Dynamics 365
Uygulanan filtreler:
Office Hours de Incentivos
03/13/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (BRT)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Convidamos você para a sessão de incentivos para consultar, conhecer e entender todos os programas de incentivos disponíveis no ano fiscal 25 que se aplicam à sua empresa.
Office Hours de Incentivos
03/13/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (SAPST)
Spanish (Mexico)
Lo invitamos a la sesión de incentivos para consultar, conocer y entender todos los programas de incentivos disponibles en el año fiscal 25 que aplican para su empresa.
Enterprise Connect
03/17/2025 | 07:00 (EST) - 03/20/2025 | 16:00 (EST)
Yüz Yüze
Enterprise Connect
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals (CRM)
03/17/2025 | 10:00 (CST) - 03/18/2025 | 11:45 (CST)
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Virtual Training Day: 基礎 (CRM)
2025/03/17 | 13:00 (JST) - 2025/03/18 | 14:45 (JST)
AI 创新驱动未来,重塑商业引擎
03/18/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (CST)
借助智能 Microsoft Copilot 副驾驶®(国际版)+ Agent,打造 AI 优先企业和未来的智能体世界。本次会议将深入解析智能 Microsoft Copilot 副驾驶®(国际版)和 Microsoft Dynamics 365(国际版)中10个预构建自主智能体的功能与服务。我们还将带您深入了解联想基于 Microsoft Dynamics 365(国际版)的销售数字化转型之旅,以及如何利用智能 Microsoft Copilot 副驾驶®(国际版)在销售和服务端的 AI 实践。 您将收获: 全面了解智能 Microsoft Copilot 副驾驶®(国际版)和 Microsoft Dynamics 365(国际版)自主智能体的强大功能。从智能 Microsoft Copilot 副驾驶®(国际版)在销售和服务端的 AI 实践中获取宝贵启示。探索联想在数字化转型中的成功经验。
Accelerating Automotive Dealer System Innovation with Generative AI
03/18/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (SGT)
English (United Kingdom)
This session is delivered by our partner Technosoft: Revolutionize the automotive dealership experience with the Accelerating Dealer Automotive System, enhanced by Copilot. This session demonstrates how generative AI can provide real-time insights, streamline operations and personalize customer interactions. Discover how advanced AI capabilities help optimize sales processes, improve efficiency and boost sales performance. Key Takeaways: Learn how Copilot enhances automotive dealership systems. Discover real-time insights and operational streamlining with generative AI. Explore how AI-driven solutions elevate customer interactions and sales.
AI 創新驅動未來,重塑商業引擎
03/18/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (CST)
Chinese Simplified (China)
借助 Copilot + Agent,打造 AI 優先企業和未來的 Agent 世界。本次會議將深入解析 Copilot 和 Microsoft Dynamics 365 中10個預先建置 Autonomous Agent 的功能與服務。我們還將帶您深入了解Lenovo基於 Microsoft Dynamics 365 的銷售數位化轉型之旅,以及如何利用 Copilot 在銷售和服務端的 AI 實踐。 在此課程中,您將獲得: 全面了解 Copilot 和 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Autonomous Agent 的強大功能。從 Copilot 在銷售和服務端的 AI 實踐中獲取寶貴啟示。探索 Lenovo 在數位化轉型中的成功經驗。
03/18/2025 | 11:00 - 11:45 (CST)
借助 AI 技术的力量,彻底革新您的销售流程。本次会议重点介绍 AI 技术如何通过提高效率、生产力和客户互动来变革业务运营,尤其是在销售领域。了解微软在销售转型之旅中的最佳实践和成果,利用 AI 技术驱动的工具和洞察力,实现卓越的业务成效。 您将收获: 了解 AI 技术如何增强销售流程并推动更好的业务成果。 探索微软在自身转型过程中的 AI 技术实际应用案例。 获得实施 AI 技术解决方案以取得销售成功的可行策略。
03/18/2025 | 11:00 - 11:45 (CST)
Chinese Traditional (Taiwan)
運用 AI 的力量,徹底革新您的銷售流程。本次課程重點介紹 AI 如何透過提升效率、生產力和客戶互動來改變企業營運,特別是在銷售領域。了解微軟在銷售轉型之旅中的最佳實踐和成果,利用 AI 驅動的工具和洞察力,實現卓越表現。 在此課程中,您將獲得: AI 如何優化銷售流程並推動更好的業務成效。深入解析微軟自身轉型中的 AI 實際應用案例。獲得可落實的 AI 解決方案以取得銷售成功。
Dynamics 365 Sales: Latest features and customer success
18/03/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (IST)
English (United Kingdom)
Dive into the latest trends and new innovations in Dynamics 365 Sales. Discover how AI can boost seller efficiency and help drive impactful results. Learn from EY and Cooper Surgical's success with Dynamics 365 Sales and Copilot. Gain insights on implementation strategies, adoption best practices, and real-world use cases to transform your sales organization.
Heure de découverte Microsoft: Un service réinventé grâce à l’IA
03/18/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (EST)
French (Canada)
Un bon service est bon pour les affaires. Les recherches le prouvent : un rapport de Forrester Consulting montre que les organisations qui fournissent un bon service gagnent 10 milliards de dollars supplémentaires en revenus supplémentaires1. Cependant, les attentes croissantes des clients entraînent de plus grands défis pour répondre à ces demandes tout en soutenant les travailleurs de première ligne et en offrant aux clients des options de libre-service de qualité. C’est là que les solutions basées sur l’IA telles que Microsoft Copilot et Microsoft Dynamics 365 peuvent vous aider. Joignez-vous à nous pour découvrir comment l’IA transforme les services d’affaires et stimule la croissance. Durant cet événement, vous en apprendrez plus sur ce qui suit : Des renseignements exclusifs des dirigeants de Microsoft qui mènent des transformations commerciales à l’aide de services améliorés par l’IA basés sur Copilot et Dynamics 365La manière dont les experts du secteur élaborent des stratégies pratiques pour utiliser l’IA afin d’offrir des expériences de services connectés, d’améliorer la productivité et de renforcer l’efficacité grâce à des renseignements proactifs Cliquez ici pour accéder au code de conduite des événements Microsoft. Avis d’exclusion de responsabilité : L'Heure de découverte Microsoft: Un service réinventé grâce à l’IA est ouvert au public et gratuit. Avant de s’inscrire à l’événement, les employés du gouvernement doivent vérifier auprès de leur employeur qu’ils sont autorisés à y participer, conformément aux politiques et aux lois applicables. 1 « Money on the Table: Proof that Customer Service Drives Revenue », rapport Forrester Trends, janvier 2023.
Dynamics 365 Sales: Latest features and customer success
03/18/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (AEST)
English (United Kingdom)
Dive into the latest trends and new innovations in Dynamics 365 Sales. Discover how AI can boost seller efficiency and help drive impactful results. Learn from EY and Cooper Surgical's success with Dynamics 365 Sales and Copilot. Gain insights on implementation strategies, adoption best practices, and real-world use cases to transform your sales organization.
Microsoft's Sales Transformation Journey
03/18/2025 | 13:00 - 13:45 (AEST)
English (United Kingdom)
We’re using KUDO for real-time multilingual interpretation in all our sessions, translating English into your local language. (Mandarin, Thai and Bahasa Indonesia). For attendees located in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong and India, please see times below Australia – 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM AEDT (GMT+11:00) SYD New Zealand – 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM NZDT (GMT+13:00) AKL Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia - 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (GMT+7:00) BKK Singapore and Greater China – 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM SGT (GMT+8:00) SG India – 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM IST (GMT+5:30) DL Transform your sales processes with the power of AI. This session highlights how AI can revolutionize business operations, particularly sales, by driving efficiency, productivity and customer engagement. Discover best practices and outcomes from Microsoft’s own sales transformation journey, leveraging AI-powered tools and insights to deliver exceptional results. Key Takeaways: Learn how AI enhances sales processes and drives better business outcomes.Explore real-world examples of AI in action from Microsoft’s own transformation.Gain actionable strategies to implement AI solutions for sales success.
Exceeding Customer Expectations Through Service Transformation
03/18/2025 | 13:45 - 14:30 (AEST)
English (United Kingdom)
We’re using KUDO for real-time multilingual interpretation in all our sessions, translating English into your local language. (Mandarin, Thai and Bahasa Indonesia).For attendees located in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong and India, please see times below: Australia - 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM AEDT (GMT+11:00) SYD New Zealand – 4:45 PM – 5:30 PM NZDT (GMT+13:00) AKL Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia – 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM (GMT+7) BKK Singapore and Greater China – 11:45 AM – 12:30 PM SGT (GMT+8:00) SG India 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM IST (GMT+5:30) DL Discover how AI and automation are reshaping customer experiences. This session showcases how Microsoft improved customer support at scale, creating seamless service experiences for both customers and agents. Learn about the tools and strategies that made this transformation possible and how they can be applied to your business. Key Takeaways: • Understand the role of AI in delivering superior customer service. • Explore practical applications of automation to enhance service delivery. • Gain insights from Microsoft’s journey in transforming customer support.
Reimagine the Sales Experience with Microsoft 365 Copilot for Sales
03/18/2025 | 14:30 - 15:15 (AEST)
English (United Kingdom)
We’re using KUDO for real-time multilingual interpretation in all our sessions, translating English into your local language. (Mandarin, Thai and Bahasa Indonesia). For attendees located in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong and India, please see times below: Australia – 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM AEDT (GMT+11:00) SYD New Zealand – 5:30 PM - 5:15 PM NZDT (GMT+13:00) AKL Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia – 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM (GMT+7:00) BKK Singapore and Greater China - 12:30 PM – 1:15 PM SGT (GMT+8:00) SG India – 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM IST (GMT+5:30) DL Reimagine your sales strategy with Microsoft 365 Copilot for Sales. This session delves into how Copilot for Sales integrates CRM data with Microsoft Graph data to provide actionable insights and boost sellers' productivity and effectiveness. Our engineering team will introduce the AI-driven world of sales, including the demo, architecture and roadmap of the evolving M365 Copilot Sales Agent. Key Takeaways: Learn the overview of Microsoft Copilot and its evolution to the Agentic world. Discover how Copilot for Sales enhances sellers' productivity and effectiveness by integrating CRM data. Gain insights to drive your sales strategy with Copilot for Sales.