders that are part of their organisation’s AI transformation and Tech professionalsDuring this event, you’ll be able to:· Hear a keynote delivery by Annie Pearl, Corporate Vice President (CVP) at Microsoft.· Gain a fresh perspective while you broaden your understanding of the value of AI.Are you ready to turn your vision into impact? Get started at the Microsoft AI Tour in Dublin - Digital.

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Brifing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

MAR 4, 2025

12:00 - 13:00 (GMT)

Empowering Your Success: EMEA Go-to-Market Webinar Series for ISVs - Enabling a Security-First Approach - March 2025

What is this series?This 6-part webinar series focuses on how software companies across Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) who have built solutions on Microsoft’s platforms can leverage Microsoft’s go-to-market engines to empower their commercial success. Join subject matter experts from across Microsoft to learn more about:Mastering the Microsoft Commercial Marketplace Leading with AI in Your Solution RoadmapCommercializing your AI OfferingsConquering the World with Geo-ExpansionEnsuring a Security-First ApproachIncreasing Your Industry Relevance Who should attend?All roles within ISVs and Digital Natives who are looking to accelerate the growth together with Microsoft: commercial and product leaders, alliance managers, and CMOs. More details about this session: Episode 5

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Eğitim

Audience : Partners

Tarih ve saat

MAR 5, 2025

00:00 - 00:00 (GMT)

Microsoft AI Tour | London

Microsoft AI Tour

Event format Yüz Yüze

alt= Brifing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, For Home, Press, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

MAR 5, 2025

09:00 - 17:30 (EST)

Threat Protection and Incident Response with Sentinel and Copilot for Security

Join Microsoft for an in-person training, AI-powered threat protection with Microsoft Sentinel and Microsoft Security Copilot. During this in-depth, hands-on workshop, you’ll uncover the knowledge and skills to harness the full power of Microsoft security products. Turning to real-world scenarios, experts will guide you in using cutting-edge tools and features, like Security Copilot, Sentinel, Microsoft Defender for Cloud, Microsoft Defender XDR, and more. You’ll gain access to partner resources to strengthen your organization’s value proposition and guide your customers in strengthening their own security strategies, including comprehensive threat intelligence, streamlined security operations, and reduction of data-related vulnerabilities. This event is designed for a mixed audience of experts, including security analysts, SOC consultants, cloud architects, implementation consultants, and technical specialists. We recommend an audience competency of Level 300-Expert. These workshops fill up quickly, so please register soon to secure your spot. Seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Content level: Expert Registration: Secure your spot promptly. Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis

Event format Yüz Yüze

alt= Atölye

Audience : Partners

Tarih ve saat

MAR 5, 2025

09:30 - 15:45 (WEST)

Microsoft AI Tour Stockholm - Digital

Register today for the digital Microsoft AI Tour! Don’t miss this opportunity to listen to the keynotes and be at the forefront of AI innovation. Register today to secure your online spot at the Microsoft AI Tour Sweden!This is a free online event, make sure to join and learn about the latest technology and innovations from Microsoft and see how they can empower you to do more.Who should attend:· Business Decision Makers, Executives, IT-professionals, Developers, Data scientists, and cutting-edge technologists.During this event, you’ll be able to:· Discover new opportunities: Get a fresh perspective and broaden your understanding of the value of AI. Microsoft engineers, partners, and customers are here to share insights and help you grow your skill set and organization.· Listen to thought leaders, industry peers, and experts to dive deeper into the latest AI technology. Get answers to your critical questions and realize your AI transformation goals.· Lead with AI: Build out your organization’s agility and perseverance to accelerate digital transformation and explore new paths forward. Learn how to use state-of-the-art tools and principles to infuse responsible AI practices throughout development and drive mission-critical results. Agenda 09:30 AM - 10:30 AMKeynote: AI Transformation with Alysa Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer, Commercial Cloud & AI, Microsoft10:30 AM - 10:45 AMBreak10:45 AM - 11:15 AMDisruptive innovation in a traditional industry using AISpeakers: Jonas Dahlberg, Sales Director Data & AI Microsoft and Coskun Islam, Head of Collective Intelligence Engineering Sandvik11:15 AM - 11:30 AMBreak11:30 AM - 12:00 PM AI at Work: Unlock value & opportunity with Microsoft Copilot and AgentsSpeaker: Nina Rapp, Business Group Lead Modern Work12:00 PM - 01:00 PMLunch Break01:00 PM - 01:30 PMScaling AI: From Departmental Use Cases to Enterprise ImpactSpeakers: Patrik Löwendahl, Customer Success Unit Lead Microsoft and Hanna Radtke Bergström, Gen AI Lead, Vattenfall Heat01:30 PM - 01:45 PMBreak01:45 PM - 02:45 PMTechnical and regulatory trends in AI (and how can Sweden become one of the leading AI countries?)Speakers: Daniel Akenine, National Technology Officer Microsoft and Gila Sebardt, Head of Legal Microsoft02:15 PM - 02:30 PMBreak02:30 PM - 03:00 PMNär AI tar mer och mer plats I organisationer - hur måste säkerhetsförmågan utvecklas (in Swedish, subtitles in English)Speakers: Åsa Kidman, Customer Security Officer Microsoft och Stf.C FMTIS Per-Ola Johanssson, Försvarsmakten03:00 PM - 03:15 PMBreak03:15 PM - 03:45 PMHow to measure ROI on Gen AI investmentsSpeakers: Erica Kulas M365 Global Black Belt Microsoft, Jessica Räihä Sr GTM Data & AI, Microsoft, William SR Specialist Modern Work, Microsoft

Event format Dijital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Brifing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Tarih ve saat

MAR 6, 2025

08:15 - 19:00 (WEST)

Microsoft AI Tour Vienna

Innovation im Fokus: Die Microsoft AI Tour bringt die Zukunft der Künstlichen Intelligenz nach Wien!Künstliche Intelligenz ist hier, um zu bleiben. Nach dem anfänglichen Hype geht es darum, KI in die Praxis zu bringen und KI-Innovationen nachhaltig und gewinnbringend im Unternehmen zu integrieren. Im Rahmen der Microsoft AI Tour werden beeindruckende KI-Innovationsbeispiele aus Österreich präsentiert und die nächste Generation von KI und ihre Möglichkeiten für unterschiedlichste Branchen vorgestellt. Die Konferenz bietet Ihnen die einzigartige Gelegenheit, kostenlos die neuesten Entwicklungen und Anwendungen im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz kennenzulernen und wertvolle Kontakte zu knüpfen. Sie werden nicht nur von den Expert*innenvorträgen und Praxisbeispielen profitieren, sondern auch die Möglichkeit haben, direkt mit Branchenvorreiter*innen und Spezialist*innen zu diskutieren und sich auszutauschen. Dies ist Ihre Chance, einen Blick in die Zukunft der Technologie zu werfen und konkrete Ideen mitzunehmen, wie Sie KI erfolgreich einsetzen können und die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens erfolgreich mitgestalten können. Die Microsoft AI Tour Vienna wird gemeinsam mit unseren Featured Partnern umgesetzt. Das Programm der AI Tour finden Sie hier. Wer sollte teilnehmen: FührungskräfteAbteilungsleiter*innenInnovationsmanager*innenTechnologie-, Daten- und Sicherheitsexpert*innenEntwickler*innen Die Konferenz eröffnet Ihnen folgende Möglichkeiten: Neue Chancen entdecken: Erhalten Sie neue Perspektiven und erweitern Sie Ihr Verständnis für KI, indem Sie die neuesten Ankündigungen von Microsoft Ignite kennen und nutzen lernen. Erleben Sie aus erster Hand, wie Sie die KI-Transformation in Ihrem Unternehmen umsetzen können.Bauen Sie Ihr Netzwerk aus und vertiefen Sie Ihr Wissen: Treffen Sie Vordenker*innen, Branchenkolleg*innen und Expert*innen, um bewährte Verfahren und die nächsten Schritte auf Ihrem KI-Implentierungspfad kennenzulernen. Entscheider*innen und technische Rollen haben individuell in Breakout-Sessions und Workshops die Möglichkeit, tiefer in die neueste KI-Technologien einzutauchen. Erhalten Sie Antworten auf Ihre wichtigen Fragen und realisieren Sie Ihre KI-Transformationsziele Ihres Unternehmens.Innovieren Sie mit KI: Steigern Sie die Agilität Ihres Unternehmens, um die digitale Transformation zu beschleunigen und neue Wege zu erkunden. Lernen Sie, wie Sie modernste Tools und Prinzipien verwenden können, um verantwortungsvolle KI-Praktiken in der Entwicklung zu verankern und entscheidende Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Erfahren Sie darüber hinaus von Branchenkolleg*innen, wie KI die digitale Transformation in ihren Unternehmen vorantreibt und lernen Sie von ihren Praxis-Erfahrungen. Programm Highlights: Keynotes: Judson Althoff und weitere führende Microsoft-Expert*innen präsentieren die neuesten KI-Innovationen für Unternehmen. Sessions: Tauchen Sie tief in die Themen ein, die für Sie am wichtigsten sind. Nehmen Sie den ganzen Tag an Breakout-Sessions und Workshops teil. Partner Expo: Entdecken Sie innovative Lösungen von Microsoft und seinen Featured Partnern und tauschen Sie sich aktiv aus. Live-Stream der Mainstage:Sollten Sie nicht vor Ort teilnehmen können, so haben Sie die Möglichkeit den Sessions der Main Stage virtuell zu folgen. Für die Online-Teilnahme ist eine gesonderte Anmeldung erforderlich. Melden Sie sich heute noch an und erleben Sie die Zukunft der Künstlichen Intelligenz inmitten von Wien!Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Plätze begrenzt sind und wir die Anmeldungen manuell zulassen. Treffen Sie keine Reisevorbereitungen ohne der Rückbestätigung Ihrer Anmeldung durch Microsoft. 

Event format Yüz Yüze

alt= Brifing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals
