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Fabric Analyst in a Day - Elitmind - Poland

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 09:00 - 17:00 (CET)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Polish

Event type Training

Build and extend your own agents using pro-code capabilities

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 09:00 - 17:15 (SAPST)

Event format In Person

Event type Workshop

Únase a Microsoft para una capacitación presencial, Cree y amplíe sus propios agentes utilizando capacidades de código profesional. Este taller interactivo para socios está diseñado para empoderarlo con las habilidades para aprovechar los agentes impulsados por IA, herramientas que mejoran la productividad diaria mediante el uso de grandes modelos de lenguaje (LLM). Durante este taller, explorará cómo usar estos copilotos tal cual, ampliar su funcionalidad o crear agentes personalizados mediante la combinación de enfoques de procesamiento de lenguaje natural y código profesional. A través del aprendizaje práctico, desarrollará las habilidades para crear sus propios agentes y desbloquear nuevas posibilidades para aumentar la productividad y la eficiencia de forma segura. Este curso de nivel intermedio/avanzado está diseñado para dotarlo de conocimientos prácticos que lo ayuden a alcanzar sus objetivos empresariales con soluciones de IA de vanguardia. Diseñado para un público técnico, incluidos los desarrolladores que trabajan para avanzar en su experiencia, este evento requiere conocimientos básicos de la implementación y habilitación de usuarios de Microsoft 365 Copilot, se recomiendan la creación y ampliación de agentes impulsados por IA con Copilot Studio y la certificación AI 102 como preparación complementaria. Estos talleres se llenan rápidamente, así que regístrese pronto para asegurar su lugar. Nivel de contenido: L300 Intermedio/Avanzado Registro: Asegúrese un puesto a tiempo. Los cupos son limitados y se asignarán por orden de llegada

Entra Suite로 구현하는 조직의 안전한 엑세스 관리와 보안

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 09:30 - 14:40 (KST)

Event format In Person

Event type Briefing

대다수의 조직들은 현재 다양한 디바이스와 환경에서 조직의 엑세스를 관리해야 하는 과제를 직면하고 있습니다. 엑세스는 조직의 보안과 직결되며, 이를 안전하게 관리하기 위한 솔루션이 매우 중요합니다. 2024년 7월에, 업계에서 가장 포괄적인 기업용 제로 트러스트 사용자 액세스 솔루션인 Microsoft Entra Suite의 출시를 공식 발표했습니다. Entra Suite을 통해서 ID, 엔드포인트 및 네트워크 전반에 걸친 세분화된 액세스 제어를 통합 제공합니다. 사용자가 어느 위치에 있던, 다양한 클라우드 또는 온프레미스 애플리케이션 또는 리소스에 대한 제로 트러스트 사용자 액세스 권한을 통합할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 직원 경험을 향상하면서 최소 권한 액세스를 지속적으로 시행합니다. 이번 “Entra Suite로 구현하는 조직의 안전한 엑세스 관리와 보안” 행사에서는 보안 실무진을 대상으로, Microsoft의 글로벌 보안 전문가들이 연사로 참여하여 엑세스와 관련된 외부 위협의 트렌드 및 조직의 엑세스 보안을 위한 최신 기술과 사례를 공유할 예정입니다. 또한, 실제 사례를 통해 Entra Suite의 효과적인 활용법을 소개하고, Q&A 세션을 통해 궁금한 점을 해결할 수 있는 시간을 마련했습니다. 9:30 – 9:40환영사9:40 – 10:25Microsoft Entra Suite을 이용한 안전한 엑세스 제공 방법매년 300억 건 이상의 비밀번호 공격이 발생하는 상황에서 ID를 보호하는 것은 매우 중요합니다. 직원들이 다양한 하이브리드 환경에서 근무함에 따라 액세스 보안의 복잡성이 증가함에 따라 기존 보안 솔루션으로는 보안 허점이 발생할 수 있습니다. ID와 네트워크를 조건부 액세스와 융합하는 통합 보안 액세스 솔루션은 제로 트러스트 보안을 위한 새롭고 필수적인 접근 방식입니다. Microsoft Entra Suite 솔루션을 도입하여 엑세스를 안전하게 제공할 수 있는 방법을 알아보세요.10:25 – 11:25Entra Suite를 통한 직원 온보딩 및 초기 적응 간소화하기Microsoft Entra Suite로 입사 첫날부터 안전한 보안 환경을 보장하고 자동화된 앱, 자원으로의 액세스와 높은 수준의 ID확인을 통해 직원 온보딩과 초기 적응 과정을 간소화하는 법을 안내 드립니다. Face Check과 Microsoft Entra Verified ID를 활용한 자격 관리를 통한 높은 수준의 ID 확인을 수행하는 등 Entra Suite를 활용하는 법에 대해 알아보세요. 11:25 – 12:30점심식사 및 네트워킹12:30 – 13:30원격 액세스를 현대화하고 사내 애플리케이션을 안전하게 보호하기Microsoft Entra Suite는 조건부 액세스 및 MFA를 기존 온프레미스 애플리케이션을 포함한 모든 리소스로 확장하여 기존 VPN을 현대화 할 수 있도록 지원합니다. Microsoft Entra Private Access를 사용하여 온프레미스 앱과 리소스에 대한 액세스를 안전하게 보호하는 법을 확인하세요.13:30 – 14:30모든 자원에 대한 안전한 액세스Microsoft Entra Suite는 클라우드 앱과 인터넷 리소스에 대한 조건부 액세스를 적용할 수 있습니다. Microsoft Entra ID Protection을 통해 모든 리소스에 대한 안전한 위험 기반 액세스를 구현하는 방법과 비즈니스 요구 사항에 따라 웹 필터링 정책을 강제하여 Microsoft Entra Internet Access를 통해 안전한 최소 권한 액세스를 보장합니다. 모든 자원에 대해 안전한 엑세스를 적용하는 법에 대해 알아보세요.14:30 – 14:40Q&A 및 클로징 점심식사와 네트워킹 시간도 준비되어 있으니, 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 지금 바로 등록하시고, Microsoft의 글로벌 보안 전문가들과 함께 최신 보안 트렌드와 기술을 알아보세요.*본 행사는 선착순으로 등록이 마감됩니다. 지금 바로 등록하세요.*주차 지원은 따로 되지 않습니다. 대중교통 이용을 권장드립니다.

Secure Your Environment: Leveraging CSPM for contextual and prioritised security posture management across your entire cloud application lifecycle

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Briefing

In this webinar, we will explore how Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) in Microsoft Defender for Cloud can help your organisation become more resilient and secure. Join us to learn how CSPM can help you identify, assess, and mitigate risks across your OnPrem, Azure and multicloud environments, ultimately making your organisation more resilient and secure. What You’ll Learn: Gain Comprehensive Insights: Full visibility into your cloud assets and workloads, allowing you to identify potential security issues proactively. Enabling you to act before vulnerabilities are exploited, ensuring a stronger security posture. Stay Secure with Continuous Protection: With ongoing assessments and real-time recommendations, your resources are always evaluated against the latest industry standards. This continuous protection helps you maintain a secure environment effortlessly. Understand and Manage Your Risk: Quantify your risk in a clear and understandable way with Secure Score. Enabling you to prioritise actions and allocate resources effectively to manage and reduce risk. Optimise Multicloud Security: A unified security management experience across Azure, AWS, and GCP, with deeper insights and robust protection, enhancing your overall security strategy. Who should attend: IT professionals, security analysts, and cloud architects 

Future-Proof Your VMware Workloads with Azure VMware Solution

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Briefing

Join this Microsoft Tech Brief: Future-Proof Your VMware Workloads with Azure VMware Solution to learn how the Azure VMware Solution (AVS) enables organisations to efficiently migrate VMware workloads to the cloud while maintaining operational consistency and leveraging Azure's extensive services During the event you’ll: Understand the migration destinations for VMware workloads in Azure. Develop the ability to assess and determine which Microsoft solution(s) are most beneficial and applicable to your organisation’s specific needs.Grasp the value and advantages of migrating VMware workloads to Azure VMware Solution.Learn how Azure VMware Solution provides a pathway to modernisation and innovation through seamless integration with other Azure services and the partner ecosystem. Register now to secure your spot at this event and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Modern Hybrid Management & Governance

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 11:00 - 13:00 (AEST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Briefing

We are excited to bring you this digital event on modern management solutions and governance for hybrid and multi cloud. This session will provide you with valuable insights into the latest trends and technologies in datacenter management, featuring key presentations and discussions on Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance, Azure Monitor, and Azure Arc. Why Attend? Discover the Importance of Modern Management: Learn how Azure Arc extends Azure's control plane to various environments, simplifying the management of complex IT infrastructures.Targeted Solutions for System Center Users: Understand how Azure Arc can complement and enhance your existing System Center setup, providing a seamless transition to modern management.Expert Insights: Gain knowledge from our experts on the components of System Center and how Azure Arc can offer modern management experience.Future Roadmap: Get a sneak peek into the future of System Center and how it aligns with Azure Arc's capabilities. Hear from Microsoft experts on these topics, and ask questions to our live moderator. Event Details:11 Feb 202512pm – 2pm AEDT | 2pm – 4pm NZDTOnline only

Bring Your Data Into The Era of AI with Microsoft Fabric

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 11:30 - 13:00 (SGT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Briefing

Fostering game-changing AI innovation requires a well-orchestrated data estate. Get ready to harness the power of your data and join us for this digital event as we explore how Microsoft Fabric is transforming data-driven decision-making. Experience immersive demos and customer success stories that showcase its revolutionary impact.Event Highlights: Discover how Microsoft Fabric can help your organisation unify, transform, and model its data to enable AI innovation and empower everyone with insights.Learn about the opportunities that data and new AI models present to make better decisions and streamline processes, and how Microsoft Fabric addresses the common challenges most organisations face.Experience immersive demos and customer success stories that showcase its revolutionary impact.Experience the built-in generative AI capabilities of Microsoft Fabric and see how it works alongside Azure AI Studio to help you build your own custom AI solutions.Find out how you can easily get started with Microsoft Fabric with just a few clicks.Who Should Attend: Chief data and analytics officers IT & Infrastructure leadersData professionals & decision makers Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and connect with experts. Register now to secure your spot!

Datasikkerhet med Microsoft Purview og Generativ AI

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 12:00 - 17:00 (WEST)

Event format In Person

Event type Briefing

Med veksten i data drevet av rask adopsjon av Generativ AI, står organisasjoner overfor hyppige og potensielt kostbare sikkerhetshendelser. Dessuten skaper det fragmenterte løsningslandskapet og mangfoldet blant AI tjenester blindsoner som setter organisasjonenes data i fare. For å beskytte data og forhindre misbruk, trenger organisasjoner en helhetlig tilnærming til datasikkerhet. Lær hvordan Microsoft Purview integrerer data- og brukerkontekst for å hjelpe organisasjoner med å oppdage skjulte risikoer, beskytte og forhindre datatap og redusere datasikkerhetsrisikoer.

Empowering Your Success: EMEA Go-to-Market Webinar Series for ISVs - Conquering the World with Geo-Expansion - February 2025

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 12:00 - 13:00 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Training

What is this series? This 6-part webinar series focuses on how software companies across Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) who have built solutions on Microsoft’s platforms can leverage Microsoft’s go-to-market engines to empower their commercial success. Join subject matter experts from across Microsoft to learn more about: Mastering the Microsoft Commercial MarketplaceLeading with AI in Your Solution RoadmapCommercializing your AI OfferingsConquering the World with Geo-ExpansionEnsuring a Security-First ApproachIncreasing Your Industry Relevance Who should attend? All roles within ISVs and Digital Natives who are looking to accelerate the growth together with Microsoft: commercial and product leaders, alliance managers, and CMOs. More details about this session: Episode 4

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Migrate to Innovate - Be Secure and AI Ready

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 14:00 - 15:00 (EST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Training

Discover the latest Microsoft solutions and explore ideas to address critical business challenges at a free Microsoft Discovery Hour event. Join us for Migrate to Innovate—Be AI-Ready, Be Secure to learn how migrating to Microsoft Azure can prepare your organization to innovate with AI and achieve your business goals. Azure provides purpose-built solutions for your IT estate that can help you optimize costs, performance, and flexibility. Who should attend: IT Decision Makers Business Decision Makers CISO CFO During this event, you’ll discover more about: How Azure is purpose-built for all kinds of workloads to maximize performance and ROI Ways that Azure works to provide comprehensive and multilayered security How Azure meets you where you are in your cloud journey with an adaptive cloud approach Here’s what you can expect: EVENT PRESENTATION Introduction Be AI-ready Demo: Migrate and integrate AI Security Demo: Microsoft Defender for Cloud Cost and performance Agility anywhere Next steps Demo: Azure Migrate Click here for the Microsoft Event Code of Conduct. Disclaimer: Migrate to Innovate—Be AI-Ready, Be Secure is open to the public and offered at no cost. Prior to registering for the event, government employees must check with their employers to ensure that their participation is permitted and in accordance with applicable policies and laws.

Microsoft Tech Brief: Next Generation Development Powered by AI

Date and time

02/11/2025 | 14:00 - 15:30 (EST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Training

 The role of next-generation developers goes beyond the act of coding—it extends to shaping the ethical, innovative, and responsible deployment of AI technologies. As developers face the pressure of these changing expectations, businesses have an imperative to elevate their work experience. By empowering workers with tools like cloud developer environments, built-in security, and platform engineering, companies can see 42% increased developer productivity, 20% faster innovation, and 50% less tech debt.1 Join this webinar for an in-depth tech brief about the next-generation developer experience. Learn how AI assistance embedded in the toolchain helps developers throughout the software life cycle to meet the demands of increasingly intelligent applications. During this event, you’ll discover more about: Employing cloud environments and AI to help explain new code bases and projects for accelerated developer onboarding Using an AI-assisted platform that helps developers write, test, document, and deploy code to speed up the development cycle Maintaining security in custom code and choosing safe, responsible AI models for your intelligent apps Here’s what you can expect: EVENT PRESENTATION Welcome and introduction Introduction to the Microsoft developer platform Demo 1: Cloud-based dev workstation setup Demo 2: Get up to speed on your project with AI assistance Demo 3: Learn and code with AI-assisted development Demo 4: Implement a safe and performant AI model for intelligent apps Demo 5: Deploy swiftly and securely Recap Closing Click here for the Microsoft Event Code of Conduct. Disclaimer: Microsoft Tech Brief: Next Generation Development Powered by AI is open to the public and offered at no cost. Prior to registering for the event, government employees must check with their employers to ensure that their participation is permitted and in accordance with applicable policies and laws. 1 “Quantifying the impact of developer experience,” Microsoft Azure Blog, January 2024. 

Microsoft Azure 在线技术公开课:基础知识

Date and time

02/12/2025 | 09:30 (CST) - 02/13/2025 | 12:00 (CST)

Event format Digital

Event type Training

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Harnessing Data and AI to Fight Financial Crime in Payments

Date and time

02/12/2025 | 11:00 - 11:45 (WEST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

Join us for an insightful webinar hosted by Microsoft, in collaboration with our partners Quantexa, iPiD, and EY. We'll explore the latest trends in financial crime within the payments industry, including progress on the EU's Verification of Payee (VOP) deadline and its implications. Discover how financial institutions are leveraging AI and Gen AI to enhance fraud detection and investigation and learn about the impact of VOP on fraud rates. We'll also examine the investments being made to further address fraud in real-time payments.Our experts will discuss strategies for meeting broader data requirements to support financial crime prevention, highlighting new data sources and cloud-based environments.Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical takeaways to enhance your financial crime prevention strategies with Microsoft's cutting-edge solutions and the expertise of our partners.Important: This event may be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Aceleración de la Innovación en IA con Microsoft Cloud for SAP

Date and time

02/12/2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 (EST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

Event type Briefing

Regístrese ahora Explore las últimas soluciones en la nube de Microsoft y demostraciones de productos para impulsar nuevos casos de uso de tecnología en un evento digital gratuito. Únase a nosotros en Aceleración de la innovación en IA con Microsoft Cloud for SAP para aprender a navegar por los desafíos y las oportunidades que implica la migración y modernización de los patrimonios de SAP. Descubrirá cómo acelerar su viaje a la nube utilizando RISE con SAP en Microsoft Azure e impulsar mejores resultados con innovaciones aceleradas y seguras. A quién va dirigido: Responsables de la toma de decisiones de TI. Responsable de la toma de decisiones empresariales. CISO, CFO, DIRECTOR DE OPERACIONES Jefes de línea de negocio.Durante este evento, explorará cómo: Mejorar la experiencia del cliente a través de análisis en tiempo real e información impulsada por IA. Aplicar seguridad multicapa para cargas de trabajo SAP y no SAP a través de una solución unificada de análisis e IA. Mejorar la productividad de los empleados a través de la integración con la suite de colaboración líder, incluidos Microsoft 365 y Microsoft 365 Copilot. Esto es lo que puedes esperar: PRESENTACIÓN DEL EVENTO Introducción Desafíos de los clientes y presentación rápida Por qué Microsoft Cloud for SAP: vista previa de los resultados Maximizando el valor de SAP con la nube de Microsoft Vídeo: Maximización del valor de SAP en la nube de Microsoft con innovación en IA Cierre Haga clic aquí para ver el Código de conducta de eventos de Microsoft. Descargo de responsabilidad: Acelerar la innovación de IA con Microsoft Cloud for SAP está abierto al público y se ofrece sin costo alguno. Antes de registrarse para el evento, los empleados del gobierno deben consultar con sus empleadores para asegurarse de que su participación esté permitida y de acuerdo con las políticas y leyes aplicables. 

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Preparing for AI-Enhanced Productivity and Secure Content Management with Microsoft 365 Copilot and SharePoint Advanced Management

Date and time

02/12/2025 | 13:00 - 14:30 (CST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

Get ready to revolutionize your organization’s productivity and content management with the power of AI-driven tools in Microsoft 365 Copilot and enhanced security and compliance features in SharePoint Advanced Management. This webinar is designed for IT administrators, content managers, and technology leaders who want to prepare their Microsoft 365 environments to harness AI for smarter workflows while ensuring rigorous content control and security. Learn how to deploy and optimize these tools to maximize productivity, automate processes, and safeguard your organization’s sensitive information. Key Highlights:Preparing for Microsoft 365 Copilot: Dive into the architecture, configuration, and deployment prerequisites of Microsoft 365 Copilot. Understand how to prepare your tenant for AI-powered enhancements that streamline productivity, support better decision-making, and drive collaboration across your organization—all while meeting security and compliance requirements. Enhancing Content Security with SharePoint Advanced Management: Discover how SharePoint Advanced Management offers critical tools to secure and govern your content more effectively. Learn about advanced capabilities such as conditional access policies, granular sharing controls, and enhanced data protection features that empower your organization to enforce strict governance over content, manage permissions, and ensure compliance. Compliance and Governance Best Practices for AI-Driven Solutions: Delve into essential strategies for managing compliance, data residency, and governance when deploying AI and advanced content management tools. Understand how to align your organization’s security framework with the capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot and SharePoint Advanced Management to protect sensitive information. What You Will Learn: Steps to prepare your Microsoft 365 tenant for the deployment and successful use of Copilot and SharePoint Advanced Management. Practical strategies for using AI-driven tools to enhance productivity, automate content workflows, and optimize decision-making.Techniques for enforcing robust data governance, implementing granular access controls, and securing sensitive content with SharePoint Advanced Management. Tips for configuring workflows and empowering users to leverage intelligent tools for effective and compliant content management. Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your organization’s productivity and security capabilities. Register now to unlock the full potential of Microsoft 365 Copilot and SharePoint Advanced Management and take your organization’s digital workplace to the next level.Important: This event may be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Azure Live Q&A

Date and time

02/13/2025 | 09:00 - 09:30 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event type Briefing

Learn the fundamentals of getting started with Azure. Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

09:00 - 17:00 (CET)

Fabric Analyst in a Day - Elitmind - Poland

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Polish

alt= Training

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

09:00 - 17:15 (SAPST)

Build and extend your own agents using pro-code capabilities

Únase a Microsoft para una capacitación presencial, Cree y amplíe sus propios agentes utilizando capacidades de código profesional. Este taller interactivo para socios está diseñado para empoderarlo con las habilidades para aprovechar los agentes impulsados por IA, herramientas que mejoran la productividad diaria mediante el uso de grandes modelos de lenguaje (LLM). Durante este taller, explorará cómo usar estos copilotos tal cual, ampliar su funcionalidad o crear agentes personalizados mediante la combinación de enfoques de procesamiento de lenguaje natural y código profesional. A través del aprendizaje práctico, desarrollará las habilidades para crear sus propios agentes y desbloquear nuevas posibilidades para aumentar la productividad y la eficiencia de forma segura. Este curso de nivel intermedio/avanzado está diseñado para dotarlo de conocimientos prácticos que lo ayuden a alcanzar sus objetivos empresariales con soluciones de IA de vanguardia. Diseñado para un público técnico, incluidos los desarrolladores que trabajan para avanzar en su experiencia, este evento requiere conocimientos básicos de la implementación y habilitación de usuarios de Microsoft 365 Copilot, se recomiendan la creación y ampliación de agentes impulsados por IA con Copilot Studio y la certificación AI 102 como preparación complementaria. Estos talleres se llenan rápidamente, así que regístrese pronto para asegurar su lugar. Nivel de contenido: L300 Intermedio/Avanzado Registro: Asegúrese un puesto a tiempo. Los cupos son limitados y se asignarán por orden de llegada

Event format In Person

alt= Workshop

Audience : Partners

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

09:30 - 14:40 (KST)

Entra Suite로 구현하는 조직의 안전한 엑세스 관리와 보안

대다수의 조직들은 현재 다양한 디바이스와 환경에서 조직의 엑세스를 관리해야 하는 과제를 직면하고 있습니다. 엑세스는 조직의 보안과 직결되며, 이를 안전하게 관리하기 위한 솔루션이 매우 중요합니다. 2024년 7월에, 업계에서 가장 포괄적인 기업용 제로 트러스트 사용자 액세스 솔루션인 Microsoft Entra Suite의 출시를 공식 발표했습니다. Entra Suite을 통해서 ID, 엔드포인트 및 네트워크 전반에 걸친 세분화된 액세스 제어를 통합 제공합니다. 사용자가 어느 위치에 있던, 다양한 클라우드 또는 온프레미스 애플리케이션 또는 리소스에 대한 제로 트러스트 사용자 액세스 권한을 통합할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 직원 경험을 향상하면서 최소 권한 액세스를 지속적으로 시행합니다. 이번 “Entra Suite로 구현하는 조직의 안전한 엑세스 관리와 보안” 행사에서는 보안 실무진을 대상으로, Microsoft의 글로벌 보안 전문가들이 연사로 참여하여 엑세스와 관련된 외부 위협의 트렌드 및 조직의 엑세스 보안을 위한 최신 기술과 사례를 공유할 예정입니다. 또한, 실제 사례를 통해 Entra Suite의 효과적인 활용법을 소개하고, Q&A 세션을 통해 궁금한 점을 해결할 수 있는 시간을 마련했습니다. 9:30 – 9:40환영사9:40 – 10:25Microsoft Entra Suite을 이용한 안전한 엑세스 제공 방법매년 300억 건 이상의 비밀번호 공격이 발생하는 상황에서 ID를 보호하는 것은 매우 중요합니다. 직원들이 다양한 하이브리드 환경에서 근무함에 따라 액세스 보안의 복잡성이 증가함에 따라 기존 보안 솔루션으로는 보안 허점이 발생할 수 있습니다. ID와 네트워크를 조건부 액세스와 융합하는 통합 보안 액세스 솔루션은 제로 트러스트 보안을 위한 새롭고 필수적인 접근 방식입니다. Microsoft Entra Suite 솔루션을 도입하여 엑세스를 안전하게 제공할 수 있는 방법을 알아보세요.10:25 – 11:25Entra Suite를 통한 직원 온보딩 및 초기 적응 간소화하기Microsoft Entra Suite로 입사 첫날부터 안전한 보안 환경을 보장하고 자동화된 앱, 자원으로의 액세스와 높은 수준의 ID확인을 통해 직원 온보딩과 초기 적응 과정을 간소화하는 법을 안내 드립니다. Face Check과 Microsoft Entra Verified ID를 활용한 자격 관리를 통한 높은 수준의 ID 확인을 수행하는 등 Entra Suite를 활용하는 법에 대해 알아보세요. 11:25 – 12:30점심식사 및 네트워킹12:30 – 13:30원격 액세스를 현대화하고 사내 애플리케이션을 안전하게 보호하기Microsoft Entra Suite는 조건부 액세스 및 MFA를 기존 온프레미스 애플리케이션을 포함한 모든 리소스로 확장하여 기존 VPN을 현대화 할 수 있도록 지원합니다. Microsoft Entra Private Access를 사용하여 온프레미스 앱과 리소스에 대한 액세스를 안전하게 보호하는 법을 확인하세요.13:30 – 14:30모든 자원에 대한 안전한 액세스Microsoft Entra Suite는 클라우드 앱과 인터넷 리소스에 대한 조건부 액세스를 적용할 수 있습니다. Microsoft Entra ID Protection을 통해 모든 리소스에 대한 안전한 위험 기반 액세스를 구현하는 방법과 비즈니스 요구 사항에 따라 웹 필터링 정책을 강제하여 Microsoft Entra Internet Access를 통해 안전한 최소 권한 액세스를 보장합니다. 모든 자원에 대해 안전한 엑세스를 적용하는 법에 대해 알아보세요.14:30 – 14:40Q&A 및 클로징 점심식사와 네트워킹 시간도 준비되어 있으니, 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 지금 바로 등록하시고, Microsoft의 글로벌 보안 전문가들과 함께 최신 보안 트렌드와 기술을 알아보세요.*본 행사는 선착순으로 등록이 마감됩니다. 지금 바로 등록하세요.*주차 지원은 따로 되지 않습니다. 대중교통 이용을 권장드립니다.

Event format In Person

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

10:00 - 11:00 (GMT)

Secure Your Environment: Leveraging CSPM for contextual and prioritised security posture management across your entire cloud application lifecycle

In this webinar, we will explore how Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) in Microsoft Defender for Cloud can help your organisation become more resilient and secure. Join us to learn how CSPM can help you identify, assess, and mitigate risks across your OnPrem, Azure and multicloud environments, ultimately making your organisation more resilient and secure. What You’ll Learn: Gain Comprehensive Insights: Full visibility into your cloud assets and workloads, allowing you to identify potential security issues proactively. Enabling you to act before vulnerabilities are exploited, ensuring a stronger security posture. Stay Secure with Continuous Protection: With ongoing assessments and real-time recommendations, your resources are always evaluated against the latest industry standards. This continuous protection helps you maintain a secure environment effortlessly. Understand and Manage Your Risk: Quantify your risk in a clear and understandable way with Secure Score. Enabling you to prioritise actions and allocate resources effectively to manage and reduce risk. Optimise Multicloud Security: A unified security management experience across Azure, AWS, and GCP, with deeper insights and robust protection, enhancing your overall security strategy. Who should attend: IT professionals, security analysts, and cloud architects 

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

10:00 - 11:00 (GMT)

Future-Proof Your VMware Workloads with Azure VMware Solution

Join this Microsoft Tech Brief: Future-Proof Your VMware Workloads with Azure VMware Solution to learn how the Azure VMware Solution (AVS) enables organisations to efficiently migrate VMware workloads to the cloud while maintaining operational consistency and leveraging Azure's extensive services During the event you’ll: Understand the migration destinations for VMware workloads in Azure. Develop the ability to assess and determine which Microsoft solution(s) are most beneficial and applicable to your organisation’s specific needs.Grasp the value and advantages of migrating VMware workloads to Azure VMware Solution.Learn how Azure VMware Solution provides a pathway to modernisation and innovation through seamless integration with other Azure services and the partner ecosystem. Register now to secure your spot at this event and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

11:00 - 13:00 (AEST)

Modern Hybrid Management & Governance

We are excited to bring you this digital event on modern management solutions and governance for hybrid and multi cloud. This session will provide you with valuable insights into the latest trends and technologies in datacenter management, featuring key presentations and discussions on Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance, Azure Monitor, and Azure Arc. Why Attend? Discover the Importance of Modern Management: Learn how Azure Arc extends Azure's control plane to various environments, simplifying the management of complex IT infrastructures.Targeted Solutions for System Center Users: Understand how Azure Arc can complement and enhance your existing System Center setup, providing a seamless transition to modern management.Expert Insights: Gain knowledge from our experts on the components of System Center and how Azure Arc can offer modern management experience.Future Roadmap: Get a sneak peek into the future of System Center and how it aligns with Azure Arc's capabilities. Hear from Microsoft experts on these topics, and ask questions to our live moderator. Event Details:11 Feb 202512pm – 2pm AEDT | 2pm – 4pm NZDTOnline only

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

11:30 - 13:00 (SGT)

Bring Your Data Into The Era of AI with Microsoft Fabric

Fostering game-changing AI innovation requires a well-orchestrated data estate. Get ready to harness the power of your data and join us for this digital event as we explore how Microsoft Fabric is transforming data-driven decision-making. Experience immersive demos and customer success stories that showcase its revolutionary impact.Event Highlights: Discover how Microsoft Fabric can help your organisation unify, transform, and model its data to enable AI innovation and empower everyone with insights.Learn about the opportunities that data and new AI models present to make better decisions and streamline processes, and how Microsoft Fabric addresses the common challenges most organisations face.Experience immersive demos and customer success stories that showcase its revolutionary impact.Experience the built-in generative AI capabilities of Microsoft Fabric and see how it works alongside Azure AI Studio to help you build your own custom AI solutions.Find out how you can easily get started with Microsoft Fabric with just a few clicks.Who Should Attend: Chief data and analytics officers IT & Infrastructure leadersData professionals & decision makers Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and connect with experts. Register now to secure your spot!

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Executives

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

12:00 - 17:00 (WEST)

Datasikkerhet med Microsoft Purview og Generativ AI

Med veksten i data drevet av rask adopsjon av Generativ AI, står organisasjoner overfor hyppige og potensielt kostbare sikkerhetshendelser. Dessuten skaper det fragmenterte løsningslandskapet og mangfoldet blant AI tjenester blindsoner som setter organisasjonenes data i fare. For å beskytte data og forhindre misbruk, trenger organisasjoner en helhetlig tilnærming til datasikkerhet. Lær hvordan Microsoft Purview integrerer data- og brukerkontekst for å hjelpe organisasjoner med å oppdage skjulte risikoer, beskytte og forhindre datatap og redusere datasikkerhetsrisikoer.

Event format In Person

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Other Professionals

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

12:00 - 13:00 (GMT)

Empowering Your Success: EMEA Go-to-Market Webinar Series for ISVs - Conquering the World with Geo-Expansion - February 2025

What is this series? This 6-part webinar series focuses on how software companies across Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) who have built solutions on Microsoft’s platforms can leverage Microsoft’s go-to-market engines to empower their commercial success. Join subject matter experts from across Microsoft to learn more about: Mastering the Microsoft Commercial MarketplaceLeading with AI in Your Solution RoadmapCommercializing your AI OfferingsConquering the World with Geo-ExpansionEnsuring a Security-First ApproachIncreasing Your Industry Relevance Who should attend? All roles within ISVs and Digital Natives who are looking to accelerate the growth together with Microsoft: commercial and product leaders, alliance managers, and CMOs. More details about this session: Episode 4

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Training

Audience : Partners

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

14:00 - 15:00 (EST)

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Migrate to Innovate - Be Secure and AI Ready

Discover the latest Microsoft solutions and explore ideas to address critical business challenges at a free Microsoft Discovery Hour event. Join us for Migrate to Innovate—Be AI-Ready, Be Secure to learn how migrating to Microsoft Azure can prepare your organization to innovate with AI and achieve your business goals. Azure provides purpose-built solutions for your IT estate that can help you optimize costs, performance, and flexibility. Who should attend: IT Decision Makers Business Decision Makers CISO CFO During this event, you’ll discover more about: How Azure is purpose-built for all kinds of workloads to maximize performance and ROI Ways that Azure works to provide comprehensive and multilayered security How Azure meets you where you are in your cloud journey with an adaptive cloud approach Here’s what you can expect: EVENT PRESENTATION Introduction Be AI-ready Demo: Migrate and integrate AI Security Demo: Microsoft Defender for Cloud Cost and performance Agility anywhere Next steps Demo: Azure Migrate Click here for the Microsoft Event Code of Conduct. Disclaimer: Migrate to Innovate—Be AI-Ready, Be Secure is open to the public and offered at no cost. Prior to registering for the event, government employees must check with their employers to ensure that their participation is permitted and in accordance with applicable policies and laws.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Training

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Date and time

FEB 11, 2025

14:00 - 15:30 (EST)

Microsoft Tech Brief: Next Generation Development Powered by AI

 The role of next-generation developers goes beyond the act of coding—it extends to shaping the ethical, innovative, and responsible deployment of AI technologies. As developers face the pressure of these changing expectations, businesses have an imperative to elevate their work experience. By empowering workers with tools like cloud developer environments, built-in security, and platform engineering, companies can see 42% increased developer productivity, 20% faster innovation, and 50% less tech debt.1 Join this webinar for an in-depth tech brief about the next-generation developer experience. Learn how AI assistance embedded in the toolchain helps developers throughout the software life cycle to meet the demands of increasingly intelligent applications. During this event, you’ll discover more about: Employing cloud environments and AI to help explain new code bases and projects for accelerated developer onboarding Using an AI-assisted platform that helps developers write, test, document, and deploy code to speed up the development cycle Maintaining security in custom code and choosing safe, responsible AI models for your intelligent apps Here’s what you can expect: EVENT PRESENTATION Welcome and introduction Introduction to the Microsoft developer platform Demo 1: Cloud-based dev workstation setup Demo 2: Get up to speed on your project with AI assistance Demo 3: Learn and code with AI-assisted development Demo 4: Implement a safe and performant AI model for intelligent apps Demo 5: Deploy swiftly and securely Recap Closing Click here for the Microsoft Event Code of Conduct. Disclaimer: Microsoft Tech Brief: Next Generation Development Powered by AI is open to the public and offered at no cost. Prior to registering for the event, government employees must check with their employers to ensure that their participation is permitted and in accordance with applicable policies and laws. 1 “Quantifying the impact of developer experience,” Microsoft Azure Blog, January 2024. 

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Training

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals

Date and time

FEB 12-13, 2025

09:30 - 12:00 (CST)

Microsoft Azure 在线技术公开课:基础知识

Event format Digital

alt= Training

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

FEB 12, 2025

11:00 - 11:45 (WEST)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Harnessing Data and AI to Fight Financial Crime in Payments

Join us for an insightful webinar hosted by Microsoft, in collaboration with our partners Quantexa, iPiD, and EY. We'll explore the latest trends in financial crime within the payments industry, including progress on the EU's Verification of Payee (VOP) deadline and its implications. Discover how financial institutions are leveraging AI and Gen AI to enhance fraud detection and investigation and learn about the impact of VOP on fraud rates. We'll also examine the investments being made to further address fraud in real-time payments.Our experts will discuss strategies for meeting broader data requirements to support financial crime prevention, highlighting new data sources and cloud-based environments.Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical takeaways to enhance your financial crime prevention strategies with Microsoft's cutting-edge solutions and the expertise of our partners.Important: This event may be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

FEB 12, 2025

11:00 - 12:00 (EST)

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Aceleración de la Innovación en IA con Microsoft Cloud for SAP

Regístrese ahora Explore las últimas soluciones en la nube de Microsoft y demostraciones de productos para impulsar nuevos casos de uso de tecnología en un evento digital gratuito. Únase a nosotros en Aceleración de la innovación en IA con Microsoft Cloud for SAP para aprender a navegar por los desafíos y las oportunidades que implica la migración y modernización de los patrimonios de SAP. Descubrirá cómo acelerar su viaje a la nube utilizando RISE con SAP en Microsoft Azure e impulsar mejores resultados con innovaciones aceleradas y seguras. A quién va dirigido: Responsables de la toma de decisiones de TI. Responsable de la toma de decisiones empresariales. CISO, CFO, DIRECTOR DE OPERACIONES Jefes de línea de negocio.Durante este evento, explorará cómo: Mejorar la experiencia del cliente a través de análisis en tiempo real e información impulsada por IA. Aplicar seguridad multicapa para cargas de trabajo SAP y no SAP a través de una solución unificada de análisis e IA. Mejorar la productividad de los empleados a través de la integración con la suite de colaboración líder, incluidos Microsoft 365 y Microsoft 365 Copilot. Esto es lo que puedes esperar: PRESENTACIÓN DEL EVENTO Introducción Desafíos de los clientes y presentación rápida Por qué Microsoft Cloud for SAP: vista previa de los resultados Maximizando el valor de SAP con la nube de Microsoft Vídeo: Maximización del valor de SAP en la nube de Microsoft con innovación en IA Cierre Haga clic aquí para ver el Código de conducta de eventos de Microsoft. Descargo de responsabilidad: Acelerar la innovación de IA con Microsoft Cloud for SAP está abierto al público y se ofrece sin costo alguno. Antes de registrarse para el evento, los empleados del gobierno deben consultar con sus empleadores para asegurarse de que su participación esté permitida y de acuerdo con las políticas y leyes aplicables. 

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

FEB 12, 2025

13:00 - 14:30 (CST)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Preparing for AI-Enhanced Productivity and Secure Content Management with Microsoft 365 Copilot and SharePoint Advanced Management

Get ready to revolutionize your organization’s productivity and content management with the power of AI-driven tools in Microsoft 365 Copilot and enhanced security and compliance features in SharePoint Advanced Management. This webinar is designed for IT administrators, content managers, and technology leaders who want to prepare their Microsoft 365 environments to harness AI for smarter workflows while ensuring rigorous content control and security. Learn how to deploy and optimize these tools to maximize productivity, automate processes, and safeguard your organization’s sensitive information. Key Highlights:Preparing for Microsoft 365 Copilot: Dive into the architecture, configuration, and deployment prerequisites of Microsoft 365 Copilot. Understand how to prepare your tenant for AI-powered enhancements that streamline productivity, support better decision-making, and drive collaboration across your organization—all while meeting security and compliance requirements. Enhancing Content Security with SharePoint Advanced Management: Discover how SharePoint Advanced Management offers critical tools to secure and govern your content more effectively. Learn about advanced capabilities such as conditional access policies, granular sharing controls, and enhanced data protection features that empower your organization to enforce strict governance over content, manage permissions, and ensure compliance. Compliance and Governance Best Practices for AI-Driven Solutions: Delve into essential strategies for managing compliance, data residency, and governance when deploying AI and advanced content management tools. Understand how to align your organization’s security framework with the capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot and SharePoint Advanced Management to protect sensitive information. What You Will Learn: Steps to prepare your Microsoft 365 tenant for the deployment and successful use of Copilot and SharePoint Advanced Management. Practical strategies for using AI-driven tools to enhance productivity, automate content workflows, and optimize decision-making.Techniques for enforcing robust data governance, implementing granular access controls, and securing sensitive content with SharePoint Advanced Management. Tips for configuring workflows and empowering users to leverage intelligent tools for effective and compliant content management. Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your organization’s productivity and security capabilities. Register now to unlock the full potential of Microsoft 365 Copilot and SharePoint Advanced Management and take your organization’s digital workplace to the next level.Important: This event may be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

FEB 13, 2025

09:00 - 09:30 (PST)

Azure Live Q&A

Learn the fundamentals of getting started with Azure. Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.

Event format Digital

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, For Home, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals
