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Whether you’re a developer, IT professional, partner, educator, or business professional, we have plenty of Microsoft events specifically created with your growth in mind. Explore special events and learning opportunities created to help you expand your expertise, learn new skills, and build community.




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Azure Live Q&A

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 08:00 - 08:30 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event type Briefing

 Learn the fundamentals of getting started with Azure. Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.  

Microsoft Fabric AMA - Data Factory

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 08:00 - 09:00 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Training

Join us for a live, expert-led Q&A session on all things Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric! Our product engineering team will connect with you live on Teams to answer your top questions.Through this hour, our panel will unpack your data integration questions, and you'll see how the team is continuously listening to your feedback and innovating to deliver delightful and transformative data integration experiences. The critical Data Factory capabilities in Fabric are helping you unify your most valuable asset—your data—for the era of AI.

Activate your data for AI innovation with Microsoft Fabric and Azure Databricks

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 08:30 - 13:30 (SAST)

Event format In Person

Event type Workshop

Join us in person for an exclusive event on Microsoft Fabric and Azure Databricks, where our product experts will demonstrate how these powerful platforms are better together.This session will provide you with hands-on insights and direct interaction with industry leaders, empowering your ambitious data initiatives with precision and efficiency.  During this event, you'll discover:  How the Lakehouse architecture combines the precision of traditional data warehouses with the scale and flexibility of data lakes.  How Fabric and Azure Databricks offer a cohesive, unified analytics platform that enables collaboration among various data roles, from engineers to decision-makers.  How the strong integration between Fabric and Azure Databricks enhances data analytics and AI, delivering efficient data pipelines, unified data, AI and machine learning integration, flexible storage solutions, and advanced data visualization capabilities. 

Azure webinar series: AI Apps in Action: Build Your Own Copilot

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Event format Digital

Event type Briefing

Join this webinar to dive into KPMG's commitment to AI innovation through the development of KymChat, their in-house AI Chatbot.  The session will explore KPMG's business-driven purpose and AI vision, unveiling the rationale behind their own AI solution including KymChat’s architectural design, the strategic choice of Microsoft Azure services, and the challenges and triumphs experienced throughout the process.   Register today and get inspired to embark on a similar AI initiative to build your own copilot.  

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Gestión segura de dispositivos: la base sólida para construir una estrategia de ciberseguridad resiliente

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 09:00 - 10:00 (CSTM)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

Event type Briefing

La capa más expuesta a las amenazas de seguridad son los dispositivos, independientemente de su sistema operativo, tipo o propósito. Todos los usuarios de su organización (y fuera de ella) usan un dispositivo para conectarse a sus aplicaciones y datos valiosos. Descubra por qué la administración segura de dispositivos es la piedra angular de cualquier estrategia de seguridad, con Microsoft Intune como pilar para su administración y aplicación.Agenda detallada:¿Qué es la gestión segura de dispositivos?¿Cuál es su rol en mi estrategia de seguridad?Cómo reducir la brecha entre operaciones y seguridadUtilice Intune como componente de seguridadManejo de dispositivos con IAPlease note this event will not be recorded.If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Leveraging the Power of Azure OpenAI Services for Competitive Advantage

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 12:00 - 13:30 (SST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

Localized times: Singapore: 12:00PM - 1:30PM SGT (UTC+8:00)Australia: 2:00PM - 3:30PM AEST (UTC+10:00)India: 9:30AM - 11:00AM IST (UTC+5:30) We are thrilled to invite you to this exclusive event where you will have a unique opportunity to sit down with our fantastic subject matter experts to discover more on how Microsoft can revolutionize your work processes and empower your organization to achieve more!This webinar will provide you with a comprehensive insight into the latest innovations and use cases of Azure AI and how you can leverage these technologies to generate new revenue streams, differentiate customer experiences, and modernize internal processes.Discover how Azure AI Services, Azure Machine Learning, and Responsible AI Tooling can revolutionize the way your company operates while being designed to be scalable as your needs grow. Get to know the Azure AI Studio, a powerful platform that empowers developers of all abilities and preferences to innovate with AI, offering a user-friendly interface and code-first experiences for rapid project initiation, iteration, and collaboration. Learn about the pre-trained, turnkey solutions of Azure AI Services for intelligent applications and the Azure Machine Learning tools for the entire lifecycle of designing and managing AI models.These Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level. Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisionsIT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructureImportant: This event will not be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.


Date and time

2024/09/12 | 13:00 - 14:00 (JST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

開催形式: ON24(オンライン)※本セッション言語は、英語となっており、日本語の字幕付きで配信されます。 急速に進化するアプリケーション開発の世界で、AIは設計、開発、展開の方法に革新をもたらしています。このセッションでは、AIが開発プロセスに与える変革的な影響と、Microsoftの戦略的ビジョンについて詳しく説明します。AI搭載の開発で成功するための知識とツールを提供するこのセッションに、ぜひご参加ください。次世代のアプリを構築しようとしている方や、既存のソリューションにAIを統合したい方にも、お役立ていただけます。 このセッションでは、次のことを説明いたします。• AIがアプリの構築と開発に与える影響と、Microsoftの戦略• 開発リーダーとして、AIの時代で開発者をどう活躍させるかについての考え方• 開発者として、セキュリティとガバナンスを考慮しながらビジネスリスクを最小限に抑え、ビジネスとの対話をサポートする方法• マイクロソフトがDevSecOpsとプラットフォームエンジニアリングをどう活用し、社内でのAI活用からグローバルでのAIサービス提供までを掘り下げます Microsoft Azure Bootcamp の全セッション情報はこちらからMicrosoft Azure Bootcamp - AIの無限の可能性を実用的なインパクトに変える- #AzureBootcamp  

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Migrate VDI to AVD

Date and time

09/12/2024 | 13:00 - 14:00 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

Localized times:British Summer Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM BST (UTC+1:00)Central European Summer Time: 3:00PM - 4:00PM CEST (UTC+2:00)Eastern European Summer Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM EEST (UTC+3:00) We are thrilled to invite you to this exclusive event where you will have a unique opportunity to sit down with our fantastic subject matter experts to discover more on how Microsoft can revolutionize your work processes and empower your organization to achieve more!We will go through the following flow to migrate from on-premises RDS to Azure Virtual Desktop: Assess, Migrate, Manage and Optimize.These Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level.Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisionsIT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructureIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.


Date and time

2024/09/12 | 14:00 - 15:00 (JST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

開催形式: ON24(オンライン)※本セッション言語は、英語となっており、日本語の字幕付きで配信されます。 MicrosoftのVice President Developer CommunityであるScott Hanselman、GitHubのVice PresidentであるScott Densmore、GitHubのDeveloper AdvocateであるKedasha Kerrによるトークセッションにぜひご参加ください。 AI支援プログラミングの力を活用し、コードからクラウドまで開発者の生産性を向上させるために不可欠なDevOpsのベストプラクティスを学びましょう。GitHubが提供する最新のイノベーションと、AI搭載ツールが開発者の効率向上にどう革新をもたらすかについて、業界の専門家からの洞察を得ることができます。 このセッションが見逃せない理由: 生産性を加速し、開発プロセスを強化するためのベストプラクティスを学べますGitHubの最新情報とイノベーションを理解することができますAIを使用して一般的な開発課題を克服するための実践的なヒントと戦略が学べます Microsoft Azure Bootcamp の全セッション情報はこちらからMicrosoft Azure Bootcamp - AIの無限の可能性を実用的なインパクトに変える- #AzureBootcamp  


Date and time

2024/09/12 | 15:00 - 16:00 (JST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

Event type Briefing

開催形式: ON24(オンライン)※本セッション言語は、英語となっており、日本語の字幕付きで配信されます。 インテリジェントなアプリが登場し、人工知能(AI)がアプリに統合されたことは大きな出来事です。これは単なるトレンド追随ではなく、革新的な取り組みです。しかし、本当の課題は正しい方法で進めることです。つまり、新しいAI機能が便利で使いやすく、かつ確実に稼働するかどうかを確認することです。これらはアプリ開発者が真に注目すべき点です。 このセッションでは、次のことを説明します。• ユーザーエクスペリエンスの向上に焦点を当て、単なる「AIの追加」にとどまらず、新しいインテリジェントアプリの機能を構築する技術を掘り下げます。• 実稼働可能な方法でツールと機能の両方を展開し、AIを活用して既存のアプリケーションを最新化するための戦略を模索します。• クラウドネイティブアプリケーションとAPIの力を活用し、革新的なAI体験を創造します。 ご自身のAI変革にあたって必要なスキルを身につけましょう。今すぐご登録ください。 Microsoft Azure Bootcamp の全セッション情報はこちらからMicrosoft Azure Bootcamp - AIの無限の可能性を実用的なインパクトに変える- #AzureBootcamp  

Azure AI 導入のリアル:トップエキスパートが語る AI 導入戦略と現場の真実

Date and time

2024/09/12 | 16:00 - 17:00 (JST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Japanese

Event type Briefing

開催形式: ON24(オンライン)※本セッション言語は、日本語となっております。 本セッションは パネルセッション形式で実施され、Azure 環境で様々な AI の導入プロジェクトに携わるスタートアップ企業の社長、世界的にも有名な Microsoft MVP、そしてマイクロソフトで一番 AI の提案を行う皆様から、一歩先を行く AI 導入の経験・知見を赤裸々に語っていただきます。 企業における AI 導入に対してどのような意思決定を行うのか、どのようにして選定を行うのか、他の Azure リソース連携や使い所、便利な点や苦労する点などを、実際の経験元に語って頂きます。ここでしか聞けない、注意点や、こんな所で大きな威力を発揮したなどのベストプラクティスをお届けします。 パネラー:後川 菜穂子株式会社merida代表取締役CEO 芝村 達郎株式会社ゼンアーキテクツ 畠山 大有日本マイクロソフト株式会社シニアクラウドソリューションアーキテクト  モデレータ:寺田 佳央Microsoft CorporationSenior Cloud Advocate Microsoft Azure Bootcamp の全セッション情報はこちらからMicrosoft Azure Bootcamp - AIの無限の可能性を実用的なインパクトに変える -   #AzureBootcamp

In Person: Fabric Analyst in a Day - Quadrant Resource LLC - Mumbai

Date and time

13/09/2024 | 09:00 - 17:00 (IST)

Event format In Person

Event type Training

AI 시대의 클라우드 보안

Date and time

09/13/2024 | 09:00 - 12:00 (KST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Korean

Event type Briefing

AI시대의 보안시장의 동향과 Microsoft Azure 클라우드 보안에 관하여 알아보세요. 본 세션에서는 Microsoft CNAPP, Microsoft SecOps, Microsoft AI Security, Microsoft EASM 및 Azure 네트워크 보안 등 다양한 측면에서 각 주제에 대해 심도깊게 다룹니다. 세미나 및 실시간 Q&A를 통하여 보안 관련 궁금한 사항을 해결하고 비즈니스에 도움이 되시길 바랍니다. 

Microsoft Tech Brief: Accelerate App Migration to Azure App Service

Date and time

13/09/2024 | 15:00 - 16:30 (IST)

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

Event type Briefing

Join us at Microsoft Tech Brief: Accelerate App Migration to Azure App Service, a free event, to find out how migrating apps to App Service can help you drive innovation and modernize your business. Learn how Azure Migrate makes it easier, faster, and more cost-effective to complete app migration projects on Azure App Service. Identify apps that can be migrated early to gain immediate benefits of Azure. Who should attend:    Chief technology, information, digital, and experience officers Vice presidents, general managers, and directors of architecture, software, and application development Cloud and solution architects IT practitioners App developers  Technical level:    This is an intermediate-level course. Attendees should be able to credibly discuss, offer perspective, and integrate technology from minimal practical experience. During this event, you’ll be able to:  Gain a deeper understanding of Azure App Service and why it is the ideal platform to help you quickly start running your web apps in the cloud. Evaluate the Azure portfolio and the available tools, like Azure Migrate, to accelerate your migration projects at no additional cost. Discover app migration strategies that helped other organizations innovate faster and achieve tangible savings. Here’s what you can expect:  EVENT PRESENTATION WelcomeKeynoteSolution overview: Migrating your web apps to Azure with minimal cost and effortDemoQuestion and answerClosing

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day : Migrer et sécuriser les charges de travail Windows Server et SQL Server

Date and time

09/16/2024 | 08:00 (CET) - 09/17/2024 | 22:45 (CET)

Event format Digital

Event type Training

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Migrate and Secure Windows Server and SQL Server Workloads

Date and time

09/16/2024 | 10:00 (GMT) - 09/17/2024 | 12:15 (GMT)

Event format Digital

Event type Training

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

08:00 - 08:30 (PST)

Azure Live Q&A

 Learn the fundamentals of getting started with Azure. Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert in a live webinar format. Ask questions about your specific project or use case and learn from others in the Azure community. Schedule a session anytime you have a question or are looking for inspiration.  

Event format Digital

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, For Home, Press, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

08:00 - 09:00 (PST)

Microsoft Fabric AMA - Data Factory

Join us for a live, expert-led Q&A session on all things Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric! Our product engineering team will connect with you live on Teams to answer your top questions.Through this hour, our panel will unpack your data integration questions, and you'll see how the team is continuously listening to your feedback and innovating to deliver delightful and transformative data integration experiences. The critical Data Factory capabilities in Fabric are helping you unify your most valuable asset—your data—for the era of AI.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Training

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

08:30 - 13:30 (SAST)

Activate your data for AI innovation with Microsoft Fabric and Azure Databricks

Join us in person for an exclusive event on Microsoft Fabric and Azure Databricks, where our product experts will demonstrate how these powerful platforms are better together.This session will provide you with hands-on insights and direct interaction with industry leaders, empowering your ambitious data initiatives with precision and efficiency.  During this event, you'll discover:  How the Lakehouse architecture combines the precision of traditional data warehouses with the scale and flexibility of data lakes.  How Fabric and Azure Databricks offer a cohesive, unified analytics platform that enables collaboration among various data roles, from engineers to decision-makers.  How the strong integration between Fabric and Azure Databricks enhances data analytics and AI, delivering efficient data pipelines, unified data, AI and machine learning integration, flexible storage solutions, and advanced data visualization capabilities. 

Event format In Person

alt= Workshop

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

09:00 - 10:00 (PST)

Azure webinar series: AI Apps in Action: Build Your Own Copilot

Join this webinar to dive into KPMG's commitment to AI innovation through the development of KymChat, their in-house AI Chatbot.  The session will explore KPMG's business-driven purpose and AI vision, unveiling the rationale behind their own AI solution including KymChat’s architectural design, the strategic choice of Microsoft Azure services, and the challenges and triumphs experienced throughout the process.   Register today and get inspired to embark on a similar AI initiative to build your own copilot.  

Event format Digital

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Educators, Students, IT Professionals, Partners, For Home, Press, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

09:00 - 10:00 (CSTM)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Gestión segura de dispositivos: la base sólida para construir una estrategia de ciberseguridad resiliente

La capa más expuesta a las amenazas de seguridad son los dispositivos, independientemente de su sistema operativo, tipo o propósito. Todos los usuarios de su organización (y fuera de ella) usan un dispositivo para conectarse a sus aplicaciones y datos valiosos. Descubra por qué la administración segura de dispositivos es la piedra angular de cualquier estrategia de seguridad, con Microsoft Intune como pilar para su administración y aplicación.Agenda detallada:¿Qué es la gestión segura de dispositivos?¿Cuál es su rol en mi estrategia de seguridad?Cómo reducir la brecha entre operaciones y seguridadUtilice Intune como componente de seguridadManejo de dispositivos con IAPlease note this event will not be recorded.If you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Spanish (Mexico)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

12:00 - 13:30 (SST)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Leveraging the Power of Azure OpenAI Services for Competitive Advantage

Localized times: Singapore: 12:00PM - 1:30PM SGT (UTC+8:00)Australia: 2:00PM - 3:30PM AEST (UTC+10:00)India: 9:30AM - 11:00AM IST (UTC+5:30) We are thrilled to invite you to this exclusive event where you will have a unique opportunity to sit down with our fantastic subject matter experts to discover more on how Microsoft can revolutionize your work processes and empower your organization to achieve more!This webinar will provide you with a comprehensive insight into the latest innovations and use cases of Azure AI and how you can leverage these technologies to generate new revenue streams, differentiate customer experiences, and modernize internal processes.Discover how Azure AI Services, Azure Machine Learning, and Responsible AI Tooling can revolutionize the way your company operates while being designed to be scalable as your needs grow. Get to know the Azure AI Studio, a powerful platform that empowers developers of all abilities and preferences to innovate with AI, offering a user-friendly interface and code-first experiences for rapid project initiation, iteration, and collaboration. Learn about the pre-trained, turnkey solutions of Azure AI Services for intelligent applications and the Azure Machine Learning tools for the entire lifecycle of designing and managing AI models.These Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level. Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisionsIT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructureImportant: This event will not be recordedIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals

Date and time

2024 SEP 12

13:00 - 14:00 (JST)


開催形式: ON24(オンライン)※本セッション言語は、英語となっており、日本語の字幕付きで配信されます。 急速に進化するアプリケーション開発の世界で、AIは設計、開発、展開の方法に革新をもたらしています。このセッションでは、AIが開発プロセスに与える変革的な影響と、Microsoftの戦略的ビジョンについて詳しく説明します。AI搭載の開発で成功するための知識とツールを提供するこのセッションに、ぜひご参加ください。次世代のアプリを構築しようとしている方や、既存のソリューションにAIを統合したい方にも、お役立ていただけます。 このセッションでは、次のことを説明いたします。• AIがアプリの構築と開発に与える影響と、Microsoftの戦略• 開発リーダーとして、AIの時代で開発者をどう活躍させるかについての考え方• 開発者として、セキュリティとガバナンスを考慮しながらビジネスリスクを最小限に抑え、ビジネスとの対話をサポートする方法• マイクロソフトがDevSecOpsとプラットフォームエンジニアリングをどう活用し、社内でのAI活用からグローバルでのAIサービス提供までを掘り下げます Microsoft Azure Bootcamp の全セッション情報はこちらからMicrosoft Azure Bootcamp - AIの無限の可能性を実用的なインパクトに変える- #AzureBootcamp  

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

SEP 12, 2024

13:00 - 14:00 (GMT)

Microsoft Virtual Briefing - Migrate VDI to AVD

Localized times:British Summer Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM BST (UTC+1:00)Central European Summer Time: 3:00PM - 4:00PM CEST (UTC+2:00)Eastern European Summer Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM EEST (UTC+3:00) We are thrilled to invite you to this exclusive event where you will have a unique opportunity to sit down with our fantastic subject matter experts to discover more on how Microsoft can revolutionize your work processes and empower your organization to achieve more!We will go through the following flow to migrate from on-premises RDS to Azure Virtual Desktop: Assess, Migrate, Manage and Optimize.These Briefings are designed to be an open platform where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and ultimately get real-world answers that you need. Our speakers will share their expert insights providing you the opportunity to discover the solutions to take your business to the next level.Who should attend: IT & Business leaders who are responsible for making decisionsIT professionals who manage their organizations infrastructureIf you are under the age of 16, registration is not permitted, as event-related data is stored and this violates current data protection laws for minors. Failure to comply will result in automatic cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals

Date and time

2024 SEP 12

14:00 - 15:00 (JST)


開催形式: ON24(オンライン)※本セッション言語は、英語となっており、日本語の字幕付きで配信されます。 MicrosoftのVice President Developer CommunityであるScott Hanselman、GitHubのVice PresidentであるScott Densmore、GitHubのDeveloper AdvocateであるKedasha Kerrによるトークセッションにぜひご参加ください。 AI支援プログラミングの力を活用し、コードからクラウドまで開発者の生産性を向上させるために不可欠なDevOpsのベストプラクティスを学びましょう。GitHubが提供する最新のイノベーションと、AI搭載ツールが開発者の効率向上にどう革新をもたらすかについて、業界の専門家からの洞察を得ることができます。 このセッションが見逃せない理由: 生産性を加速し、開発プロセスを強化するためのベストプラクティスを学べますGitHubの最新情報とイノベーションを理解することができますAIを使用して一般的な開発課題を克服するための実践的なヒントと戦略が学べます Microsoft Azure Bootcamp の全セッション情報はこちらからMicrosoft Azure Bootcamp - AIの無限の可能性を実用的なインパクトに変える- #AzureBootcamp  

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

2024 SEP 12

15:00 - 16:00 (JST)


開催形式: ON24(オンライン)※本セッション言語は、英語となっており、日本語の字幕付きで配信されます。 インテリジェントなアプリが登場し、人工知能(AI)がアプリに統合されたことは大きな出来事です。これは単なるトレンド追随ではなく、革新的な取り組みです。しかし、本当の課題は正しい方法で進めることです。つまり、新しいAI機能が便利で使いやすく、かつ確実に稼働するかどうかを確認することです。これらはアプリ開発者が真に注目すべき点です。 このセッションでは、次のことを説明します。• ユーザーエクスペリエンスの向上に焦点を当て、単なる「AIの追加」にとどまらず、新しいインテリジェントアプリの機能を構築する技術を掘り下げます。• 実稼働可能な方法でツールと機能の両方を展開し、AIを活用して既存のアプリケーションを最新化するための戦略を模索します。• クラウドネイティブアプリケーションとAPIの力を活用し、革新的なAI体験を創造します。 ご自身のAI変革にあたって必要なスキルを身につけましょう。今すぐご登録ください。 Microsoft Azure Bootcamp の全セッション情報はこちらからMicrosoft Azure Bootcamp - AIの無限の可能性を実用的なインパクトに変える- #AzureBootcamp  

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United States)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

2024 SEP 12

16:00 - 17:00 (JST)

Azure AI 導入のリアル:トップエキスパートが語る AI 導入戦略と現場の真実

開催形式: ON24(オンライン)※本セッション言語は、日本語となっております。 本セッションは パネルセッション形式で実施され、Azure 環境で様々な AI の導入プロジェクトに携わるスタートアップ企業の社長、世界的にも有名な Microsoft MVP、そしてマイクロソフトで一番 AI の提案を行う皆様から、一歩先を行く AI 導入の経験・知見を赤裸々に語っていただきます。 企業における AI 導入に対してどのような意思決定を行うのか、どのようにして選定を行うのか、他の Azure リソース連携や使い所、便利な点や苦労する点などを、実際の経験元に語って頂きます。ここでしか聞けない、注意点や、こんな所で大きな威力を発揮したなどのベストプラクティスをお届けします。 パネラー:後川 菜穂子株式会社merida代表取締役CEO 芝村 達郎株式会社ゼンアーキテクツ 畠山 大有日本マイクロソフト株式会社シニアクラウドソリューションアーキテクト  モデレータ:寺田 佳央Microsoft CorporationSenior Cloud Advocate Microsoft Azure Bootcamp の全セッション情報はこちらからMicrosoft Azure Bootcamp - AIの無限の可能性を実用的なインパクトに変える -   #AzureBootcamp

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Japanese

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers

Date and time

13 SEP 2024

09:00 - 17:00 (IST)

In Person: Fabric Analyst in a Day - Quadrant Resource LLC - Mumbai

Event format In Person

alt= Training

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives, Other Professionals

Date and time

SEP 13, 2024

09:00 - 12:00 (KST)

AI 시대의 클라우드 보안

AI시대의 보안시장의 동향과 Microsoft Azure 클라우드 보안에 관하여 알아보세요. 본 세션에서는 Microsoft CNAPP, Microsoft SecOps, Microsoft AI Security, Microsoft EASM 및 Azure 네트워크 보안 등 다양한 측면에서 각 주제에 대해 심도깊게 다룹니다. 세미나 및 실시간 Q&A를 통하여 보안 관련 궁금한 사항을 해결하고 비즈니스에 도움이 되시길 바랍니다. 

Event format Digital

Event delivery language Korean

alt= Briefing

Audience : IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Date and time

13 SEP 2024

15:00 - 16:30 (IST)

Microsoft Tech Brief: Accelerate App Migration to Azure App Service

Join us at Microsoft Tech Brief: Accelerate App Migration to Azure App Service, a free event, to find out how migrating apps to App Service can help you drive innovation and modernize your business. Learn how Azure Migrate makes it easier, faster, and more cost-effective to complete app migration projects on Azure App Service. Identify apps that can be migrated early to gain immediate benefits of Azure. Who should attend:    Chief technology, information, digital, and experience officers Vice presidents, general managers, and directors of architecture, software, and application development Cloud and solution architects IT practitioners App developers  Technical level:    This is an intermediate-level course. Attendees should be able to credibly discuss, offer perspective, and integrate technology from minimal practical experience. During this event, you’ll be able to:  Gain a deeper understanding of Azure App Service and why it is the ideal platform to help you quickly start running your web apps in the cloud. Evaluate the Azure portfolio and the available tools, like Azure Migrate, to accelerate your migration projects at no additional cost. Discover app migration strategies that helped other organizations innovate faster and achieve tangible savings. Here’s what you can expect:  EVENT PRESENTATION WelcomeKeynoteSolution overview: Migrating your web apps to Azure with minimal cost and effortDemoQuestion and answerClosing

Event format Digital

Event delivery language English (United Kingdom)

alt= Briefing

Audience : Developers, IT Professionals, Business Decision Makers, Executives

Date and time

SEP 16-17, 2024

08:00 - 22:45 (CET)

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day : Migrer et sécuriser les charges de travail Windows Server et SQL Server

Event format Digital

alt= Training

Audience : Developers

Date and time

SEP 16-17, 2024

10:00 - 12:15 (GMT)

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Migrate and Secure Windows Server and SQL Server Workloads

Event format Digital

alt= Training

Audience : Developers
