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Further your goals with Microsoft events

Whether you’re a developer, IT professional, partner, educator, or business professional, we have plenty of Microsoft events specifically created with your growth in mind. Explore special events and learning opportunities created to help you expand your expertise, learn new skills, and build community.

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Azure Live Q&A

Date and time

03/13/2025 | 08:00 - 08:30 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event type Briefing

Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.

Microsoft AI Innovation Briefing

Date and time

03/13/2025 | 08:30 - 12:30 (AST)

Event format In Person

Event type Briefing

Sea parte del Microsoft AI Innovation Briefing en República Dominicana. Este evento gratuito presencial está diseñado para que líderes empresariales y profesionales de TI puedan conocer la tecnología y las innovaciones más recientes de Microsoft, así como la forma en que éstas pueden permitirle hacer más en sus áreas de negocio. ¿Quiénes deberían asistir? Tomadores de decisión en las diferentes áreas de Negocio, Científicos de Datos, Tecnólogos de vanguardia y Desarrolladores. Durante este evento, podrá hacer lo siguiente: Descubrir nuevas oportunidades: Obtenga una perspectiva nueva y amplíe su comprensión del valor de la IA. Aquí encontrará ingenieros, socios y clientes de Microsoft para compartir información y ayudarlo a desarrollar su organización y su conjunto de habilidades. Conectarse y compartir: Únase a líderes, pares del sector y expertos, para profundizar en la tecnología de IA más reciente. Obtenga respuestas a sus preguntas críticas y materialice sus objetivos de transformación de la IA. Liderar con la IA: Conozca cómo desarrollar la agilidad y perseverancia de su organización para acelerar la transformación digital y explorar nuevas rutas para avanzar. Aprenda a usar herramientas y principios de vanguardia para infundir prácticas de IA responsable durante el desarrollo e impulsar resultados críticos. ¿Está listo para convertir su visión en impacto con la IA? Regístrese hoy mismo para descubrir cómo hacerlo.

Netherlands Executive Data Governance Forum

Date and time

03/13/2025 | 09:00 - 14:00 (WEST)

Event format In Person

Event type Networking

We are thrilled to invite you to the Netherlands Executive Data Governance Forum, taking place on March 13th in the morning. Respecting the same format, we will continue the engaging discussions from our last gathering, and we hope to see you there!What’s New?Based on your valuable feedback, this session will dive deeper into:How to Set Up a Data Governance Framework – Practical tactics and actionable examples to implement governance effectively, CDO and author – Piethein Strengholt – will discuss this subject in more details.Master Data Management (MDM) – Best practices and strategies to ensure consistency, quality, and control over critical data assets, Profisee’s finest CDO – Malcolm Hawker – will bring his experience to our forum.These topics were identified as key priorities, and we aim to provide you with tangible insights and examples to address real-world challenges.What to Expect: Customer-Led Insights: Hear firsthand experiences from industry leaders who have successfully navigated data governance and MDM journeys.Collaborative Discussions: Participate in interactive sessions designed to foster knowledge-sharing and peer learning.Networking Opportunities: Connect with CDOs, Data Managers, and other decision-makers from diverse industries.

Optimizing Your AI Costs

Date and time

03/13/2025 | 10:00 - 11:15 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Training

Localized times: Central European Summer Time (CET): 11:00AM - 12:15PM (GMT+1:00)Eastern European Summer Time (EST): 12:00PM - 1:15PM (GMT+2:00)Gulf Standard Time (GST): 2:00PM - 3:15PM (GMT+4:00) 👉About this session We will explain the pricing structure of Azure AI services and how to estimate the cost of an AI workload.Then we’ll introduce you to industry-leading cost optimization principles from the FinOps Foundation, which are worth exploring deeper if you have any resources in a Cloud. You'll learn about the FinOps Framework and how it aligns with adopting AI.Finally, you'll be shown demos of tools in action: from the Azure Pricing Calculator to the open-source FinOps Toolkit.By the end of this session, you'll understand how AI workloads can impact your costs, how you can control them, how you can collaborate across your organization as a FinOps Practice, and what tools are available for cost estimation, monitoring and analysis.E-met our special guest from Israeli ISV, D-ID who will showcase how Azure’s speech, translation, and cognitive services power real-time, interactive AI avatars for enhanced engagement and automation. See how developers can create next-gen virtual assistants, customer service bots, and training solutions. Don't miss this chance to integrate Azure AI + D-ID into your applications! 👥Who Should Attend ? Software Developers, Architects, IT Decision Makers, AI Enthusiasts, Entrepreneurs — anyone eager to revolutionize their development practices with AI. This session is part of ‘GenAI for Developers’ - an innovative, cutting-edge series of FREE live webinars which explores the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the software development landscape.

Office Hours de Incentivos

Date and time

03/13/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (BRT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Portuguese (Brazil)

Event type Training

Convidamos você para a sessão de incentivos para consultar, conhecer e entender todos os programas de incentivos disponíveis no ano fiscal 25 que se aplicam à sua empresa.

Office Hours de Incentivos

Date and time

03/13/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (SAPST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

Event type Training

Lo invitamos a la sesión de incentivos para consultar, conocer y entender todos los programas de incentivos disponibles en el año fiscal 25 que aplican para su empresa.

Microsoft Fabric Real Time Intelligence

Date and time

03/13/2025 | 12:00 - 15:45 (WEST)

Event format In Person

Event type Briefing

Explore the Future of Data with Real-Time Intelligence and AI in Microsoft FabricWe are excited to invite you to this exclusive event on March13th, where we will delve into the transformative world of real-time intelligence using Fabric. Many of you have Power BI in your organization, and with the launch of Fabric, you now have the incredible opportunity to store all your data in one place. This will enable you to make better decisions and prepare your data in-real time for the era of AI.This is an unmissable opportunity for you to discover how to harness your operational and IoT data to drive actionable insights and create substantial value for your business. Our expert speakers will share their experiences and demonstrate the significant benefits that can be achieved through the integration of Fabric and AI. Register now to secure your spot and embark on a journey towards transforming your data into actionable intelligence. We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event!Why Attend?Engage with industry leaders and peers to shape your journey to data modernization.Discover how to transform data into strategic assets that generate real value for your organization.Experience impactful demos tackling the most pressing pain points.Hear customer evidence and success stories that validate the solutions Microsoft can offer.Who Should Attend?This event is designed for Chief Data Officers and senior data leaders who are looking to advance their data strategy and leverage AI to drive business innovation.Reserve your seat.

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Ensuring Business Continuity: Implementing BCDR Strategies in Azure

Date and time

03/13/2025 | 14:00 - 15:00 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

Localized times:Greenwich Mean Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM GMT (UTC+0:00)Central European Time: 3:00PM - 4:00PM CET (UTC+1:00)Eastern European Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM EET (UTC+2:00)We are thrilled to invite you to this exclusive event where you will have a unique opportunity to sit down with our fantastic subject matter experts to discover more on how Microsoft can revolutionize your work processes and empower your organization to achieve more!What you’ll learn: Insights into the latest trends and important topicsMicrosoft’s latest solution offeringsThese Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level.Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisionsIT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructurePlease note this event may be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Resumo Técnico da Microsoft: Migre e proteja o Windows Server e o SQL Server

Date and time

03/13/2025 | 14:00 - 15:30 (BRT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Portuguese (Brazil)

Event type Briefing

Explore as soluções e demonstrações de produtos mais recentes do Microsoft Cloud para estimular novos casos de uso de tecnologia e prepare-se para inovar com IA em um Microsoft Tech Brief gratuito. Junte-se a nós em Migrar e proteger o Windows Server e o SQL Server para saber por que o Microsoft Azure é um destino confiável para servidores Windows e SQL. Você descobrirá como é fácil executar cargas de trabalho de ambientes híbridos ou multinuvem no Azure com sua abordagem de nuvem adaptável. Quem deve participar: Implementadores de TI Arquitetos de dados Durante este evento, você descobrirá mais sobre: Os recursos de segurança que a Microsoft oferece para servidores e bancos de dados Como você pode estender a inovação do Azure para seus ambientes híbridos e multinuvem com o Azure Arc Maneiras de implementar recursos inovadores de produtos com base em demonstrações ao vivo Aqui está o que você pode esperar: APRESENTAÇÃO DO EVENTO Introdução Windows Server no Azure SQL Server no Azure Segurança Abordagem de nuvem adaptável do Azure Ferramentas e programas Próximos passos Clique aqui para ver o Código de Conduta de Eventos da Microsoft. Isenção de responsabilidade: Migrar e proteger o Windows Server e o SQL Server é aberto ao público e oferecido gratuitamente. Antes de se inscrever no evento, os funcionários do governo devem verificar com seus empregadores se sua participação é permitida e está de acordo com as políticas e leis aplicáveis.

Microsoft Tech Brief : Azure AI Platform でイノベーションを生み出す

Date and time

2025/03/13 | 16:00 - 16:45 (JST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

開催日時: 2025年3月13日(木) 16:00-16:45開催形式: Online (On24)配信言語:英語 字幕:日本語 【概要】※このウェビナーは英語で実施され、日本語字幕付きで配信いたします。当日はQ&Aの時間を設けておりません。予めご了承ください。本イベントでは、革新的な AI ソリューションを既に開発中あるいは検討中の組織にとって重要なヒントとなる状況をお届けします。豊富なデモやお客様のユース ケース、マイクロソフトのエキスパートからの知見を通じて、テクノロジー担当リーダーが組織規模の AI 導入を容易かつ信頼性の高い方法で進める上で、Azure AI Platform が役立つ理由をご紹介します。主な内容:・ モデルの選択、ベンチマーキング、評価によってイノベーションを生み出す方法・ データと検索拡張生成 (RAG) によって高性能な生成 AI を実現する方法・ セーフガードを講じて生成 AI がもたらすリスクをプロアクティブに軽減する方法・ アジリティを高める AI 開発プロセスの運用を可能にする方法参加対象者:・ テクノロジー関連部門の CxO (CDO、CIO、CTO など)・ 技術に関する意思決定者・ AI、デジタル、製品担当部門のリーダー

Microsoft Fabric Event – Skapa framtidens datadrivna organisationer tillsammans!

Date and time

03/14/2025 | 09:00 - 13:00 (WEST)

Event format In Person

Event type Briefing

Inbjudan till Microsoft Fabric Event – Skapa framtidens datadrivna organisationer tillsammans!Vill du ta din organisation till nästa nivå och skapa verklig nytta för medborgarna? Att bli datadriven handlar om att låsa upp kraften i data – fatta smartare beslut, förbättra verksamheten och leverera mer värde på ett hållbart och effektivt sätt. Vi är glada att bjuda in dig som jobbar inom myndigheter, kommuner eller regioner till ett inspirerande Microsoft Fabric Event! Under tre energifyllda timmar dyker vi ner i hur offentlig sektor kan utnyttja den senaste tekniken och innovativa lösningar för att bli datadrivna och ta steget in i framtiden.Det blir en spännande resa som visar hur data inte bara är siffror – utan nyckeln till att göra verklig skillnad! Vad kan du förvänta dig? Inspirerande presentationer från en myndighet, en region och en kommun som framgångsrikt har blivit datadrivna.Möjlighet att nätverka och utbyta erfarenheter med kollegor från hela landet.Praktiska insikter och konkreta exempel på hur du kan implementera datadrivna lösningar i din egen organisation. För vem?Anmälan:Eventet riktar sig till dig som arbetar inom offentlig sektor, inklusive myndigheter, kommuner och regioner, och som vill utforska nya sätt att bli mer datadrivna och möta framtidens krav. Anmälan:Antalet platser är begränsat, så säkra din plats redan idag! Vi ser fram emot att träffa dig och tillsammans skapa förutsättningar för en starkare offentlig sektor!

RAG 與 Fine-Tuning 自訂 AI 模型

Date and time

03/14/2025 | 13:30 - 14:40 (CST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

在這個以 AI 驅動競爭優勢的世界之中,利用 Fine-Tuning 或檢索增強生成技術 (RAG) 所自訂的 AI 模型,可以讓「通用結果」躍升為有明顯差異的「量身訂作」。現在有越來越多的企業,會運用 Fine-Tuning 及 RAG 等技術來因應複雜的挑戰,例如提升客戶體驗,以及優化決策流程等。 觀看這場線上研討會與我們一同探索: Fine-Tuning 的基本要素,包含 model distillation(模型蒸餾) 及與其他自訂技術比較 Fine-Tuning 的目標與挑戰,並展示 Azure AI 如何簡化這個過程實作展示、實用經驗分享,以及客戶成功案例。 千萬別錯過獲取專家寶貴見解的機會。馬上報名確保您的席次!

Enterprise Connect​

Date and time

03/17/2025 | 07:00 (EST) - 03/20/2025 | 16:00 (EST)

Event format In Person

Event type Briefing

Enterprise Connect

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: 기본 사항

Date and time

03/17/2025 | 09:00 (KST) - 03/18/2025 | 11:10 (KST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Korean

Event type Training

It’s a RAG Hackathon with Microsoft & Unit8

Date and time

03/17/2025 | 09:00 - 17:00 (WEST)

Event format In Person

Event type Training

Be part of this unique opportunity to work with subject matter experts to solve some of the Generative AI use cases your team or organization have been exploring. Join us for an immersive, one-day hackathon experience where Microsoft and Unit8 will provide coaches to help you to work through challenges and questions to accelerate your team’s RAG. During the hackathon you have the opportunity to network with teams from other organizations within your industry who will join you in the Hackathon. The entire Hackathon is fully sponsored by Microsoft & Unit8. We will provide the coaches, location and catering. This event is organized in partnership with Unit8. Further information can be found in the partner privacy policy:

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Accelerate Development with GitHub Copilot

Date and time

03/17/2025 | 10:00 (BRT) - 03/18/2025 | 12:00 (BRT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Training

Date and time

MAR 13, 2025

08:00 - 08:30 (PST)

Azure Live Q&A

Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.

Event format Digital

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, For Home, Press, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

MAR 13, 2025

08:30 - 12:30 (AST)

Microsoft AI Innovation Briefing

Sea parte del Microsoft AI Innovation Briefing en República Dominicana. Este evento gratuito presencial está diseñado para que líderes empresariales y profesionales de TI puedan conocer la tecnología y las innovaciones más recientes de Microsoft, así como la forma en que éstas pueden permitirle hacer más en sus áreas de negocio. ¿Quiénes deberían asistir? Tomadores de decisión en las diferentes áreas de Negocio, Científicos de Datos, Tecnólogos de vanguardia y Desarrolladores. Durante este evento, podrá hacer lo siguiente: Descubrir nuevas oportunidades: Obtenga una perspectiva nueva y amplíe su comprensión del valor de la IA. Aquí encontrará ingenieros, socios y clientes de Microsoft para compartir información y ayudarlo a desarrollar su organización y su conjunto de habilidades. Conectarse y compartir: Únase a líderes, pares del sector y expertos, para profundizar en la tecnología de IA más reciente. Obtenga respuestas a sus preguntas críticas y materialice sus objetivos de transformación de la IA. Liderar con la IA: Conozca cómo desarrollar la agilidad y perseverancia de su organización para acelerar la transformación digital y explorar nuevas rutas para avanzar. Aprenda a usar herramientas y principios de vanguardia para infundir prácticas de IA responsable durante el desarrollo e impulsar resultados críticos. ¿Está listo para convertir su visión en impacto con la IA? Regístrese hoy mismo para descubrir cómo hacerlo.

Event format In Person

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Executives

Date and time

MAR 13, 2025

09:00 - 14:00 (WEST)

Netherlands Executive Data Governance Forum

We are thrilled to invite you to the Netherlands Executive Data Governance Forum, taking place on March 13th in the morning. Respecting the same format, we will continue the engaging discussions from our last gathering, and we hope to see you there!What’s New?Based on your valuable feedback, this session will dive deeper into:How to Set Up a Data Governance Framework – Practical tactics and actionable examples to implement governance effectively, CDO and author – Piethein Strengholt – will discuss this subject in more details.Master Data Management (MDM) – Best practices and strategies to ensure consistency, quality, and control over critical data assets, Profisee’s finest CDO – Malcolm Hawker – will bring his experience to our forum.These topics were identified as key priorities, and we aim to provide you with tangible insights and examples to address real-world challenges.What to Expect: Customer-Led Insights: Hear firsthand experiences from industry leaders who have successfully navigated data governance and MDM journeys.Collaborative Discussions: Participate in interactive sessions designed to foster knowledge-sharing and peer learning.Networking Opportunities: Connect with CDOs, Data Managers, and other decision-makers from diverse industries.

Event format In Person

alt= Networking

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

MAR 13, 2025

10:00 - 11:15 (GMT)

Optimizing Your AI Costs

Localized times: Central European Summer Time (CET): 11:00AM - 12:15PM (GMT+1:00)Eastern European Summer Time (EST): 12:00PM - 1:15PM (GMT+2:00)Gulf Standard Time (GST): 2:00PM - 3:15PM (GMT+4:00) 👉About this session We will explain the pricing structure of Azure AI services and how to estimate the cost of an AI workload.Then we’ll introduce you to industry-leading cost optimization principles from the FinOps Foundation, which are worth exploring deeper if you have any resources in a Cloud. You'll learn about the FinOps Framework and how it aligns with adopting AI.Finally, you'll be shown demos of tools in action: from the Azure Pricing Calculator to the open-source FinOps Toolkit.By the end of this session, you'll understand how AI workloads can impact your costs, how you can control them, how you can collaborate across your organization as a FinOps Practice, and what tools are available for cost estimation, monitoring and analysis.E-met our special guest from Israeli ISV, D-ID who will showcase how Azure’s speech, translation, and cognitive services power real-time, interactive AI avatars for enhanced engagement and automation. See how developers can create next-gen virtual assistants, customer service bots, and training solutions. Don't miss this chance to integrate Azure AI + D-ID into your applications! 👥Who Should Attend ? Software Developers, Architects, IT Decision Makers, AI Enthusiasts, Entrepreneurs — anyone eager to revolutionize their development practices with AI. This session is part of ‘GenAI for Developers’ - an innovative, cutting-edge series of FREE live webinars which explores the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the software development landscape.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Training

Audience : Developers

Date and time

MAR 13, 2025

10:00 - 11:00 (BRT)

Office Hours de Incentivos

Convidamos você para a sessão de incentivos para consultar, conhecer e entender todos os programas de incentivos disponíveis no ano fiscal 25 que se aplicam à sua empresa.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Portuguese (Brazil)

alt= Training

Audience : Partners

Date and time

MAR 13, 2025

10:00 - 11:00 (SAPST)

Office Hours de Incentivos

Lo invitamos a la sesión de incentivos para consultar, conocer y entender todos los programas de incentivos disponibles en el año fiscal 25 que aplican para su empresa.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

alt= Training

Audience : Partners

Date and time

MAR 13, 2025

12:00 - 15:45 (WEST)

Microsoft Fabric Real Time Intelligence

Explore the Future of Data with Real-Time Intelligence and AI in Microsoft FabricWe are excited to invite you to this exclusive event on March13th, where we will delve into the transformative world of real-time intelligence using Fabric. Many of you have Power BI in your organization, and with the launch of Fabric, you now have the incredible opportunity to store all your data in one place. This will enable you to make better decisions and prepare your data in-real time for the era of AI.This is an unmissable opportunity for you to discover how to harness your operational and IoT data to drive actionable insights and create substantial value for your business. Our expert speakers will share their experiences and demonstrate the significant benefits that can be achieved through the integration of Fabric and AI. Register now to secure your spot and embark on a journey towards transforming your data into actionable intelligence. We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event!Why Attend?Engage with industry leaders and peers to shape your journey to data modernization.Discover how to transform data into strategic assets that generate real value for your organization.Experience impactful demos tackling the most pressing pain points.Hear customer evidence and success stories that validate the solutions Microsoft can offer.Who Should Attend?This event is designed for Chief Data Officers and senior data leaders who are looking to advance their data strategy and leverage AI to drive business innovation.Reserve your seat.

Event format In Person

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Date and time

MAR 13, 2025

14:00 - 15:00 (GMT)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Ensuring Business Continuity: Implementing BCDR Strategies in Azure

Localized times:Greenwich Mean Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM GMT (UTC+0:00)Central European Time: 3:00PM - 4:00PM CET (UTC+1:00)Eastern European Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM EET (UTC+2:00)We are thrilled to invite you to this exclusive event where you will have a unique opportunity to sit down with our fantastic subject matter experts to discover more on how Microsoft can revolutionize your work processes and empower your organization to achieve more!What you’ll learn: Insights into the latest trends and important topicsMicrosoft’s latest solution offeringsThese Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level.Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisionsIT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructurePlease note this event may be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

MAR 13, 2025

14:00 - 15:30 (BRT)

Resumo Técnico da Microsoft: Migre e proteja o Windows Server e o SQL Server

Explore as soluções e demonstrações de produtos mais recentes do Microsoft Cloud para estimular novos casos de uso de tecnologia e prepare-se para inovar com IA em um Microsoft Tech Brief gratuito. Junte-se a nós em Migrar e proteger o Windows Server e o SQL Server para saber por que o Microsoft Azure é um destino confiável para servidores Windows e SQL. Você descobrirá como é fácil executar cargas de trabalho de ambientes híbridos ou multinuvem no Azure com sua abordagem de nuvem adaptável. Quem deve participar: Implementadores de TI Arquitetos de dados Durante este evento, você descobrirá mais sobre: Os recursos de segurança que a Microsoft oferece para servidores e bancos de dados Como você pode estender a inovação do Azure para seus ambientes híbridos e multinuvem com o Azure Arc Maneiras de implementar recursos inovadores de produtos com base em demonstrações ao vivo Aqui está o que você pode esperar: APRESENTAÇÃO DO EVENTO Introdução Windows Server no Azure SQL Server no Azure Segurança Abordagem de nuvem adaptável do Azure Ferramentas e programas Próximos passos Clique aqui para ver o Código de Conduta de Eventos da Microsoft. Isenção de responsabilidade: Migrar e proteger o Windows Server e o SQL Server é aberto ao público e oferecido gratuitamente. Antes de se inscrever no evento, os funcionários do governo devem verificar com seus empregadores se sua participação é permitida e está de acordo com as políticas e leis aplicáveis.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Portuguese (Brazil)

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Date and time

2025 MAR 13

16:00 - 16:45 (JST)

Microsoft Tech Brief : Azure AI Platform でイノベーションを生み出す

開催日時: 2025年3月13日(木) 16:00-16:45開催形式: Online (On24)配信言語:英語 字幕:日本語 【概要】※このウェビナーは英語で実施され、日本語字幕付きで配信いたします。当日はQ&Aの時間を設けておりません。予めご了承ください。本イベントでは、革新的な AI ソリューションを既に開発中あるいは検討中の組織にとって重要なヒントとなる状況をお届けします。豊富なデモやお客様のユース ケース、マイクロソフトのエキスパートからの知見を通じて、テクノロジー担当リーダーが組織規模の AI 導入を容易かつ信頼性の高い方法で進める上で、Azure AI Platform が役立つ理由をご紹介します。主な内容:・ モデルの選択、ベンチマーキング、評価によってイノベーションを生み出す方法・ データと検索拡張生成 (RAG) によって高性能な生成 AI を実現する方法・ セーフガードを講じて生成 AI がもたらすリスクをプロアクティブに軽減する方法・ アジリティを高める AI 開発プロセスの運用を可能にする方法参加対象者:・ テクノロジー関連部門の CxO (CDO、CIO、CTO など)・ 技術に関する意思決定者・ AI、デジタル、製品担当部門のリーダー

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Other Professionals

Date and time

MAR 14, 2025

09:00 - 13:00 (WEST)

Microsoft Fabric Event – Skapa framtidens datadrivna organisationer tillsammans!

Inbjudan till Microsoft Fabric Event – Skapa framtidens datadrivna organisationer tillsammans!Vill du ta din organisation till nästa nivå och skapa verklig nytta för medborgarna? Att bli datadriven handlar om att låsa upp kraften i data – fatta smartare beslut, förbättra verksamheten och leverera mer värde på ett hållbart och effektivt sätt. Vi är glada att bjuda in dig som jobbar inom myndigheter, kommuner eller regioner till ett inspirerande Microsoft Fabric Event! Under tre energifyllda timmar dyker vi ner i hur offentlig sektor kan utnyttja den senaste tekniken och innovativa lösningar för att bli datadrivna och ta steget in i framtiden.Det blir en spännande resa som visar hur data inte bara är siffror – utan nyckeln till att göra verklig skillnad! Vad kan du förvänta dig? Inspirerande presentationer från en myndighet, en region och en kommun som framgångsrikt har blivit datadrivna.Möjlighet att nätverka och utbyta erfarenheter med kollegor från hela landet.Praktiska insikter och konkreta exempel på hur du kan implementera datadrivna lösningar i din egen organisation. För vem?Anmälan:Eventet riktar sig till dig som arbetar inom offentlig sektor, inklusive myndigheter, kommuner och regioner, och som vill utforska nya sätt att bli mer datadrivna och möta framtidens krav. Anmälan:Antalet platser är begränsat, så säkra din plats redan idag! Vi ser fram emot att träffa dig och tillsammans skapa förutsättningar för en starkare offentlig sektor!

Event format In Person

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals

Date and time

MAR 14, 2025

13:30 - 14:40 (CST)

RAG 與 Fine-Tuning 自訂 AI 模型

在這個以 AI 驅動競爭優勢的世界之中,利用 Fine-Tuning 或檢索增強生成技術 (RAG) 所自訂的 AI 模型,可以讓「通用結果」躍升為有明顯差異的「量身訂作」。現在有越來越多的企業,會運用 Fine-Tuning 及 RAG 等技術來因應複雜的挑戰,例如提升客戶體驗,以及優化決策流程等。 觀看這場線上研討會與我們一同探索: Fine-Tuning 的基本要素,包含 model distillation(模型蒸餾) 及與其他自訂技術比較 Fine-Tuning 的目標與挑戰,並展示 Azure AI 如何簡化這個過程實作展示、實用經驗分享,以及客戶成功案例。 千萬別錯過獲取專家寶貴見解的機會。馬上報名確保您的席次!

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Other Professionals

Date and time

MAR 17-20, 2025

07:00 - 16:00 (EST)

Enterprise Connect​

Enterprise Connect

Event format In Person

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, For Home, Press, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

MAR 17-18, 2025

09:00 - 11:10 (KST)

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: 기본 사항

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Korean

alt= Training

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

MAR 17, 2025

09:00 - 17:00 (WEST)

It’s a RAG Hackathon with Microsoft & Unit8

Be part of this unique opportunity to work with subject matter experts to solve some of the Generative AI use cases your team or organization have been exploring. Join us for an immersive, one-day hackathon experience where Microsoft and Unit8 will provide coaches to help you to work through challenges and questions to accelerate your team’s RAG. During the hackathon you have the opportunity to network with teams from other organizations within your industry who will join you in the Hackathon. The entire Hackathon is fully sponsored by Microsoft & Unit8. We will provide the coaches, location and catering. This event is organized in partnership with Unit8. Further information can be found in the partner privacy policy:

Event format In Person

alt= Training

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

MAR 17-18, 2025

10:00 - 12:00 (BRT)

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Accelerate Development with GitHub Copilot

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Training

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers
