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Whether you’re a developer, IT professional, partner, educator, or business professional, we have plenty of Microsoft events specifically created with your growth in mind. Explore special events and learning opportunities created to help you expand your expertise, learn new skills, and build community.

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Microsoft Fabric AMA - Data Factory

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 08:00 - 09:00 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Training

Join us for a live, expert-led Q&A session on all things Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric! Our product engineering team will connect with you live on Teams to answer your top questions.Through this hour, our panel will unpack your data integration questions, and you'll see how the team is continuously listening to your feedback and innovating to deliver delightful and transformative data integration experiences. The critical Data Factory capabilities in Fabric are helping you unify your most valuable asset—your data—for the era of AI.

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Unlocking the Power of Microsoft 365 Copilot with Restricted SharePoint Sites Search

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 08:00 - 09:00 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

Join us for an insightful webinar designed to help organizations harness the full potential of Microsoft 365 Copilot using Restricted SharePoint Sites Search (RSS). In this session, we will explore how to effectively pilot M365 Copilot within your organization, ensuring secure and efficient collaboration.Key Takeaways:Understanding the fundamentals of Restricted SharePoint Sites SearchBest practices for setting up and managing RSSLeveraging M365 Copilot to enhance productivity and collaborationReal-world examples and success storiesQ&A session with industry expertsWhether you’re an IT professional, a project manager, or a business leader, this webinar will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to successfully implement M365 Copilot using Restricted SharePoint Sites. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your organization’s collaboration capabilities! Important: This event will not be recorded. If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - The Future of Finance: Unlocking the Benefits of AI and Automation

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 08:00 - 09:30 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

Join our insightful webinar to discover how to transform often tedious and inefficient financial processes into a critical driver of costs savings and strategic value for your business. Learn how leaders and their employees can shift their focus with the pivotal role of AI and automation. With Dynamics 365 Finance, you can streamline both Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivables processes, with the opportunity to gain valuable insights and drive greater organizational success. Key Takeaways of the webinar:Gain valuable insights into the critical trends that are top of mind for finance leaders and discover how automation can help you stay ahead of the curve.Accounts Payable Automation: Learn how AI-driven AP automation can streamline operations, reduce risk, and accelerate your digital transformation with Dynamics 365 Finance.Accounts Receivable Automation: Learn about invaluable automation tools to help your business streamline time-consuming, manual processes, from invoicing to payment processing.AI Credit and Collections: Keep a healthy cash flow by increasing successful collection rates and proactively keeping customers in good standing, with the help of AI summarization and AI-tailored content generation.Real-Time Reporting: Experience the power of real-time financial reporting and learn how it can provide immediate insights into your business performance.Important: This event will not be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Azure webinar series: AI Apps in Action: Build Your Own Copilot

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event type Briefing

Join this webinar to dive into KPMG's commitment to AI innovation through the development of KymChat, their in-house AI Chatbot.  The session will explore KPMG's business-driven purpose and AI vision, unveiling the rationale behind their own AI solution including KymChat’s architectural design, the strategic choice of Microsoft Azure services, and the challenges and triumphs experienced throughout the process.   Register today and get inspired to embark on a similar AI initiative to build your own copilot.  

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Gestión segura de dispositivos: la base sólida para construir una estrategia de ciberseguridad resiliente

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 09:00 - 10:00 (CSTM)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

Event type Briefing

La capa más expuesta a las amenazas de seguridad son los dispositivos, independientemente de su sistema operativo, tipo o propósito. Todos los usuarios de su organización (y fuera de ella) usan un dispositivo para conectarse a sus aplicaciones y datos valiosos. Descubra por qué la administración segura de dispositivos es la piedra angular de cualquier estrategia de seguridad, con Microsoft Intune como pilar para su administración y aplicación.Agenda detallada:¿Qué es la gestión segura de dispositivos?¿Cuál es su rol en mi estrategia de seguridad?Cómo reducir la brecha entre operaciones y seguridadUtilice Intune como componente de seguridadManejo de dispositivos con IAPlease note this event will not be recorded.If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Maximize Security Operations with XDR and AI-Powered Capabilities

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

Responding to an advanced cyberattack across your network and different systems can be challenging, costly, and time-consuming. Instead of reacting to threats, stop them in their tracks.   Your investment in Microsoft Defender XDR has set you up for success. Get insights and automatically disrupt multi-stage attacks that cross identities, devices, applications, and data. Use AI-powered capabilities that detect and respond to threats across the chain at machine speed.  At this webinar, Microsoft FastTrack Architects will demonstrate how to quickly identify, understand, and remediate advanced multi-stage attacks using Microsoft Defender XDR. Plus, you’ll find out how Copilot for Security incident summarization and guided response can further enhance your security strategy.  Join this webinar to learn how you can: Help protect your organization against costly cyberattacksBetter understand how to use Microsoft Defender XDR through a guided demo and a live Q&AMake the most of your existing Microsoft security solutions 

Azure Live Q&A

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 16:00 - 16:30 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event type Briefing

Learn the fundamentals of getting started with Azure. Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.

超越想象 · 智能领航 | AI时代的企业变革与重生 ——Microsoft Copilot企业策略洞察会

Date and time

09/13/2024 | 13:00 - 16:10 (CST)

Event format In Person

Event type Briefing

在AI技术浪潮席卷全球的今天,企业已站在了历史性的转折点上。AI技术,这一重塑行业格局的强大力量,正以前所未有的速度渗透到每一个商业角落,成为驱动企业跨越发展的新引擎。 作为企业管理者,您是否正在思考: 驭风破浪——如何在AI技术日新月异的今天,确保我的企业不被时代淘汰,反而能借势崛起?重塑价值——面对AI技术带来的角色变革,如何重新定义员工价值,实现组织与个人的双赢?破局而出——琳琅满目的AI工具广泛应用,遭遇“不解渴”的困境,如何突破 “应用瓶颈”? ✓  价值挖掘不足:尽管已经引入了AI工具,但似乎并未充分挖掘其潜在价值,企业在运营效率、决策支持或业务创新上未见显著提升。✓  集成难题:AI工具与现有系统的集成不够顺畅,导致数据孤岛现象严重,无法形成统一的智能办公生态,限制了AI技术效能的发挥。✓  定制化缺失:市面上的AI技术解决方案大多通用性强,但缺乏针对企业特定需求的定制化服务,使得AI工具在实际应用中难以完全贴合业务场景。✓  人才与技能缺口:员工虽已接触AI工具,但缺乏必要的培训和指导,无法充分利用其高级功能,导致AI技术投资回报率不高。✓ 持续进化挑战:AI技术日新月异,但企业如何确保AI工具能够持续升级进化,以适应不断变化的业务需求和市场环境。 微软,作为智能科技的积极参与者,诚邀您共赴一场关于AI技术赋能企业未来的盛宴,一同揭秘“AI力”——这股决定组织在智能时代能否脱颖而出的新能力。 【活动亮点】 趋势领航:洞悉AI技术未来,智驭变革先机深度剖析AI技术前沿趋势,探索其对企业战略、业务模式及人才结构的深远影响。通过实战案例与前瞻洞察,助您把握先机,制定前瞻性战略,引领企业驶向AI时代的广阔蓝海。价值重塑:AI技术赋能,构建高效智能生态展示智能 Microsoft Copilot副驾驶®全系列智能工具如何全方位赋能企业,从工作效率提升到流程自动化,从数据洞察到创新模式构建,助力企业构建高效、智能的办公与商业管理体系,实现数字化转型的飞跃。先锋对话:“零号用户”亲历分享,共鉴AI技术魅力来自行业市场、销售、人力资源及法务等领域的先行者,作为智能 Microsoft Copilot副驾驶®的首批实践者,将亲临现场,分享他们的实战经验与智慧洞察。通过第一手资料,深入了解AI技术如何助力不同职能部门应对挑战,实现个人与组织的双重飞跃。 这是一场关于AI技术、关于未来、关于企业成长的盛会。在这里,您将不仅获得前沿的AI技术知识,更能与业界精英共谋发展大计,携手开启智能未来的新篇章。让我们相聚于此,共同见证并参与这场由AI引领的企业变革! 【立即报名】抢占先机,与微软一同解锁AI力,决胜智能时代!

Microsoft Tech Brief: Accelerate App Migration to Azure App Service

Date and time

13/09/2024 | 15:00 - 16:30 (IST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Briefing

Join us at Microsoft Tech Brief: Accelerate App Migration to Azure App Service, a free event, to find out how migrating apps to App Service can help you drive innovation and modernize your business. Learn how Azure Migrate makes it easier, faster, and more cost-effective to complete app migration projects on Azure App Service. Identify apps that can be migrated early to gain immediate benefits of Azure. Who should attend:    Chief technology, information, digital, and experience officers Vice presidents, general managers, and directors of architecture, software, and application development Cloud and solution architects IT practitioners App developers  Technical level:    This is an intermediate-level course. Attendees should be able to credibly discuss, offer perspective, and integrate technology from minimal practical experience. During this event, you’ll be able to:  Gain a deeper understanding of Azure App Service and why it is the ideal platform to help you quickly start running your web apps in the cloud. Evaluate the Azure portfolio and the available tools, like Azure Migrate, to accelerate your migration projects at no additional cost. Discover app migration strategies that helped other organizations innovate faster and achieve tangible savings. Here’s what you can expect:  EVENT PRESENTATION WelcomeKeynoteSolution overview: Migrating your web apps to Azure with minimal cost and effortDemoQuestion and answerClosing

Microsoft 365 Virtual Training Day: Prepare Your Organisation for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365

Date and time

09/16/2024 | 03:00 - 04:45 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event type Training

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day : Migrer et sécuriser les charges de travail Windows Server et SQL Server

Date and time

09/16/2024 | 08:00 (CET) - 09/17/2024 | 22:45 (CET)

Event format Digital

Event type Training

Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: Configure Security Operations Using Microsoft Sentinel

Date and time

09/16/2024 | 08:00 - 13:10 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event type Training

Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: Configure Security Operations Using Microsoft Sentinel

Date and time

09/16/2024 | 10:00 - 15:15 (WEST)

Event format Digital

Event type Training

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Migrate and Secure Windows Server and SQL Server Workloads

Date and time

09/16/2024 | 10:00 (GMT) - 09/17/2024 | 12:15 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event type Training

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

Date and time

09/16/2024 | 16:00 - 19:45 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event type Training

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Accelerate Development using Azure DevOps and GitHub

Date and time

09/16/2024 | 16:00 (GMT) - 09/17/2024 | 19:45 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event type Training

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

08:00 - 09:00 (PST)

Microsoft Fabric AMA - Data Factory

Join us for a live, expert-led Q&A session on all things Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric! Our product engineering team will connect with you live on Teams to answer your top questions.Through this hour, our panel will unpack your data integration questions, and you'll see how the team is continuously listening to your feedback and innovating to deliver delightful and transformative data integration experiences. The critical Data Factory capabilities in Fabric are helping you unify your most valuable asset—your data—for the era of AI.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Training

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

08:00 - 09:00 (PST)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Unlocking the Power of Microsoft 365 Copilot with Restricted SharePoint Sites Search

Join us for an insightful webinar designed to help organizations harness the full potential of Microsoft 365 Copilot using Restricted SharePoint Sites Search (RSS). In this session, we will explore how to effectively pilot M365 Copilot within your organization, ensuring secure and efficient collaboration.Key Takeaways:Understanding the fundamentals of Restricted SharePoint Sites SearchBest practices for setting up and managing RSSLeveraging M365 Copilot to enhance productivity and collaborationReal-world examples and success storiesQ&A session with industry expertsWhether you’re an IT professional, a project manager, or a business leader, this webinar will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to successfully implement M365 Copilot using Restricted SharePoint Sites. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your organization’s collaboration capabilities! Important: This event will not be recorded. If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

08:00 - 09:30 (PST)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - The Future of Finance: Unlocking the Benefits of AI and Automation

Join our insightful webinar to discover how to transform often tedious and inefficient financial processes into a critical driver of costs savings and strategic value for your business. Learn how leaders and their employees can shift their focus with the pivotal role of AI and automation. With Dynamics 365 Finance, you can streamline both Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivables processes, with the opportunity to gain valuable insights and drive greater organizational success. Key Takeaways of the webinar:Gain valuable insights into the critical trends that are top of mind for finance leaders and discover how automation can help you stay ahead of the curve.Accounts Payable Automation: Learn how AI-driven AP automation can streamline operations, reduce risk, and accelerate your digital transformation with Dynamics 365 Finance.Accounts Receivable Automation: Learn about invaluable automation tools to help your business streamline time-consuming, manual processes, from invoicing to payment processing.AI Credit and Collections: Keep a healthy cash flow by increasing successful collection rates and proactively keeping customers in good standing, with the help of AI summarization and AI-tailored content generation.Real-Time Reporting: Experience the power of real-time financial reporting and learn how it can provide immediate insights into your business performance.Important: This event will not be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Azure webinar series: AI Apps in Action: Build Your Own Copilot

Join this webinar to dive into KPMG's commitment to AI innovation through the development of KymChat, their in-house AI Chatbot.  The session will explore KPMG's business-driven purpose and AI vision, unveiling the rationale behind their own AI solution including KymChat’s architectural design, the strategic choice of Microsoft Azure services, and the challenges and triumphs experienced throughout the process.   Register today and get inspired to embark on a similar AI initiative to build your own copilot.  

Event format Digital

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, For Home, Press, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

09:00 - 10:00 (CSTM)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Gestión segura de dispositivos: la base sólida para construir una estrategia de ciberseguridad resiliente

La capa más expuesta a las amenazas de seguridad son los dispositivos, independientemente de su sistema operativo, tipo o propósito. Todos los usuarios de su organización (y fuera de ella) usan un dispositivo para conectarse a sus aplicaciones y datos valiosos. Descubra por qué la administración segura de dispositivos es la piedra angular de cualquier estrategia de seguridad, con Microsoft Intune como pilar para su administración y aplicación.Agenda detallada:¿Qué es la gestión segura de dispositivos?¿Cuál es su rol en mi estrategia de seguridad?Cómo reducir la brecha entre operaciones y seguridadUtilice Intune como componente de seguridadManejo de dispositivos con IAPlease note this event will not be recorded.If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Maximize Security Operations with XDR and AI-Powered Capabilities

Responding to an advanced cyberattack across your network and different systems can be challenging, costly, and time-consuming. Instead of reacting to threats, stop them in their tracks.   Your investment in Microsoft Defender XDR has set you up for success. Get insights and automatically disrupt multi-stage attacks that cross identities, devices, applications, and data. Use AI-powered capabilities that detect and respond to threats across the chain at machine speed.  At this webinar, Microsoft FastTrack Architects will demonstrate how to quickly identify, understand, and remediate advanced multi-stage attacks using Microsoft Defender XDR. Plus, you’ll find out how Copilot for Security incident summarization and guided response can further enhance your security strategy.  Join this webinar to learn how you can: Help protect your organization against costly cyberattacksBetter understand how to use Microsoft Defender XDR through a guided demo and a live Q&AMake the most of your existing Microsoft security solutions 

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

16:00 - 16:30 (GMT)

Azure Live Q&A

Learn the fundamentals of getting started with Azure. Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.

Event format Digital

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, For Home, Press, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

SEP 13, 2024

13:00 - 16:10 (CST)

超越想象 · 智能领航 | AI时代的企业变革与重生 ——Microsoft Copilot企业策略洞察会

在AI技术浪潮席卷全球的今天,企业已站在了历史性的转折点上。AI技术,这一重塑行业格局的强大力量,正以前所未有的速度渗透到每一个商业角落,成为驱动企业跨越发展的新引擎。 作为企业管理者,您是否正在思考: 驭风破浪——如何在AI技术日新月异的今天,确保我的企业不被时代淘汰,反而能借势崛起?重塑价值——面对AI技术带来的角色变革,如何重新定义员工价值,实现组织与个人的双赢?破局而出——琳琅满目的AI工具广泛应用,遭遇“不解渴”的困境,如何突破 “应用瓶颈”? ✓  价值挖掘不足:尽管已经引入了AI工具,但似乎并未充分挖掘其潜在价值,企业在运营效率、决策支持或业务创新上未见显著提升。✓  集成难题:AI工具与现有系统的集成不够顺畅,导致数据孤岛现象严重,无法形成统一的智能办公生态,限制了AI技术效能的发挥。✓  定制化缺失:市面上的AI技术解决方案大多通用性强,但缺乏针对企业特定需求的定制化服务,使得AI工具在实际应用中难以完全贴合业务场景。✓  人才与技能缺口:员工虽已接触AI工具,但缺乏必要的培训和指导,无法充分利用其高级功能,导致AI技术投资回报率不高。✓ 持续进化挑战:AI技术日新月异,但企业如何确保AI工具能够持续升级进化,以适应不断变化的业务需求和市场环境。 微软,作为智能科技的积极参与者,诚邀您共赴一场关于AI技术赋能企业未来的盛宴,一同揭秘“AI力”——这股决定组织在智能时代能否脱颖而出的新能力。 【活动亮点】 趋势领航:洞悉AI技术未来,智驭变革先机深度剖析AI技术前沿趋势,探索其对企业战略、业务模式及人才结构的深远影响。通过实战案例与前瞻洞察,助您把握先机,制定前瞻性战略,引领企业驶向AI时代的广阔蓝海。价值重塑:AI技术赋能,构建高效智能生态展示智能 Microsoft Copilot副驾驶®全系列智能工具如何全方位赋能企业,从工作效率提升到流程自动化,从数据洞察到创新模式构建,助力企业构建高效、智能的办公与商业管理体系,实现数字化转型的飞跃。先锋对话:“零号用户”亲历分享,共鉴AI技术魅力来自行业市场、销售、人力资源及法务等领域的先行者,作为智能 Microsoft Copilot副驾驶®的首批实践者,将亲临现场,分享他们的实战经验与智慧洞察。通过第一手资料,深入了解AI技术如何助力不同职能部门应对挑战,实现个人与组织的双重飞跃。 这是一场关于AI技术、关于未来、关于企业成长的盛会。在这里,您将不仅获得前沿的AI技术知识,更能与业界精英共谋发展大计,携手开启智能未来的新篇章。让我们相聚于此,共同见证并参与这场由AI引领的企业变革! 【立即报名】抢占先机,与微软一同解锁AI力,决胜智能时代!

Event format In Person

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Date and time

13 SEP 2024

15:00 - 16:30 (IST)

Microsoft Tech Brief: Accelerate App Migration to Azure App Service

Join us at Microsoft Tech Brief: Accelerate App Migration to Azure App Service, a free event, to find out how migrating apps to App Service can help you drive innovation and modernize your business. Learn how Azure Migrate makes it easier, faster, and more cost-effective to complete app migration projects on Azure App Service. Identify apps that can be migrated early to gain immediate benefits of Azure. Who should attend:    Chief technology, information, digital, and experience officers Vice presidents, general managers, and directors of architecture, software, and application development Cloud and solution architects IT practitioners App developers  Technical level:    This is an intermediate-level course. Attendees should be able to credibly discuss, offer perspective, and integrate technology from minimal practical experience. During this event, you’ll be able to:  Gain a deeper understanding of Azure App Service and why it is the ideal platform to help you quickly start running your web apps in the cloud. Evaluate the Azure portfolio and the available tools, like Azure Migrate, to accelerate your migration projects at no additional cost. Discover app migration strategies that helped other organizations innovate faster and achieve tangible savings. Here’s what you can expect:  EVENT PRESENTATION WelcomeKeynoteSolution overview: Migrating your web apps to Azure with minimal cost and effortDemoQuestion and answerClosing

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Date and time

SEP 16, 2024

03:00 - 04:45 (GMT)

Microsoft 365 Virtual Training Day: Prepare Your Organisation for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365

Event format Digital

alt= Training

Audience : Developers

Date and time

SEP 16-17, 2024

08:00 - 22:45 (CET)

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day : Migrer et sécuriser les charges de travail Windows Server et SQL Server

Event format Digital

alt= Training

Audience : Developers

Date and time

SEP 16, 2024

08:00 - 13:10 (GMT)

Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: Configure Security Operations Using Microsoft Sentinel

Event format Digital

alt= Training

Audience : Developers

Date and time

SEP 16, 2024

10:00 - 15:15 (WEST)

Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: Configure Security Operations Using Microsoft Sentinel

Event format Digital

alt= Training

Audience : Developers

Date and time

SEP 16-17, 2024

10:00 - 12:15 (GMT)

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Migrate and Secure Windows Server and SQL Server Workloads

Event format Digital

alt= Training

Audience : Developers

Date and time

SEP 16, 2024

16:00 - 19:45 (GMT)

Microsoft Power Platform Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

Event format Digital

alt= Training

Audience : Developers

Date and time

SEP 16-17, 2024

16:00 - 19:45 (GMT)

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Accelerate Development using Azure DevOps and GitHub

Event format Digital

alt= Training

Audience : Developers
